Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2175: Test the ancient gods

Chapter 2157: Test the Ancient God

This is imprinted with intangibility and tangibility, a simple totem, and it has been resurrected to become a real swallowing python!

Immediately afterwards, the two black sky swallowing pythons began to intertwined like the shape engraved on the totem.

Guan Ying's face suddenly turned red, and she covered Qingsun's eyes.

Dissatisfied Qingsun Boy shouted: "Sister Guan, why are you covering my eyes??"

No one cares about the child’s dissatisfaction. Just before everyone’s eyes, the two black giant pythons entangled with each other bursting into a black glow, and then they merged into one, becoming a brand new creature, a human body. The goddess of snake tail!

His long black hair fell down like waves, but under his black hair was amazing white skin.

Eyes are like stars and moons, Qiong mouths and noses, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "looks like a fairy".

Under the rugged and beautiful body, there is a black snake tail. At this moment, the snake tail will not only look ugly, but it will set off her peerless elegance.

It seems that this kind of match is what it should be, and it makes people feel shocked at a glance, but they can't be forgotten for a long time.

Compared with this snake-tailed goddess, even the smoky and charming nightmare seems to have fallen behind.

This snake-tail goddess is extremely beautiful, but her eyes are extremely plain, which is plain without the slightest mood swing.

After manifesting her true body in the void, she suddenly opened her lips and swallowed the tower of seal hundreds of feet high into her abdomen.

Yes, this beautiful and unspeakable snake-tail goddess is thousands of feet tall, it is really huge and unspeakable, much larger than the king-level ancient beast.

"What a big beauty snake!!"

Pulling off Guan Ying's hand covering her eyes, Qingsun Boy exclaimed.

"Well, it's really big."

Chu Chen nodded and gave a very pertinent evaluation.

"Brother Chu, what you said is not the same thing as what I said!" Qingsun Boy murmured dissatisfiedly, but he quickly evoked a violent chestnut. When he turned his head, he saw Guan Yingliu with raised eyebrows, her eyes filled It is the flame of anger.

"Be careful, this ancient **** is very murderous!"

Ren Cangling stopped everyone's mischief with a low shout.

Just before everyone's eyes, the snake-tail goddess' eyes that were so plain that there was no fluctuation at all turned to look at them, then opened her mouth and let out a breath.

The air wave swelled against the storm, and in an instant it turned into a dark green poisonous fog, and it came turbulently.

Even if they are far apart, everyone can still smell a sweet and greasy aroma, and feel sore and weak in an instant.

One by one couldn't help feeling shocked, this poisonous gas is so powerful!

"Everyone, be careful, hold your breath!"

Chu Chen gave a low yell, and his arm shook, and a pale golden circle of fire spread out, instantly radiating to a range of tens of meters, forming a flame shield.

The poisonous mist fell on the flames and suddenly sizzled, and large swaths of thick smoke rose up, which looked very crippling.

"Sister Beauty Snake, don't open your mouth if you have bad breath, okay!"

Qingsun Boy chuckled and took out an ancient brass ancient bow from the storage ring. Then he picked up a bronze arrow and shot it out instantly. There was a terrifying scream in the air, and the bronze arrow branched. As a green light, rushed towards the front.

The enemy was too powerful, and everyone did not dare to swarm them easily. Ren Cangling decided to let Qingsun take the lead in testing.


In the screaming sound of a snake, a figure burst out of the billowing poisonous mist, and it was the goddess of snake tail.

It's just that she has shrunk to the size of a normal human being, no longer a huge body that is thousands of feet high, and looks even more stunning.

The goddess Snake Tail was holding a bronze feather arrow in her right hand, which was the one shot by Qingsun.

"After finally refining this ancient magic weapon, I will use it to explode you!"

Qingsun smiled and leaped up, keeping a distance from the large group so as not to arouse everyone.

While in the air, he directly drew out three bronze feather arrows, stretched them full, and shot them.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Three bursts of air sounded incessantly, but the eyes of the snake-tail goddess surrounded by the poisonous mist brightened, and a flame of fire came out from the left eye to the bronze arrow, which soon burned into a pile of ashes.

A blue-white icy gas burst out from his right eye, freezing a feather arrow into shatters.

Then he fished with his left hand and held the last arrow firmly in his hand.

"Stupid snake, do you think I shoot the same arrow every time?"

Qingsun quickly moved his hand to the west, but saw that the feather arrow that was caught in the left hand by the snaketail goddess exploded, instantly splitting into dozens of hundreds of fine needles, and shot at her like a dense rain.

The Goddess Snake-tail frowned, but did not respond.

Hundreds of fine ox hair needles slammed into her skin half an inch between them, and it was faintly visible that there seemed to be lines of translucent scales on the surface of her skin that was as slippery as fat. .

"She has a lin armor body, and she has to find the key points!"

Qingsun began a guerrilla warfare. He galloped around the goddess of snaketail and opened his bow again. This time, six feather arrows were directly on the ancient bow, and this was the limit of Qingsun's control of this ancient bow.

One group after another group of six feather arrows shot at the snaketail goddess from different directions, and the sky was like rain.

Guan Ying also left the team to make a shot, forming a flanking blow with Qingsun.

A small and exquisite feather fan appeared in her hand, and with all her strength, the two feather knives on the fan bones burst out suddenly, spinning in the void towards the goddess of snake tail.

I don't know what the dark green poisonous mist is. Everyone is very careful and dare not easily engage in close combat, so they mainly use long-range magical weapons.

There was no expression on the face of the Serpent Tail Goddess, as if the immortal ice.

Floating in the air, her two beautiful white jade arms waved flexibly in the air, and they blocked all the feather arrows when they were not allowed to pass.

At the same time, **** and one pluck ~www.ltnovel.com~ to knock those two feathers away.

It's just that the feather is also very mysterious, and after being knocked into the air, it whirled around in the void and continued to chop off at the Serpent Tail Goddess.

The edges of the feathers shone with cold light, and they were obviously extremely sharp. They were basically two feather knives.

"She must have a weakness, and our attack can hurt her. Since she is there to stop her with her hands, it must be because of her weakness!"

Qingsun kept putting down arrows, warning everyone.

"Anyone can tell, stop talking nonsense, make your feather arrow a little more tricky, and quickly find her weakness."

Ren Cangling let out a low roar, and also went out to attack. The three of them formed a triangle encirclement. His eyes sank, urging his sun and moon wheels.

The circular sun wheel spins and protrudes six blades, forming a terrifying blade wheel to cut it off. The meniscus-shaped moon wheel was immersed in the thick mist, waiting for an opportunity to issue a fatal blow.

(End of this chapter)

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