“Well said!”

Zhou Xuan heavily patted the shoulder of Qingsun boy, “My cultivator, if I don’t have the ambition of Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, what else can I fix? Dao? There are many heroes in the world, and it’s time for us to talk…”

“One day, like Senior Brother Chu, we should wake up the Celestial Emperor sword and drunk on the knees of beauty!”

The self-confidence of Xiao Qingsun boy has been so full that he cannot describe it.

“I don’t know if you can hold the Celestial Emperor sword. At a young age, I thought of lying on the knees of a drunk beauty. Your thoughts are very dangerous.”

Guan Ying is cold. Glancing at Qingsun, the little child thinks so much, do you want to try?

The self-confidence of Qingsun Boy was calmed down by Guan Ying’s glimpse. Hehe laughed twice and ate the steak intently.

“It’s really not easy to get together again at this time.”

Ren Cangling sighed, “The chaos of this little Immortal World is really a world number. A major change that hasn’t happened in a thousand years. Whether you can keep your life in this change is still unknown. Anyway, everyone is here to encourage.”

“I will try my best. Take everyone to leave the Little Immortal World safely.”

Chu Chen nibbled a piece of meat in his mouth, his hands kept moving, holding a small knife and quickly carve out the shell of a Spirit Fruit. It created a beautiful lotus platform with two halves in the lotus platform, half filled with Tsar’s puree and half filled with Sha Ling Liangpi, pretending to be unintentionally handed to Qingyuan.

“We believe in you.”

Several men toast together, this journey is convincing to Chu Chen’s background and ability.

Although there are still faint worries in my heart, I think the change of the small Immortal World is too dangerous, but with this confidence and the idea of ​​survival, it is always worth fighting for.

Qingyuan silently took the fruit plate handed by Chu Chen, took a sip, refreshing with the cool and sweet Tsarist vine juice, just like the feeling of staying with this person, unconsciously deepened Hundreds of limbs, hidden deep in the bloodline of the bone marrow, seem to be indistinguishable from each other.

Only under this refreshing and sweet taste, why is there a faint bitterness?

A word of love, since ancient times is not only simple and sweet.

When the land of the gods falls in crisis, many times I can’t think about it. But after the real peace comes out, some things have to be thought of…

All the uneasiness stems from that, although I have never heard of Chu Chen, Qingyuan has always been Know the name.

Tong Meng.

This is a legendary name, she is the deputy commander of Miexian, a famous existence in the small Immortal World.

Anyone who has contact with the breaking the formation group of the breaking the immortal is legendary of this name.

The first genius of the little Immortal World, breaking the formation the first genius, the most promising person to break the secret of the little Immortal World.

There are many auras on her head, but the most important point is that she is the Junior Sister of Chu Chen childhood sweethearts.

It is easy to know from other places that the reason why Chu Chen wants to enter the small Immortal World and continue to deepen into the core area of ​​the small Immortal World is to bring out the child dream .

Qingyuan doesn’t know what Tong Meng looks like, or what kind of woman she is, even so far there is no concept of her in his mind.

Occasionally, I imagine how I will deal with myself when Chu Chen and Tong Meng meet again?

There is no way to think about this kind of thing, there is no end to it.

It seems that there is no better way other than sighing. What can we do?

In the past, when I saw the stories between men and women in the world, I always felt that they were really boring. But when such a thing appeared to him, Qingyuan only discovered how this so-called “booming red dust” made people feel soft and tangled.

I am really helpless, I have already identified this person in my heart.

But if another person appeared next to him, he really didn’t know how to face such a situation.

Turn around and leave?

That is reluctant. Just follow him in silence like this? My heart is full of restlessness and unwillingness.

Love is a word that has always been like this. These sweet and bitter entanglements, these feelings are stale, these tossing and turning, it is not trifling pen and ink can describe.

With that, now I don’t even know what kind of attitude I should show to him.

Perhaps, in the end, you will be enamored with sword dao and have no distractions. This is the best destination, right?

The smell of meat overflows in the air, and the aroma of wine is moving.

Everyone sang and laughed, rejoicing in order to escape from the dead and go further. In this strong and cheerful atmosphere, no one knew the entanglement and melancholy in Qingyuan’s heart.

This feast lasted more than two hours. The sandstone sheep with several dozen meters of body length was almost eaten up by these people.

The tuckahoe wine, which has been cellared for more than three hundred years, tastes good, but it has plenty of stamina.

The people who escaped from the dead did not deliberately use the cultivation base to suppress alcohol. So at the end of the meal, almost all fell asleep drunk.

Ren Cangling and Lingque Shusheng lie directly on the grass, taking the sky and the ground as the bed hu hu to sleep.

Zhou Xuan is a more particular one. He directly urges a Magical Artifact that looks like a palace to magnify and sit on the grass. After greeting everyone at will, he enters the main hall and rests.

There are more fluffy and unidentified objects around Guan Ying. Chu Chen still hasn’t seen whether it is a pet, a hand-sewn pillow, or something else.

Anyway, that kind of furry stuff is piled into a house on the grass. Guan Ying was buried inside, making people worried that she would be suffocated to death by these extravagant furs.

Qing Sun Tong found a spacious place to sleep in Zhou Xuan’s palace, and he was not welcome at all.

Chu Chen leaned against the edge of the bluestone beside the stream, drinking fish wine one after another.

Qingyuan leaned against him. After the noise, the pair finally seemed to have some space and time to be alone.

Assuming that the time is almost up, Chu Chen took out a small and exquisite purple stove from the Magical Artifact storage, on which sits a small jade cauldron, braving the white gas, and handing it to Qingyuan .

“What is this?”

Qingyuan took the little Jade Cauldron, opened the top cover, and a fragrant aroma suddenly assaults the senses.

“The broth made from the tenderest loin of sandstone sheep has been simmered for more than two hours. It should be delicious.”

Chu Chen grinned.

Qingyuan picked up the spoon and drank it in small sips. It was boiled for a long time to get rid of the predatory fragrance of sandstone lamb, and it became more peaceful and comfortable, just right. Regulates every gentle touch in the body.

“I like you very much.”

After drinking the broth, Qingyuan suddenly said something.

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