Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2192: Duan Xiong was blown up by Chu Chen

Chapter 2174 Duan Xiong was blown up by Chu Chen

Duan Xiong strode forward with a cold snort, and in two steps he reached the Da Xukong Xuanhuang Formation.

Dong Yuan and Heng Tian stepped back quickly, knowing that the next battle at this level, at this level, they couldn't participate.

It was only an appetizer before, now the dinner is here! !

Hei Yizheng frowned too much, and also squeezed Fa Jue to drive Longfang back.

With a big laugh, Duan Xiong didn't have any more nonsense, the attack started!

With a wave of his big sleeve, a black flame suddenly rose into the sky, filling the entire void in an instant!

Billowing black flames rose up, and the temperature in the void also rose rapidly.

Hengtian and Dongyuan's complexion changed drastically, and they quickly retreated hundreds of feet away.

The black-clothed Zhengtai's dragon teeth will retreat a bit more slowly, and a black flame is attached to his arm, and the entire arm is rapidly burning and melting.

Heiyi Zhengtai's complexion changed, and his heart moved at will. The dragon tooth slashed his left body with the wide-blade giant sword in his right hand, and directly cut off the entire shoulder and the small half of his body, and finally escaped from the black flames. Burning.

Faced with such an impact, the black-clothed Zhengtai face sank as water.

The billowing black flame radiated out and enveloped the entire space.

The black flame clings to the big void Xuanhuang array, sticking directly to the mask like hot oil and burning violently.

And the place where the mask was burned began to wilt and shrink rapidly.

"This old guy... bullies people purely by his cultivation!"

In the formation, Chu Chen raised her eyebrows, her eyes narrowed.

The black inflammation that Duan Xiong released was not a magical secret technique, it was purely a direct ignited by using his body's vast and vigorous spiritual power cultivation base.

This pure spiritual power is, in terms of quality, even more refined than the base spiritual power of the Great Void Xuanhuang Formation itself, and it can directly burn the formation at will.

To put it bluntly, Duan Xiong's move is pure consumption.

With its own spiritual power cultivation base and the spiritual power of the Great Void Xuanhuang Formation are consumed.

Generally speaking, this kind of internal force competition is very stupid, because the spiritual power in Duan Xiao's body comes from his own painstaking practice.

The Big Void Profound Yellow Array is an array method, and this array method itself can refine the aura of heaven and earth into the spiritual power of the array itself.

The spiritual power that Chu Chen needed to consume was just a driving force.

That is to say, the strong of Yuanhai Realm can be so self-willed, and drop ten guilds with a single force.

In this case, in the face of the terrifying defensive power of the Great Void Xuanhuang Formation, this method of competing for internal forces seems stupid, but it is the most effective and convenient way.

Duan Xiong was confident, no matter how strong Chu Chen showed, the cultivation base in his body would definitely not be able to compare with him!

Sure enough, when the billowing black flames covered the light shield of the large void mysterious yellow array, the range covered by the array light shield began to shrink rapidly.

In just a few breaths, it was a full circle.

"Do you really think that your Yuanhai's spiritual power is endless?"

Chu Chen made a sound and moved his fingers, and the spiritual power in his body began to surging out.

After a while, a pair of huge golden wings broke out, turning into a golden bird and rushing into the big empty black and yellow array.

The shaky guardian light curtain was supplemented by the spiritual power of this Jinpeng light and shadow, and quickly stabilized.

Letting the black fire burn, it didn't shrink even an inch.

At the next moment, in Duan Xiong's surprised eyes, the golden spiritual light curtain actually began to expand rapidly!

"This kid... how dare he!"

The golden light curtain expanded rapidly, and even quickly pushed in front of him.

Feeling his body being pushed back by the majestic force of the guardian formation, Duan Xiong was really frightened and angry.

He really couldn't imagine where this kid who had only the Spirit River realm in front of him had the confidence to use his spiritual power against him!

"The mayfly shakes the tree, and it's beyond your own control!"

After the initial anger, Duan Xiong was also drawn out of real fire.

With a low growl, the spiritual power in his body was urged out crazily.

I saw the black flames all around violently thriving, and then quickly twisted and condensed, forming nine black fire dragons.

The billowing black flame rose with tsunami-like pressure on the fire dragon.

Nine huge and incomparable fire dragons connected end to end, instantly forming a lock, which was firmly locked around the light curtain of the Great Void Xuanhuang Formation.

Being locked by these nine fire dragons, the formation light curtain could no longer be expanded, and it suddenly became a stalemate.

For a time, the phoenix in the void was vertical and horizontal, and spiritual power was splashing.

The dark yellow light curtain and the black magic flame rushed and collided with each other in the void, emitting a series of continuous roars, and the whole shaking world seemed to tremble slightly.

However, a discerning person can easily tell that in this contest of spiritual power against consumption, Hei Yan has the upper hand.

The nine black fire dragons completely locked the formation light curtain and attacked from nine directions at the same time. The large-scale light curtain was burned and eroded by the black flames, and layers of auras were constantly flashing on the array light curtain to supplement the consumption, but it was obviously a little overwhelming.

No matter how deep the background is, Chu Chen is still very reluctant to fight against a strong Yuanhai realm.

"Boy, if you struggle like this, you will definitely die in the end."

A smile appeared on Duan Xiong's face. After all, Chu Chen was still young, and he didn't know what he used to be one of the top ten powerful men.

The nine black fire dragons seem to be locks, but they are actually chains, linking the base of the Great Void Xuanhuang Formation.

Now the entire formation has been forcibly linked together by him. Now Chu Chen couldn't do it even if he wanted to withdraw his spiritual power without exhausting it.

No matter how many backgrounds Chu Chen has, how many hole cards he has.

Up to now, his whole body's spiritual power has been forcibly linked to his body by Duan Xiu.

The spiritual power cultivation bases in the two people are not under their control, and they can be used as a hedge against each other. Unless one of them runs out of spiritual power, it will never stop.

Once one of them fails, then his whole body's essence cultivation base will become the other's nourishment.

Even the soul and consciousness will be completely controlled by the opponent, thus forcibly refining to become a war slave!

This is the secret technique at the bottom of Duan's fierce pressure box... Nine Nether Soul Slayer!

Soul-eater, terrible ~www.ltnovel.com~ can be over, don't let them play, our time is precious. "

When the faraway Wanshou saw this scene, there was a glimmer of cold light in his pupils, and he looked at the silence beside him.

Ji Mie quickly understood what he meant, nodded and took a deep breath, his face suddenly turned pale.

Then, a gray dagger appeared in his hand.

It was purely a short sword formed by a ray of gray phosgene, with a foot-long blade that was endless, without any earth-shattering power.

But in an instant, the whole world suddenly smelled of deadness.

This feeling is very abrupt, as if the cold winter is coming, everything is withered, and the whole world is dead.

However, everyone present is a giant with a high level of cultivation. They have long been invaded by the cold and heat, so how can they feel somehow the cold winter is coming?

(End of this chapter)

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