Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 335: Pointing to the Elder Spirit

This eagle doesn't look like a newborn larva of a divine beast. Its eyes are full of a scent of wisdom, with a specific sense of reason in every move.

If it weren't for the appearance of an eagle, the elder Lingxin would have thought he was talking to an adult man.

Isn't it... Isn't this eagle a juvenile beast, but a demon of a predecessor with a tyrannical cultivation base?

There was a violent movement in the heart of the elder Lingxin. There are indeed many spiritual things in this world. After long years of cultivation, they can break the congenital shackles and cultivate into demons. w "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Some powerful monsters can even change their bodies and live with humans. Throughout the ages, such legends and deeds are endless.

Is this eagle also such a senior demon?

No wonder, no wonder the little girl in white insists on saying that only a predestined person can control this eagle, no wonder she is clearly a powerful king of flying knights, but she is willing to sell it to herself at a very low price, I am afraid that all this is this head Eagle secretly instructed, I am afraid that the purpose is to come to Izumo country with himself.

With the wisdom of the elders of Lingxin, he connected these ups and downs and quickly understood the causes and consequences. When she thought of this, she hurriedly bowed to Chu Chen respectfully, "Junior has eyes and no beads. If you neglect senior, please don't be offended by senior."

Now that she has figured it out, she naturally can no longer pose as the so-called "master".

In fact, from beginning to end, she also felt that this condor did not recognize people as the master at all.


Seeing Elder Lingxin's respectful appearance, Chu Chen was slightly stunned, and soon wondered why she did it. It seemed that he had been misunderstood as someone like a senior whose cultivation level was unpredictable. It was not the first time that Chu Chen had encountered this kind of misunderstanding, so the corner of his mouth was slightly lifted, and he let out a nasal hum.

"Senior came to Izumo this time, why isn't Zhīdào for what? If there is a place that needs the services of juniors, please don't hesitate to give orders." Seeing that Chu Chen has done the same as seniors, Lingxin became more determined about the thoughts in his heart. The expression is truly respectful.

"I'm here to get the legendary Taikoo. Why, will it conflict with your goal?" Chu Chen frowned secretly. If the Elder Lingxin's goal is also Immortal Bone, then it will be troublesome.

"Senior, don't worry, I came here this time to get a ‘Nine Profound Golden Mushroom’ to refine the ‘Yinxi Shenye’, which does not conflict with Senior’s purpose." Lingxin said quickly and respectfully.

"Oh?" Chu Chen twitched the corner of his mouth.

After the monk cultivated to the peak of the spiritual spring, ten springs of spiritual power were opened up in his body, reaching the body's capacity. If you want to go one step further and enter a higher level of cultivation, you must transform the "Lingquan" in your body into "Lingxi". At this time, it is necessary to "Yinxi Shenye". That is the most crucial kind of pill, and it is a grade stronger than "pill".

Looking at the cultivation level of the elder Lingxin, it was only in the form of Lingquan. She did not expect that she was already preparing to draw the stream of **** liquid now. It seems that she still has a lot of Zìxìn for her cultivation Sùdù.

"Yinxi Divine Liquid...this one is Zhīdào. By the way, show me your divine liquid formula, let me see what is unique about Biquan Xianzong's divine liquid formula." Chu Chen's mouth twitched. a bit.

Elder Lingxin hesitated for a moment, the pill formula in the sect could not be leaked out at will.

However, things like Yinxi Shenye are available to all relatively large sects, dynasties, sacred sites, and aristocratic families. This is not a sect of top secret, after all, as long as there is a ""strong man" who transcends the realm of Lingquan, then the formula of the **** liquid is no secret.

It is worthwhile to exchange such a not-so-secret prescription for the favor of a senior demon.

Elder Lingxin calculated it slightly in his heart, and quickly took out the prescription from the storage ring, and handed it to Chu Chen, "Senior please look over."

"Um..." Chu Chen tilted his head slightly, and muttered a word in his mouth, "Nine Profound Golden Mushrooms are indispensable, Zhu Ye Guo, Han Xin Xue Cang, blue-eyed bear gall, platinum python scales, Atsuki Coptis. The five medicinal materials that harmonize the five elements are Bùcuò. Biquan Xianzong really has its own uniqueness...eh? Zi Lei Yunying? What do you want this medicinal material for?"

"Oh, yes, the toxicity of the five element adjuvants is too severe. It cannot be completely resolved by the 27-flavored medicine alone. Therefore, Zi Lei Yunying is needed to reconcile the toxicity. This is the best calculated by the elders of our denomination. The formula is up." Lingxin said quickly.

"What a fool, what a fool!"

Chu Chen snorted coldly, and his voice was raised unconsciously, "Although the five element adjuvant is highly toxic, there are already Nine Profound Golden Mushrooms, so what else do I need to do with Zi Lei Yunying! Ganoderma itself is the best elixir for detoxification. , Jiu Xuan Jin Zhi is one of the most extreme. With Jiu Xuan Jin Zhi detoxification, not to mention the five elements auxiliary medicine, even a few more poisons can be dissolved together! Zi Lei Yunying contains lightning spiritual power, itself It is extremely unstable, and adding it to the fryer is deliberate! It's superfluous! Quickly remove it, and without Zi Lei Yunying messing up, the success rate of this flavor Yinxi Shenye refining can be increased by at least 30%!"


Now ~www.ltnovel.com~ Elder Lingxin was really stunned. The prescriptions of Biquan Immortal Sect were all researched by the great sages of the sect over a long period of time. It is the work of generations of sect pharmacists who have worked hard to succeed. There is no doubt about its authority. Now someone tells her that this prescription is wrong?

Moreover, what is even more exaggerated is that the person who said this was not a human alchemist, but a suspected primordial beast!

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Seeing Elder Lingxin’s wide-open eyes, Chu Chen curled the corners of his mouth, and his wings snapped on the prescription. “Look at this. There is a purple fire mysterious leaf flower in the prescription list of twenty-seven flavors. Something has the attribute of earth fire. You belong to Zhīdào? Zi Lei Yunying contains innate thunder and lightning. When these two things are mixed, the sky thunder stalks the earth fire, what consequences will it cause? Do you understand? I've heard of it before. Besides, there is still a blindfold of windswept grass. The wind assists the fire, and the fire induces thunder. If you continue to practice, it is really good luck if you can fry the furnace! Tell me, you Biquan Xianzong What is the success rate of refining the'Yinxi Shenye' all the time? Can it be half-successful?" After this talk, the elder Lingxin's eyes were at first doubtful, then shocked, and finally, completely admired. In fact, the real situation is exactly the same as what Chu Chen said.

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