Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2191: Chu Chen is the leader of the formation

Chapter 2173 Chu Chen is the leader of the formation

In the ordinary course of battle, there is no time and opportunity to arrange the formation.

Chu Chen was waiting for an opportunity to set up an array just now during the battle with Hengtian. What did he do?

When the formation becomes 10%, at least the people in the Ancient Music Society will become a little safer...

Boom boom boom...

Hengtian, Dongyuan, and Yin Tuan's black-clothed dragon teeth were too urging to bombard the puppets against the large array frantically.

However, whether it was the extremely powerful Hercules Demon Fist or the imposing Baidi Fist, it was like a storm smashing the shore when it bombarded a large formation.

Although the tide-like attacks seem to be spectacular, they actually did not actually harm the reefs on the shore.

The light curtain formed by the Great Void Xuanhuang Formation was extremely stable under the bombardment of the three powerhouses, and the dark yellow light mask really stood still like a heavy mountain range at this moment.

The sea-less old demon was not in a hurry to make a move at this time, because the ancient music club is dead, it is better to let the Shenhe juniors play a game first to show their generosity and demeanor.

"Shut up the sky!"

Seeing that the Baidiquan that bombarded the day was still unable to break through the protective array, Hengtian's patience finally disappeared completely.

With a roar, a taboo secret technique was used.

As he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed forward, a bright white light suddenly penetrated from his fingertips.

At the same time, the Baidi figure on his body suddenly became extremely dim, almost completely extinguished.

The bright blazing white finger light penetrates the void, fiercely drilling on the dark yellow light mask of the large void Xuanhuang array.

The pupils of Qingsun and Qingyuan in the big formation couldn't help but began to shrink.

At the next moment, the circular mask, centered on the point where the finger light hits, suddenly rippled like water waves.

Under the rippling waves, the blazing white finger light also disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few breaths, the blazing white fingers had disappeared completely.

And the light mask of the Great Void Xuanhuang Formation... is still intact.

Everyone in the ancient music club breathed a sigh of relief.

"How could this be!!"

If the bombardment just now was invalid, he could still accept it in his heart.

Seeing that his strongest blow failed, Hengtian's heart was filled with depression and collapse.

Jietianyizhi is one of the most powerful tactics in the inheritance of Baidi's exercises, even known as a taboo magical power.

The five elements of the Baidi belong to gold, so this Tianyizhi is not only a supernatural power, but also a sword.

Hengtian is confident that if he talks about the power of attack and kill between square inches, Jietian Yizhi is definitely better than Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Array.

But now, in the face of the Great Void Xuanhuang Formation, the strongest blow came back in vain, completely breaking Hengtian mentality...

On the other side, Dong Yuan, who knew how to form a powerful formation, gave a dreadful expression, and he did not hesitate to use his most powerful attacking technique so far, nine heavy blows!

As he shouted, an ancient Hercules demon with an ancient, vast body covered with black scales, three acute horns on its head and four wings behind it appeared behind him.

It stretched its arms, and suddenly waves of black tide appeared around its body.

It was a tide formed purely by the spiritual power of the Hercules demon, and each strand of such spiritual power weighed thousands of kilograms, so that the terrifying power of the Hercules demon could be easily moved.

But now, this kind of spiritual power has formed a sea tide!

In the next second, while Dong Yuan was fully urging, the first wave of the first wave, with the support of the Hercules Demon Illusion behind him, slammed into the Big Void Xuanhuang Formation.

Everyone in the ancient music society in the formation, except for Chu Chen, couldn't help becoming nervous again.

The huge wave slapped on the dark yellow mask, bursting out with a earth-shaking roar. But still did not shake this powerful formation.

The broken wave did not completely disappear, but rippled back again.

Immediately afterwards, as the second wave blasted out, the strength of the first wave was fully gathered and blessed above the second wave...

This is the power of the nine blows of the gods and demons!

Each bombardment is actually a charge, and each bombardment can perfectly inherit the strength of the previous blow.

It's endless like the tide.

At the ninth blow, you can instantly burst out nine times the ultimate power!

Boom boom boom...

The Hercules demon roared again and again, and for the Dong Yuan who had reached a small level in this set of exercises, he clearly felt that he was more comfortable with the operation of the Hercules demon illusion.

If he can break through the bottleneck and enter the Yuanhai, then this Hercules magical illusion can become a real law, and a huge force that can unload the world will erupt!

The bombardment was endless, and finally, when all the power of the Hercules demon spirit was gathered, a ninth blow with a full nine times the might of a heavy bombardment on the Great Void Profound Yellow Array.

The light curtain formed by the entire formation was rippling like water waves.

Layers of water waves radiate continuously to the surroundings, dissolving the terrible impact without a trace.

Dong Yuan's strongest blow also failed.

"The defensive power of this big Void Profound Yellow Formation is so strong?"

Looking at this scene from a distance, Zhengtai in black was a little frightened. In fact, whether it is Hengtian’s Shutianyizhi or Dongyuan’s Nine Strikes of the gods and demons, it is almost comparable to some Yuanhai realm secret arts in terms of power. The power of it.

They are helpless with this array...

At this moment, he even had an impulse to catch Chu Chen alive, wanting to learn this array technique desperately!

Finally, Hengtian, Dongyuan and Longyajiang all stopped, looking back at Jiji and Wanshou helplessly.

This big Void Xuanhuang Formation is simply a tortoise shell, making it impossible for people to speak.

Within the light curtain of the formation, Ren Cangling, Qingyuan, Guan Ying, and Qingsun are doing their utmost to swallow the healing pills to recover from their injuries.

Knowing that the formation is reliable ~www.ltnovel.com~ They don't care about everything about the outside world, and they can't care about it.

Up to now, only by regaining some strength can we have a little more chance to survive in the next confrontation, and no one will waste it.

"Boy, are you going to just keep consuming like this?"

The expression on Wanshou's face did not change much, but he looked at Chu Chen coldly, "Although this tortoise shell is hard, it is also fragile under my hands. If you don't have other means, you can only die. This It’s the strength you said before to leave me a whole body. At this level, you dare to challenge us for three days. It’s not like your style. Could it be that death is imminent, panic, and then rant?"

As he spoke, he shook his head, which was a pity.

"Don't underestimate him, this kid has always been scheming and slippery. There have been several times in a desperate situation, but he has been able to escape without danger. This time I am here to attack, you come to suppress the battle, make sure he Just don't run away."

Unlike Wanshou's cold and arrogant, Duan Xiong's face was full of solemnity.

(End of this chapter)

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