Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 389: Super 4 treasures

With only three words written, Tang Rou, who has a spiritual spring realm cultivation base and has smelted a Shenmu Duhaiquan spring, is already drenched with sweat all over her body as if she was fished out of water. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable)

Zhou Mei who watched this scene couldn't help being astonished: How heavy is this Laoshizi pen, ink, paper and inkstone? It is simply unimaginable to make Tang Rou tired after writing three words!

"Six animal hair brushes, Xuan Ling ink, celadon fairy paper, and Venus Xuelang inkstone have been the most hoarded treasures written by humans since ancient times. You can know why these four things are called pen, ink, paper and inkstone. 'Fang Sibao'? It is from this! "w" novel" novel chapter update fastest

Although Tang Rou was exhausted, she was still very excited, obviously proud of being able to write three characters with this "Fang Sibao".

"Everything is a treasure among treasures! Books written with them are not only immortal but can last forever. Over time, there will be various wonderful reactions. The significance of this is not the words of a scholar. It’s hard to understand."

Seeing Zhou Mei's frowning brows, Tang Rou smiled faintly.

"Sister Mei, you don’t like to read books on weekdays. Naturally, these precious treasures are not precious. According to legend, the book sage Wang Xizhi of the ancient mythical era was destroyed by a monster of the demon world because of a vein of the Venus snow wave inkstone. Magnolia Fairy's gathered all the sons of the Hundred Saints to fight against the Demon Realm and kill 100,000 li!"

When Tang Rou talked about the past, Shen Hou nodded repeatedly, obviously fascinated.

"His masterpiece "Lanting Collection Preface" was made before the crusade against the Demon Realm. That battle famously touched the entire three realms of immortals, humans, and demons. The Demon Realm would not dare to fight against the human race for a hundred years! Now you understand this. What kind of meaning does this thing represent. (Baidu search updates the fastest and most stable

"Still don't understand." Zhou Mei seemed to have started to wander after hearing these allusions.

"The ancients said that you can travel thousands of miles to read thousands of books. In fact, that's what it means. It takes a lot of energy and spiritual power to write using the four treasures of this room, and it is as difficult as traveling thousands of miles. Therefore, writing books by ancients is actually the same. This kind of cultivation can greatly enhance the human body's divine power. Teacher Feng Tsai asked us to write a book, also to sharpen and improve our strength."

"Oh, writing a book is also a practice!"

Zhou Mei understands this sentence, writing so hard, of course it is cultivation, she smiled coquettishly.

"If such a precious treasure is used by such a silly little girl who does not read sage books, wouldn't it be a big waste! I don't understand this, and don't want to use the book to exercise strength, so I still don't write , You copy it first, I will go back to rest, and wait until I turn around to visit everyone!"

Tang Rou's explanation seemed to be in vain. Zhou Mei, who had always been unwilling to endure hardship, decided to apply oil on the soles of her feet. She chuckled and waved at a few people before walking away.

Chu Chen Zhidào, she is going to skip school again today.

Only when Zhou Mei had just walked to the door of the Book Collection Hall and had not stepped out, a huge suction suddenly appeared out of thin air, forcibly pulling Zhou Mei's whole body back.

Huh? How is this going?

Zhou Mei just wanted to talk with a surprised look, suddenly the voice of the old man in Tsing Yi came out of the void.

"The Library of Books is not a place where you can come and leave if you want! The rules here are that all students who come to practice must copy a complete symbol before leaving, baby girl, practice hard! This homework is not complete. , Can't let you go."

"I can't write it!"

Zhou Mei was coquettish and grimace at the void with a wry smile, her face was innocent.

Tang Rou smiled and shook her head: "Copying is still very meaningful. Using this special Fang Sibao to write has a great effect on spiritual strength and power. You still try to practice. At the beginning, Kěnéng It will be a bit difficult, but in the future, I will become more and more proficient. I plan to make Hǎode take the opportunity to practice his spiritual power."

"This is over."

When Shen Hou next to him heard what the old man in Tsing Yi said, he couldn't help but become annoyed.

"You guys in the realm of Lingquan can only write three characters and can't stand it. I haven't arrived at Lingquan yet, wouldn't it be impossible to write even a single word? An ancient Shao said there are thousands of words... Will I be trapped here for the rest of my life?"

"Hehe, Brother Shen, don't worry. We haven't been the only group of people who have come to this book-collecting hall since it was opened. Most of the people in it have not reached the spiritual spring realm, nor have they heard of anyone trapped in it for a lifetime. Slowly, we will definitely find the mystery in this." Chu Chen smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Russ can be taught."

Seeing this scene, the Tsing Yi old man's slightly smiling words came out of the air, which seemed to agree with Chu Chen.

"Why don't we turn around the book first, since it is the book hall, the mystery is very Kěnéng in the book." Chu Chen said in a deep voice.

"Chu Chen, don't you try it first?" Shen Hou was actually curious that Chu Chen could write a few words, and Tang Rou also looked at Chu Chen expectantly.

Chu Chen smiled faintly, "Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, you must first sharpen your tools if you want to do well, I will try again later and find a book."

At that moment, a few people began to look around the entire book collection hall. Chu Chen believed that the bearded teacher asked them to copy ancient books here. It is obvious that even Tang Rou, who is not weak in cultivation, can only write three times at a time. A word, this shows that they definitely did not find the right way.

So no one really started writing there stupidly, looking around carefully hoping to find out what mystery.

There are too many books in the library.

Even though Chu Chen's keenness looks dazzling~www.ltnovel.com~What does the bearded tutor mean? He said he would come here to copy ancient books of Fu, but what ancient books should he copy?

With so many collections of ancient books here, can you just pick up one and copy it? It must not be so.

When looking at the catalogues of those books, Chu Chen's mind was also rapidly working to figure out the deep meaning of the tutor. Big Beard once said that every pharmacist should refine his own life medicine talisman talisman...


A thought suddenly flashed through Chu Chen's mind. He pondered for a moment, then quietly urged his spiritual sense to sense the deep cultivation base and soul aura. Then, I use my spiritual sense to sense it in this vast book collection hall...

found it!

Not long after, Chu Chen's eyes lit up. Among the vast sea of ​​books, the breath of a book and the breath of Shen Hou's body are extremely harmonious, as if they were a natural pair.

With a slight movement in his heart, Chu Chen took the book over and took a look. The five bronzing seal characters on it were extremely conspicuous. Demon Xuan Gang Jue!

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