Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2174: The evolutionary path of ancient aliens

Chapter 2156 The Evolution Of Ancient Beasts

"Senior, don't worry."

Seeing Duan Xiong gritted his teeth there, Xia Hua said with a light smile.

"Senior is not really desperate and chaotic, just a strategic retreat. The seven-star magic circle can be activated every few hours. Seniors only need to pay attention to a large circle and always keep a certain distance from the seven-star magic circle, waiting for the magic circle. It’s fine to go back as soon as possible when urging. Why should I be afraid of spending a few hours?"


Duan Xiong suddenly lit up when he heard the words, and nodded, "It is true, the seven-star magic circle has ancient forbidden blessings, so don't worry about it being destroyed by the chaotic turbulence. Just a few hours..."

"It's just that the kid surnamed Chu is really hateful. If it weren't for his calculations, how could the old man be so embarrassed!"

Just a moment of relief in his heart, Duan Xiong suddenly became angry again.


the other side.

After Chu Chen refined the pure Jun sword soul, a teleportation array appeared in the vast space. After the ancient music club and others stepped into the array, they came to another dimension.

It is obvious that the spiritual power in the surrounding heaven and earth seems to have become heavier, and it seems to be deterred by some force.

Cultivating in this kind of place is much more difficult than the outside world. This kind of deterrent force is everywhere. Obviously, this place is closer to the core of the land of the gods.

In other words, this is the core of the Land of God's Fall.

A huge black tower stands between the vast sky and the earth, with six sides and nine floors. The bottom layer is the highest, with a hundred feet.

The upper eight floors are gradually getting shorter. There is a bead standing on the top of the tower. The outer surface of the bead is translucent, and there seems to be haze flowing in the interior, which looks very wonderful.

The tower is covered with ancient lines, and when you look closely, it seems like two giant pythons entangled together.

An incomparably ancient and vast aura hits his face, and even brings Chu Chen a very strong sense of familiarity.

This ancient aura seems to be very similar to the aura exuded by that ancient temple in Wangtian Ancient City.

This is the breath of the ancient gods, older than the mythological era, and can even be traced back to the prehistoric period.

"Swallowing Python!"

Staring at the python lines on the tower for a long time, Ren Cangling suddenly exclaimed!

"What is a swallowing python?"

Chu Chen asked suspiciously, now that he knows a lot of secrets about the monk world, but compared with Ren Cangling's old qualification, he is still a lot worse.

"That is a kind of creature from the early giant beast era in the legend, and it has been extinct in the world for several times!"

Ren Cangling took a deep breath, seeming to be desperately suppressing his surprise.

For the entire history of heaven and earth, the human world has actually left a lot, and only a few words of ancient relics can infer some clues.

For example, before the age of mythology, the heavens and the earth were ruled by ancient gods. Most of those ancient gods were strangely shaped, or human heads and animal bodies, or three heads and six arms, or animal heads and bird bodies.

The gods of the mythological age dominated by human figures, some also called the new gods or human gods, defeated the ancient gods and gained the power of heaven and earth, and created the splendid and incredible civilization of the mythical age.

The ancient gods are the behemoths born in the prehistoric times.

The history of the prehistoric era has basically become a legend, but there is a thread that is extremely obvious.

That is, the Primordial Era can be basically divided into three periods:

In the early days of the Great Desolation, many giant beasts fought, and the world was in chaos.

At that time, the power of heaven and earth was not obvious, and various giant beasts were rampant on the wild land, and various races fought into a ball. Therefore, this era is also called the age of giant beasts.

In the middle period of the great famine, the beast races dominated by true dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and golden crows won the final victory in the war, gained authority over the world, set the rules for the evolution of the beasts, and ruled the entire world.

From then on, the path of the evolution of various ancient beasts was to evolve towards the goal of the beast race.

A pig can evolve into a unicorn, a sparrow can evolve into a phoenix, and a snake can evolve into a real dragon... The evolution of mythical beasts pointed the way to the ancient beasts.

Therefore, this era is also called the era of the beasts.

At the end of the Great Desolation, the power of heaven and earth collapsed, the heaven and the earth lost order again, and many sacred beasts and giant beasts hybridized with each other, giving birth to various strange-shaped ancient gods. This era is also called the age of ancient gods.

It is also formally connected with the history of the myth age.

Sky-swallowing python is a kind of creature that only existed in the early days of giant beasts.

At that time, the evolutionary path of snake creatures was not clear. It did not follow the path of snakes turning into dragons and snakes into dragons.

Various snake races have their own evolutionary path, and the evolutionary path of the Sky-Swallowing Python family is unrestricted devouring.

Consume all kinds of creatures without limit, make one's body bigger, contain more power, and become stronger.

It is conceivable that this evolutionary path will reach the end, or it will be inadequate to swallow, and finally starve to death.

Either the body is too large and heavy, so that he can't even manipulate it, thus becoming the blood food of other giant beasts.

Therefore, in the Era of Giant Beasts, the Sky-Swallowing Python family had not waited for the establishment of the evolution of the true dragon, and they had already become extinct.

In fact, there are many beast races on this road, such as chaos with no faces and four wings, such as the brain-eating magic brain and so on.

If the Jukun clan had not finally realized the art of transforming a dragon and became a Kunpeng, it would have been unavoidable to destroy the clan.

At this moment, in the core area of ​​the Land of Fallen God, the totem of the Sky-Swallowing Python was actually seen on the tower of the seal. How could Ren Cangling not be surprised?

If the totem of the swallowing python is true, the history of the tower of the seal is much longer than that of the ancient temple ~www.ltnovel.com~ and it makes people more eager to explore.

"The tower of the seal is actually inscribed with the totem of the swallowing python, is there some connection between the myth of the fall of this **** and the age of giant beasts?

This is very interesting. "

Chu Chen nodded lightly, and walked over first.

The gods and the ancient gods are deadly enemies, but the relationship between the gods and the beasts is very good.

But I don't know if the gods and giant beasts are also deadly enemies? In this way, the identities of the two myths that have fallen here are worthy of scrutiny.

Everyone followed Chu Chen and walked forward, but they hadn't gotten close to the Seal Tower yet, and everyone's expressions changed drastically!

Everyone in the Ancient Music Society seemed to have touched some kind of restriction. The totem of the tower of the Sealed Tower that was hundreds of feet high suddenly "lived". It was completely alive in the literal sense. The invisible totem peeled off the tower. In the thick black light, they turned into two huge black pythons.

(End of this chapter)

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