Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2173: Chu boy, you killed me!

Chapter 2155 Chu boy, you killed me!

But the current nirvana, if combined with Wanshou's siege of Duan Xiu, such strength was enough.

"Haha, Yin Tuan has always been a villain, and I never expected them!"

Seeing Ji Mie and Wan Shou faintly besieging them, Duan Xiong smiled boldly, and the odd-shaped short knife in his hand suddenly burst into black flames, "In that case, let you try my taste of the samurai sword of the nine prisons!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black flame burst out, and when the sky turned into nine rounds of black sun, lined up in the void.

With Duan Xiong's spiritual power urged, the nine rounds of black sun turned into nine big sword wheels, and the center of the sword wheels showed a world like hell. During the period, all kinds of miserable and terrifying, shocking.

Then, in a roar from Duan Xiong, the knife wheel spurred by the nine hells blasted down towards Wanshou and Nimie!

Wanshou screamed, and his wings slammed into bright white light, and the white light formed the appearance of flying feathers, laying a huge feather-like light curtain in the air.

Seeing the nine great **** blade wheels wrapped in the ruining power and suppressing the earth, Wanshou calmly resisted.

"Be careful, that old ghost will run away!"

Just when the huge **** knife wheel hit the Feiyu light curtain, an exclamation of silence came from below.

Wanshou's instinct was not good, but he found that the **** knife wheel blasted on the light curtain, and there was no huge pressure as expected, but instead it burst like a bubble with a bang, turning into a smashing flame, gradually Annihilated.

The Nine Hell Samsara Knife, which seemed to destroy the world and destroy the earth, was completely empty.

Wanshou screamed in his heart that it was not good, and his full defense did not receive a heavy blow as expected. It made him feel as if he was hitting the air with a punch. It was just when the old force was doing its best to continue, when he heard With a roar of Ji Mie, his heart sank.

On the other side, after the roar of Jixi, the body suddenly burst into brilliant brilliance, and his powerful and incomparable Yin Thunder Dao Sovereign Law was revealed in the sky.

It's just that he has not healed from his serious injury after all. Just as soon as the Yin Thunder Dao Monarch succeeded in condensing, a dazzling black light violently hit the Dao Monarch, smashing the Yin Thunder Dao Monarch in an instant.

Daojun Yin Lei only blocked this, but it was enough.

When the dazzling black light was about to rush out at the moment when Lord Yin Lei burst into pieces, a bright white light flashed, already forming a bright white feather wing in front.

The billowing white light mixed with the green light rushed down, forming an unbreakable wall of light, blocking the black light's path.

Hei Mang revealed a fierce human figure in mid-air, laughed, and bowed his hands heartily at Wanshou and Niubi.

"Two Dao brothers, I intend to promote the alliance of Wanmoling, Huangquanzong, Xietian Dao, and Nine Heavens as an elder Taishang, to carry this great calamity of the little immortal world. What do you think?"

Wanmoling, Huangquan Sect, and Xietian Dao are all well-known Demon Dao sects in the monk world, and there are many disciples trapped in the small fairy world, and it is also an extremely large force in the small fairy world today.

Wanshou looked at Duan Xiong in surprise, "I only now know that there really are such brazen people in the world!"

Ji Mie on the other side wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was smashed by Duan Xiong just after he condensed, and he suffered some injuries. However, the murderous intent and malice emanating from his body were not diminished. Old ghost Duan, today you must die!"

"When you've cultivated to the realm of you and me, what's the benefit of yelling and killing at every turn? As a cultivator, is there anything I can't sit down and talk about?"

Duan Xiong laughed, not at all angry.

"Speaking of which, although you Nine Heavens pride themselves on being authentic, I appreciate your style of doing things. The world is like refinement, striving for the front line. In this turbulent world, if there is no such dignity, sooner or later, I will be mediocre. In my capacity, it is enough to represent the power of the magic way. If we join forces, where can this little fairy world not go?"

Duan Xiong's eyes were burning.

"Furthermore, if we join forces, even those rats in Yin Tuan don't have to be afraid! At that time, we can run rampant in the small fairy world. As long as we find some opportunities, we can pull out the old ghosts in Yin Tuan one by one. And kill them. How many treasures they hid, they are really uncountable..."

Duan Xiong, who was talking endlessly, secretly buckled a handprint.

The next moment, the entire space exploded!

The void collapsed...

This piece of void that hides the Seven-Star Array was originally bombarded and faltered due to the battles of several Yuanhai Realm experts. At this time, a forbidden device hidden deep in the void by Duan Xiong was activated, and finally collapsed completely, triggering an extremely terrifying void collapse.

Except for the area where the Seven Star Magic Array was located, the ancient forbidden guardian, the entire space was completely destroyed.

What is outside of space?

The endless chaotic turbulence raged like a storm. In an instant, everyone felt that they were covered by a flood of turbulence.

This terrifying chaotic turbulence is enough to make a strong person of the Tianhe rank fall instantly, and even Shenhe will suffer severe damage.

Therefore, in the first place, Wanshou and Jixi opened their spiritual shields to protect and hold Hengtian, Dongyuan, and Bujiao.

Going to see Duan Xiong again, he saw that he was already driving the leaf flat boat and fleeing towards the depths of the chaos.

Faintly, you could see Xia Hua on the Bianzhou waving constantly at the two of them.


Wanshou gritted his teeth, coldly bursting out a word.

There is chaos first and then there is heaven. Without the blessing of heaven, earth and space, the depths of chaos would be a lifeless extremity for any creature.

Only by cultivating into a myth can the strong with the "realm of the gods" be able to walk freely in the depths of chaos.

The strong of Yuanhai Realm can persist in the chaos for a period of time, but absolutely cannot persist for too long.

Without the blessing of heaven, earth and space ~www.ltnovel.com~ the chaos can't replenish spiritual power, and one point will be reduced by one point.

Most of the Qi-returning pills that Jiutian carried were in the hands of Wanshou Jijie. Duan Xiong had always been accustomed to alone. Anyway, the materials to restore spiritual power must be limited.

Therefore, if it is exhausted, Jiu Tian is really fearless of anyone, so in the first place, Wanshou decisively issued the order to pursue it.

He took the three of Hengtian Dongyuan and Bu Jiao into his spiritual shield at one time, and then followed Ji Mie one after another towards Duan Xiong's Bianzhou.

"The kid surnamed Chu, really hurt me!!"

Duan Xiong's expression was extremely melancholy, feeling the two storm-like auras behind him.

"It's a miscalculation. It's a miscalculation. The pills of the old ghosts in Jiutian were prepared for dozens or hundreds of people, and the pill of the old man was only prepared to be consumed by himself... If the servant is really cruel in this chaos Chasing to the end, the old man is in danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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