Chu Chen is also an old resident of Shahai, and he is very experienced in the food available.

Sand Spirit Fruit has a huge fruit like a watermelon, but its fruit is inedible and contains highly poisonous.

Only the layer of crystal clear and near-transparent between the pulp and the husk. After peeling it off, it’s cold, just sprinkle a little sugar or salt, and keep it for you to eat any later Cold delicacies such as jelly and cold skin will feel dull.

There are also sand scorpions that can be seen everywhere, this kind of highly poisonous little thing has a daunting appearance and toxicity.

But only the real Gourmet knows that the sand scorpion after pulling out the venom glands to clean up the venomous hairs only needs to be wrapped in soil and placed under the fire forcibly suffocated. The tender and crystal flesh inside the carapace can make people I can’t wait to swallow my tongue.

You know, in the desert world, this thing is called the “hairy crab in the sand”!

There is also the rare tsarist vine, this strange plant is often mistaken for a poisonous snake in the desert, and it is more toxic than the king cobra.

But there must be a cloud of Tsarist source pulp next to the poison gland inside the Tsarist vine. It is a natural beverage rich in Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and cold taste. A sip in the hot desert climate can make you feel refreshed from head to toe.

The power of the vast Spiritual Consciousness rippled out and went deep into the deep area of ​​the sand sea. After searching for more than half an hour, Chu Chen was still not satisfied.

Although there are many unique desert delicacies found, these all are snacks or drinks.

What he wants is the kind of plump steaks covered with beautiful snow patterns. After they are cooked, they are full of thick fillings, which is the real main meal.

There are not many large carnivores in the desert. After another 5 minutes of time, Chu Chen finally found his goal.

Sandstone sheep, this kind of creature that looks like a large walking stone, actually has extremely tender and delicious meat.

Even on the food list of the whole world, it is famous.

What is the best lamb?

There is no need for any seasoning at all. The meat has its own delicious smell, and it is the delicious taste of Supreme when it is cooked and sprinkled with salt.

This kind of exquisite food refers to sandstone sheep.

The size of the sandstone sheep is very large, and its body length is several ten zhang long.

When Chu Chen returned to the oasis carrying such a huge monster, the huge difference in body size from a distance was like an ant holding a carriage wheel, with a special funny feel.

The finished food is delicious, but the process of making the food is not so wonderful.

The process of skinning and bloodletting is naturally extremely bloody, destroying a lot of the harmonious scene in the oasis.

“I said… Do you have to make such a bloody mess?” Zhou Xuan, who was dressed in white clothed like snow and looked as handsome as a man of immortality, couldn’t stand it anymore. Can’t you get something less bloody to eat?”

“If you can find fruit for a platter in this desert, I will serve you.”

Chu Chen is tearing the sandstone sheep’s steel-like shell, and the flesh and blood splashing looks very fierce.

The reason why sandstone sheep, a large, docile, and very delicious creature, has not been completely extinct, is because of their sandstone shells comparable to turtle shells.

The tenacious degree of this shell is unimaginable, and even semi-chaotic weapons can’t be cut.

When Chu Chen was handling this thing, his hands had Force of Heavenly Fire attached to it to tear apart the hard and tough sandstone shell.

In many cases, this thing does not need to be dealt with at all, it is the best Armor Equipment.

The whole huge sandstone sheep was peeled and washed, divided into several pieces and placed on a shelf full of ten zhang high.

The rootless fire containing the essence of Heavenly Fire hovered on the surface of the lamb, and soon bursts of attractive fragrance came.

“It’s so fragrant!”

Zhou Xuan was the first one to help, and he didn’t care about being slapped, so he rushed over to help deal with seabuckthorn roots and two-tailed lizards.

Guan Ying and Qingyuan are dealing with Tsarist vine source pulp and sand Spirit Fruit cold skin. Qingsun Boy takes a small spoon and scoops out the sand scorpion meat for serving.

In a frenzy dried one hour, the aroma of lamb roasted thoroughly filled the oasis.

Fresh and tender mutton was roasted by Heavenly Fire to produce sufficient fat, and it condensed into a layer of charred crispy skin on the surface, and the unbridled fragrance almost formed an invisible storm that swept across the world.

When it was time to eat, Ren Cangling and Lingque Scholar put down the chessboard and rushed over.

Old Guy smiled and took out a few wine jars exuding obscure ancient meaning from the storage Magical Artifact, which immediately attracted everyone’s praise.

The origin of this wine is not simple. It is a Poria fish wine brewed from deep-sea blood Poria cocos mixed with Xue Ling fish that has been stored in Ren Cangling for 300 years!

The tradition of using fish to make wine is unique to the remote Extreme North Land. This kind of delicacy can simply not be tasted elsewhere.

Ren Cangling only stored some when he was young when he traveled the world and passed through the north, and the stock is not very large.

How does it feel to pair lamb with fish wine?

There is only one word “Fresh”.

When eating the first bite of mutton and drinking the first bite of fish wine, everyone couldn’t help but exhale a long breath and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

“This time I can come back from the dead, escape from the land of the fall of the gods, and ascend to heaven. I rely on you and the Junior Brother Chu. In the future, but there will be dispatches, I will never die.”

Bird Shusheng raised his wine glass and pointed at Chu Chen deeply carried out the ceremony, “Thank you for your kindness!”

Chu Chen Zheng was busy gnawing lamb chops, his mouth filled with oil, and he put on ambiguously. Wave your hand.

“Don’t be so polite, since everyone is a comrade-in-arms, naturally you should watch and help each other. Don’t say anything else, drink.”

Everyone is hearing this and laughed and experienced this Life and Death Tribulation is difficult, but it completely gives everyone a strong sense of belonging.

Zhou Xuan raised the cup and came over to touch Chu Chen, and drank it without saying anything.

“My ancient music club is now, and I have no fear of anyone or any influence.”

Qingsun Boy’s face flushed red, ten thousand zhang proud, clapped his palms and said, ” The world has been so long, the white rabbit and the black crow took advantage of it. Looking at the hustle and bustle for a long time, how can it be like a bottle of wine in front of you? Don’t talk about Immortal God holding the Chenyou, I should make a Big Dipper in the future!”

“Why, after a few sips, I feel that I am invincible in the whole world?”

Ren Cangling glanced at his discipline.

“The old man is serious, this kid is ambitious!”

Chu Chen hearing this touched his palm and smiled, “You should have such a spirit. Don’t talk about Immortal God palm. Chenyou, I should make a Big Dipper in the future! What a big Dipper in the future!”

“That’s it!”

Qingsun boy laughed heartily, “I am this year However, at the age of thirteen, he has already been promoted to Shenhe. In the future, as long as he works hard and does not fall, the Yuanhai Realm will be reached, and further, it is not known. In short, in this world in the future, there must be a place for me!”

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