Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2198: Extinction

Chapter 2180 Desperate Death

After only one breath, the light of the Dayan Fengtian Sword, which was originally five-color divine light, magnificent, and seemingly capable of cutting the earth, shone abnormally.

First, a fiery flame burst out, followed by a large mushroom cloud, and then a cloud of orchids...

After a while, there was a loud rumbling, and the entire Dayan Fengtian Sword exploded in an instant!

From a distance, a thick phosgene burst out of the huge sea of ​​seals, and then billions of water splashes burst into the sky, shooting in all directions, like water dragons leaping out.

The power that was originally used to cut the void link with the real sea of ​​seals exploded in an instant, but the terrifying power was completely wasted on the water itself full of flexible power.

At the moment the Dayan Fengtian Sword exploded, the giant sea water besieging Wanshou and others collapsed in half.

Its terrifying air wave directly lifted Wanshou and others.

If it weren't for a few people to promptly activate the bodyguard aura, I'm afraid they will be injured in this accident!

The eruption of a destructive skill is basically equivalent to the self-destruction of a strong Yuanhai realm!

After a long time, the tumbling phosgene and waves gradually subsided.

Wan Shou, Ji Mie, and Duan Xi saw the scene on the sea, and their eyes jumped violently.

In front of the three of them, a palm composed of sea water emerged from the calm sea.

With the black-clothed Zhengtai lying in his palm... he completely endured the explosion of the Dayan Fengtian Sword at close range, and the peerless genius in the hidden group was already covered in blood and blood.

He had fainted a long time ago, his body's spiritual power was exhausted, and he was dying. The fire of life is like a candle in the wind, extinguishing at any time.

Everyone was silent...

Was dying by his own destructive skills, this guy is afraid to create the history of the monastic world.

Right in front of the three of them, the palm of the sea holding the black-clothed Zhengtai slowly tightened...

There is no declaration, no cold snort, no struggle and no burst of air.

The figure of the black-clothed Zhengtai was no longer seen in the slowly clenched palm, only a mass of blood spilled from the fingers, silently, giving everyone a sense of hysterical shock.

Look, even if it is a strong Yuanhai realm, when he really dies, he is no different from a worldly mortal.

Squeezing him to death is no different from squeezing an ant.

The palm of the sea water slowly sank into the sea, and the sealed hands of the besieging Duan Xiong and others sank into the sea at the same time.

For a while, the surface of the entire Sealed Sea was generally still, but the hearts of Wanshou, Duan Xiu, and Jixi were not at all relaxed.

Since the start of the war, in less than half an hour, the two great Shenhe powerhouses Hengtian and Dongyuan were killed in seconds.

The puppet master Heiyi Zhengtai in the Yuanhai realm was also beheaded, and that Chu Chen and the Gu Lehui people completely disappeared into the sealed sea, relying on the strange god's breath of the sealed sea to cover their trails, making everyone Can't find out where they are.

So far, this side has lost three strong men, but as the enemy side, what is the situation now...

The three knew nothing.

They didn't know where Chu Chen was hiding, how much strength he still had, what trump cards or killer moves he had, how long he could still control such a huge sea of ​​seals, it was completely black.

They seem to be facing an unknown enemy, and this enemy already possesses the terrifying power that can kill the strong of Yuanhai Realm under the blessing of the Sea of ​​Sealing.

The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light, and a powerful trick hits the enemy, and it can't even hit the enemy at all. It just bombards the endless sea water. I haven't fought such a suffocating battle for many years.

The worst thing is... Now for Wanshou, Jixi, and Duan Xiong, they can no longer leave this space...

The vast sea of ​​seals sealed all space entrances and exits.

The breath of the gods in the sea water confined the entire space, even using secret techniques such as void movement or space tearing was useless.

If they want to leave this space and end the battle, they can only kill Chu Chen and disperse the sea of ​​the Sea of ​​Seal.

They would never be able to leave without killing Chu Chen.

By now, the initiative of the battle was completely in Chu Chen's hands.


A heavy metal string slashed across the void, and the next moment, the surface of the sea was surging, and instantly gathered in the void to form a sharp weapon. Knives, guns, swords, halberds, whips, hammers, clubs, axes, etc. are everything, endless, covering the entire sea.

Under the light of the sky, you can see that the weapons formed by the condensation of sea water are incredibly real, and even sharp reflections like metal are clearly seen on the blade.

"It can't be dragged on any longer. We must destroy the entire Sealed Sea with the strongest force. Otherwise, as time goes by, the boy named Chu will be more and more powerful in manipulating the sea, which will be more and more unfavorable to us. !"

Looking at the sharp blades that shone with cold light, Wanshou's face was gloomy.

In the beginning, the black pythons condensed into the sea of ​​the Sealed Sea can clearly see the original seawater appearance, and even some black pythons are still translucent in color.

Later, the giant hands condensed by the sea water were like entities, and the texture of the sea water was invisible.

Up to now, this weapon that covers the entire sea surface has been made of metal almost indistinguishable.

Everyone knows what this phenomenon means...

It means that as time goes by, Chu Chen's manipulation of the seawater of the Sea of ​​Seal will become more and more handy.

The place covered by the seawater is his home field, he can control the seawater into any form at will, thus bursting out more and more powerful combat power!

The more you fight, the stronger the opponent, so you can't drag it!

"Do you really think that hiding in the sea~www.ltnovel.com~ is all right?"

Seeing a series of sharp edges rising from the sea, Nimie snorted coldly, his palm shook, and a long slender knife appeared in his hand.

There was a weird reflex on the tip of the knife, like the horns of a ghost, waves of strong death evil spread out, and a vague wind appeared in the rippling void.

It is the peerless blade "Ghost Night Kill" on which it is famous.

"You are not suitable for this knife right now." Seeing the thick **** and Raksha scent wafting from the surrounding area, Wanshou frowned and said in a low voice.

As a comrade-in-arms who has been with each other for many years, even if he didn't deal with it much before, Wanshou knew some of the details of Annihilation.

Ghost Night Killing is a real murderous knife. The Hell Rakshasa breath contained in it can not only kill the enemy, but also eat the Lord!

Although this knife might increase the destructive power of Nirvana wildly, it was also extremely dangerous for him.

(End of this chapter)

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