Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2193: Destruction

Chapter 2175 Destruction Technique

The faint of silence became more and more intense, and everyone's eyes fell on Ji Ji at the same time, and at the same time remembered a legend.

The powerhouse of Yuanhai Realm was already only one step away from Shinto.

Before setting up the gods, some powerful people will summarize their lifelong practice, and finally form a set of final skills that are unique to themselves and unique in the world...

Destruction technique!

It was the ultimate skill that could truly destroy the heavens and the earth, and represented the pinnacle power that humans could release before becoming a demigod.

The destruction technique of every Yuanhai Realm powerhouse is his final hole card. Of course, it also represents an unimaginable great power.

And the destruction technique of nirvana is his own name, "nirvana".

No one has seen this trick, because everyone who has seen it is dead.

This kind of trick appears very rarely. Many Yuanhai realm experts will not necessarily use their destructive skills even when they are in desperation. After all, they can mix in Yuanhai realm. Others dare not say that the cards to save their lives must be endless. .

Earlier, under the control of Chu Chen, Duan Xiong, Nightmare, Zhengtai in black, plus Chu Chen himself, the four powerhouses joined forces to besiege Wanshou and Ninety, the survival of the nine days is at stake, and no one has ever used him. Destroying skills, one can imagine the terrifying and scarcity of this ultimate skill.

And now, everyone is finally going to experience a destruction technique.

No one said the answer, but everyone's eyes were instinctively focused on Ji Ji, especially the gray sword light in his hand.

At this moment, the breath radiating from the sword light is so lonely...

It's not aura, it's not demonic energy, it's not the derivation of aura in the general sense, such as evil spirits.

It was the purest smell of withering, death, and dying.

It's like the life span of the entire world has reached its end. From the sky, from the earth, from every inch of space, from every wisp of breeze, there is a breath of dying, decayed, dead silence.

Silently, the black inflammation that filled the world slowly extinguished.

The nine black fire dragons connected end to end also began to become listless, and even showed signs of collapse.

The glorious large void Xuan Huang array light curtain dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's like someone cast a gray curtain on the whole world.

And the end of that curtain...

It is the short sword in the hands of Nirvana.

Ren Cangling closed his eyes tightly, his face pale as paper.

Just now, he smelled a stink radiating from himself...

That's the smell that comes from very old people in the world. The odor has nothing to do with personal hygiene. It is purely the smell of life that is about to reach the end of life, and the body begins to decay and die from the inside out.

That is the smell of life dying.

Guan Ying felt that she had burst into tears unknowingly, and wiped her cheeks, only to realize that the tears were as red as blood. Something seemed to have been touched faintly. It was hidden in the deepest part of the soul. The once inexplicable feeling of destruction, death, and grief, even if only a little bit, made her burst into tears without knowing it. Orbital.

That is the feeling of soul death.

Qing Sun's hands fell weakly, his eyes fixed on Chu Chen, and he suddenly realized that even if he worked hard to cultivate for a lifetime, he might never reach Chu Chen's strength.

That kind of strength to be able to fight against the strong Yuanhai in the Linghe Realm is really desperate in people's hearts.

That's the feeling of dream dying.

As for Qingyuan, she shook her head and glanced at Chu Chen, with only two thoughts in her mind.

The first thought was to be able to die here and to die with Chu Chen, which seemed to be a good ending.

People are always going to die, the ancient gods are all gone, let alone now?

It's nothing more than the difference between early death and late death. It’s a good thing to be able to die with your sweetheart.

The second thought is... what a terrible destruction technique, what a terrible "death"!

This "destruction" is currently only a charge-up stage, and has not really been issued. But its breath has penetrated into the heavens and the earth, into the depths of human souls, and into human flesh and bones.

This breath disintegrated all vitality, fighting spirit, dreams, progress, etc., from the inside out, and brought death, decay, and decay to everyone.

The aura radiated by this energy accumulation alone was enough to kill a monk whose cultivation level was insufficient in the Divine River Realm.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a long time, maybe just a moment.

When everyone recovered from the inexplicable negative emotions, they saw that the dagger in the hands of Nirvana had disappeared.

He held an empty sword hilt, and then slammed in the direction where Chu Chen was!

In an instant, centered on the hilt in Ji Ji's hand, a layer of gray appeared in the entire world.

Following his stabbing action, the gray spread instantly, towards Chu Chenyong.

All the grays rushed towards Chu Chen alone!

No one knows what that gray is, but when they look at the wisp of gray, a hysterical horror and horror rises in everyone's heart.

Wherever the gray passed, the fierce black flame quickly extinguished, and the void shattered, like a stone that had corroded hundreds of millions of years, and annihilated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gray crossed the void, covered the black flame, and descended on the light curtain of the large void Xuanhuang formation.

Silently, the dark yellow light curtain quickly collapsed and melted...It was like a shell of ice under the scorching sun, without any resistance!

Chu Chen's eyes instantly became extremely solemn...

The gray spread silently, and there was no earth-shaking phosgene explosion, but it was this silent annihilation and erosion that brought people even more fear.

Just as the hazy gray was about to cover Chu Chen's body, a sudden change occurred, and a black "wall" suddenly appeared in front of Chu Chen.


The vastness of the black wall ~www.ltnovel.com~ is endlessly facing gray.

A black wall was melted by gray, but more black walls continued to rush out and consumed, as if endless.

Soon, the speed of gray dissolution was not as fast as the black wall appeared.

It took only a few breaths before and after, and the black wall had already emerged, completely consuming all the gray.

The black wall is rolling, endless, raging!

No, it's not like a tide, it's a real tide.

When the black wall stretched over the entire void, everyone discovered that it turned out to be an endless black tide.

The thick black tide surrounded Chu Chen and the people of the Ancient Music Society as if it were night, and it was like a thick night, protecting them.

(End of this chapter)

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