Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2199: Death Chu Chen

Chapter 2181 Death God Chu Chen

If it were other times, with Jiji's earth-shaking cultivation and background, he would naturally not be afraid of the backlash of Ghost Night Kill, and could easily stun him.

But now it's different!

Don't say that after a series of serious injuries, the nirvana that has not fully recovered until now is severely injured, and I am afraid that only 30 to 40% of the cultivation base is left.

The mere release of the destroying technique "Sorrow" has greatly depleted his own origin!

At this moment, if he controls the ghost night killing, he is really uncertain whether he can withstand the backlash of this fierce knife.

"It's okay."

Silence's eyes were resolute, and at this time they had no chance to chat anymore, because the various weapons of the sea that covered the entire surface of the sea all burst out of the sea at this moment, and the sky roared and shot at the three!

It is impossible to calculate how many weapons there are. In an instant, all you can see are dense blades, and under the blessing of the gods, they exude a heart-pounding sharp light.

The three dared not neglect, and at the same time opened their spiritual shields with all their strength.

Yuanhai is Yuanhai. The spiritual shield displayed by this level of power is naturally not the time that these sea water condensed weapons can destroy. The dense crackling sound like a torrential rain rang in the ears, and the brows of the three people frowned.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout, Ji Ye raised his eyebrows, and the long knife in his hand Gui Ye Sha fiercely raised.

The weird tip of the reflexed blade just clicked on the tip of a black sword condensed by sea water, causing it to make a crisp sound and fly backwards to Wanshou not far away.

Afterwards, with a faint "Zila" sound, the plain-looking black sword easily slit open Wanshou's spiritual shield. If Wanshou hadn't slammed his body to avoid this blow during the crisis, I'm afraid that black sword could cut his neck directly.

"It's the sword!"

"That weird brat hides that sword among countless black swords. Be careful!"


Wanshou, who was shocked in a cold sweat, turned his head quickly, but saw countless swords and swords bursting out of the void. How could he tell which one had just opened his shield?

For an instant, a chill rose in my heart in vain.

Although they didn't know the existence of Chunjun Sword, seeing the tragic death of Hengtian and Dongyuan, they also knew that Chu Chen must have a mighty sword.

At this moment, I finally realized this.

The spiritual shield of the Yuanhai powerhouse can be easily cut open. To be honest, the terrible long sword made the three of them feel a little hairy in their hearts.

The unknown is the most terrible!


It was another series of crackles.

After that, Silence's gaze was like a torch, the long knife in his hand was silent for a moment, and suddenly it slashed again. It’s just that this time he seemed to have expected something wrong. The sharp point of Gui Ye Sha’s reflexed blade didn’t cut anything, but a dark purple sword shadow plunged into the spiritual shield like a poisonous snake, and then hit him. .

The Silence figure froze, and an idea suddenly came to mind.

There are more than one weapon hidden in the sea!

That purple sword shadow is obviously not the same sword as the terrifying Chun Jun!


At the same time, Wanshou urged a bronze spear in his hand and was flying a long black whip.

Unexpectedly, the water whip exploded fiercely, turning into a crimson fire whip.

The fire whip was surrounded by red light, the flames were surging, and there was a dragon roar, and then it slammed into Wanshou's spiritual shield, causing his shield to tremble violently in an instant.

"Yanclaw Whip!"

Wanshou’s gaze condensed. He was very familiar with this ancient forbidden artifact. When passing through the third dimension of the Land of God’s Fall, in the space of the Seven-Star Magic Array, they also found the room full of ancient artifacts. The white room.

With their eyesight, it can be seen naturally that those ancient magical instruments have become taboos after a certain change.

Some even become consumables that can only release their power once.

So even though they were greedy, they did not act without authorization. Otherwise, if you accidentally attract a prohibition attack from ancient myths, you will lose more than you gain.

He couldn't think of it anyway, at this time, among the various weapons condensed in the sea, he actually saw this ancient forbidden weapon.

what happened?

How could the forbidden weapon in the Seven Star Magic Array space appear here?

"His grandmother, that kid manipulated the seawater of the Sealed Sea to pollute all the forbidden instruments, and manipulated them in disguise!"

Duan was dangerously and dangerously evading the faint green light of the knife, and cursed without grace, "Broken Dream Knife, this green hat artifact is greeted by Lao Tzu, what do you mean??"

The battle has once again entered a new degree of white-hot. The ancient forbidden weapons such as the flame claw whip, the heart-biting sword, and the broken dream knife are mixed in the endless sea weapons. They are powerful, plus the magical pure Jun sword, for the three of them. Brought great trouble.

However, after the time for a cup of tea, Duan Xiong made a strange cry, but the back of his left hand was cut by the broken dream knife with a few inches long.

Even the strong Yuanhai, faced with the bombardment of those ancient forbidden weapons, dare not underestimate it!


The eighteen-handled Kuishui Renxuan sword exploded from the dense rain-like edges, and exploded at the same time as it hit the spiritual shield of nirvana, exploding a huge mushroom cloud on the sea level.

The strong phosgene was scattered all over, and the ancient forbidden device contained the Kui Di Ren Xuan Qi so powerful, and instantly formed patches of gray-white ice mist around the body of Nirvana.

The extreme cold of water is called Kui, the air of Kui Ning is the air of extreme cold, and the extreme dryness and yin is called Renxuan.

The breath of Kui Ning Renxuan is a breath that can rapidly reduce the temperature in an extreme period of time, and can drain water, leaving the enemy in an extremely cold and dry environment, which is extremely dangerous and insidious.

At this time, it was enveloped by the gray-white ice mist, and the dying felt the whole body suddenly stiff. It seemed that countless water in the body had been frozen into tiny ice chips and spread out, forming an ice mist.

And he himself fell into a kind of extreme water shortage and extreme thirst.

The degree of thirst was so fierce that it even made the dying have a strong sense of dizziness.


A black sword light cut across the void ~www.ltnovel.com~ and cut towards Silence.

The long sword Gui Ye Sha drew a poignant arc, and once again picked Chun Jun sword flying.

Nimie's heart is dripping blood. Although from the outside, the ghost night kill and the Chunjun sword are intact every time they collide, but only Jiye knows that the murderous blade of the ghost night kills has always been at a disadvantage!

The pure Jun sword is the sword of the king and the gentleman. It is magnificent and upright, and it is the most restraining the evil spirit of the **** Raksha contained in the ghost night killing.

Every time the Pure Jun sword is picked up, the Hell Rakshasa contained in the Ghost Night Killing Blade will be annihilated and dissipated in large swaths.

Moreover, there were cracks on the blade of Ghost Night Kill that could not be detected with the naked eye.

If things go on like this, it won't be long before the murderous knife of Ghost Night Kill is completely abolished.

Ji Mie feels bitter in his heart, this kid is too overcast!

(End of this chapter)

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