Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 336: Taikoo Cave

Biquan Xianzong has always had a very low success rate in refining "Yinxi Shenye", and nine out of ten failures were due to the fryer.

Many people thought that the difficulty of refining this medicine pill was inherently high, and it wasn't until after hearing Chu Chen's words that Lingxin suddenly felt a sense of suddenness.

"Senior is powerful, younger generation worships." Thinking of this, Lingxin bowed to Chu Chenying, with respect.

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, with an arrogant look on his face. In fact, this knowledge was learned from the medical books he read in the Medicine Palace in his spare time. w "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

His soul power is inherently very powerful, so his memory is particularly good, no matter what book he reads, he always reads ten lines at a glance, and he is truly unforgettable. In addition, he has a high talent for refining medicine, and he has the brand of the old man on the Taiyi Purple Blood Stove to observe and study.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chu Chen definitely surpasses many people at the level of master refining medicine alone.

"It is said that the "Mysterious Medicine Secret Code" is an ancient medicine book stored in the Medicine Palace, and it is an unspoken secret. Senior said just now, did Senior have ever been in the Medicine Palace?"

Elder Lingxin thought for a while, looked at Chu Chen cautiously, and asked hesitantly.

Chu Chen withdrew the corner of his mouth and nodded.

"Senior Great Virtue." Elder Lingxin walked to Chu Chen with a solemn expression. "It's true that there is a named disciple in the younger generation who is also studying in the Medicine Palace. He is named Chu Chen and has a talent for refining medicine for thousands of years. It’s rare to see him as a real pharmacist wizard. If seniors meet him in the future, please feel free to give him some advice. If a good seedling is buried, it is really a loss for the entire pharmacist world."


Chu Chen's eyes throbbed fiercely, and a touch of indifference appeared in his heart. Unexpectedly, the elder Lingxin always remembered her in his heart. It’s just that when the unfathomable beast in front of her Zhidào is the clone of her named disciple, how would she feel...

When Lingxin and Chu Chen entered the largest city "Shenyang City" in Izumo Nation, they were surprised to find that the entire city was bustling and the number of people seemed to be many times larger than that of ordinary cities. This scene made Lingxin a little surprised. .

This is not the first time she has come to Izumo. Because of its special geographical location, this country is extremely difficult to get in and out. It requires manpower to prepare a flying horse to survive, so there are not many people living here.

Most of the time, the entire city would appear relatively empty, and it took a long time to see a person. But now, the entire city is full of people, and the streets are crowded with people coming and going, and the crowds are one after another.

It seems that there are more people than some prosperous cities in the world.

After asking others about it, Lingxin and Chu Chen received exciting news. It turned out that the biggest "" in Izumo country will open in three days!

Taikoo Immortal Cave is the most mysterious relic in Izumo Kingdom. According to ancient legend, the endless "floating peaks" of Izumo Kingdom were actually the land of the Nine Heavens Realm in ancient times.

Later, because of the earth-shattering change, the fairy world collapsed, causing these "fairy mountains" to be on the earth, but because they were incompatible with the rules of the world, they could not land on the earth and could only float in the air.

Endless years have passed, the authenticity of this unverifiable legend is very worthy of Rénmen's doubts, and many people just treat it as a legend.

But what is consistent with the legend is that among the suspended ancient mountains of Izumo Kingdom, there are really some ancient relics of the cave world! There are many people who have obtained the ancient things that have long been extinct in those ancient relics that are difficult to discern the years!

Among all the ruins, the "Taiguxian Cave" is the most legendary one. There are not many people in Zhīdào, because they obtained some ancient creations in the Immortal Caves, so they rose to the sky and rose to the sky. And this is also the most important reason why many people hope to enter Izumo country anyway... This is a mysterious place full of miracles!

Taikoo Immortal Cave is not a fixed cave, it will emerge from the depths of time and space every once in a while, revealing some treasures inside.

After being turned on for a period of time, it will automatically turn off again. If Rénmen goes to its original place again, it will not be found. Can only wait for the next time it is turned on.

The time interval between the opening of the Taikoo Caves is not certain.

But in the first ten days of its opening, there will be some visions. According to legend, six days ago, most of the sky in Shenyang City suddenly became a dazzling silvery white as if it had been coated with a layer of metal.

Some people infer from historical records that this is a sign before the "Taigu Immortal Cave" was born again!

Once the news was disseminated, the entire monk world was boiling! Almost all monks with flying knights went forward and tried their best to get the customs clearance of Izumo country in the shortest time.

Therefore, in just a few days, the entire Shenyang city was almost impenetrable by those crazy monks. Masters from all sides gathered, all wanting to grab a piece of the pie when the Taikoo Immortal Cave opened.

Suddenly, the entire Shenyang city suddenly became extremely lively, and even the hotel was crowded with Rénmen.

Along the way, Chu Chen saw many people running around because they couldn't find the hotel, and he was anxious.

"I said..." After walking for a while, Chu Chen really couldn't help it, and squinted at Elder Lingxin. "It seems that I can't find a hotel now. What are you going to do? Are you going to sleep on the street?"

Hearing what Chu Chen said, Elder Lingxin smiled slightly: "Senior, please don't worry. A few days ago, I have sent someone here to book a room. I also specially booked two rooms. I originally planned to be the girl and Qingyue alone. One room, but before I came, I just got a blind medicinal material~www.ltnovel.com~ Someone needs to guard the pill furnace, so Qingyue didn’t come, just vacated one room for the seniors to live in."

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched, and a smile appeared.

Unexpectedly, the room booked by Elder Lingxin was quite elegant.

It is located in the "Yuxiu Xiangju", the largest and most Hǎode hotel in Shenyang. There are two independent wing rooms, surrounding pavilions, water pavilions, small bridges, rockeries, and flowing water. Each room has its own name. The environment is very beautiful beautiful.

In fact, with Chu Chen's temperament, there is no requirement to live anywhere.

What's more, it is now in the body of a black eagle, and it is used to sleeping in a huge eagle's nest during the day, even if it is found somewhere in the wilderness, it can sleep.

But since there is a room in Hoode, it really doesn't need to be in vain, so it stayed in peace of mind.

"It's really bad. It's only two days late. I didn't expect that there is no place to live now!" On the bustling street, a group of imposing crowds in Chinese clothes came. Among the crowd, a young man in white roared angrily.

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