Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 390: Linghai Book Search

"Brother Shen, try to practice writing with the Four Treasures of the House of Four Treasures according to the characters on the seal characters in this book."

Chu Chen thought for a while, then handed the book to Shen Hou and said with a smile.

"Huh? Oh, then I'll give it a try."

Shen Hou didn't understand why Chu Chen used this book to write for himself, but he unconditionally believed in Chu Chen's judgment.

After reading the spiritual power running route of this "Demonic Profound Gang Art" repeatedly, Shen Hou felt something in his heart, so he screamed, the spiritual power in his hand burst with light, and the whole palm instantly became like jade. Resplendent, obviously urged the skill to the extreme. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"This Demon Profound Gang Secret Art is very suitable for Shen Hou." Tang Rou on the side noticed that Shen Hou, who was running the "Devil Profound Gang Secret Art", had a strong aura several times stronger than before.

Although Shen Hou's cultivation is not as good as Tang Rou's, he is still strong and talented. Therefore, he has a unique advantage in strength. After running the "Demonic Profound Gang Secret Art", it seems that his strength has improved a lot.

This six beast hair brush heavier and heavier, this time Shen Hou took it up slowly and firmly.

Pick up the writing brush, soak in thick ink. These two simple movements made Shen Hou Tired breathe hard, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his arms began to tremble slightly.

At least, it's much better than before.

"Hold on! Pen and write! Three times the speed of the magic body Xuan Gang tactics in the body!"

Seeing that Shen Hou seemed to be unable to grasp the pen in his hand at any time, Chu Chen gave a slight sigh.

This low growl in Shen Hou's ears made him feel like a thunder in nine days, and he violently circulated the'Devil Body Profound Gang Art' in his body, writing it on the smooth and clean paper like porcelain!

When he wrote the first word, the heavy physical burden had reached the limit, his whole body was crumbling, and he seemed to faint tired at any time.

But the "Demonic Profound Gang Art" in his body is like a sun, constantly supplying him with new energy!

The moment he finished writing the first character, without falling down, he felt a mysterious power suddenly surged between the book, pen, and paper in his hand!

Because he persisted, Fang Sibao's profound strength resonated with the "Devil Body Profound Gang Jue" in his body, helping his extremely exhausted body to regain some vitality.

This "Demonic Profound Gang Art" can actually resonate with Fang Sibao?

Shen Hou suddenly understood the meaning, and copying the book is to force everyone to find the most suitable practice for copying, so as to improve their cultivation!

"I can still write..."

While Shen Hou spoke happily, he continued to write. The time of Sanzhuxiang relied on the "Magic Body Profound Gang Art" running in his body to resonate with Fang Sibao's profound strength. He actually wrote six characters, and his results were better than Tang. Even better!

Obviously he has not even entered the Spirit Spring Realm!

Seeing this scene, Tang Rou's eyes widened in surprise: What is going on? With her profound cultivation skills comparable to those in the middle of Lingquan, she can only write three characters, this Shen Hou can actually write six characters at once!

Well, what's the situation? It must be the function of the cultivation method that Chu Chen chose for him!

Tang Rou was very envious in her heart, but she was embarrassed to ask Chu Chen to find her own exercises. After all, she took too much advantage of Chu Chen along the way.

Shen Hou gradually calmed down, and more reading aura came out.

He felt that the ancient tactics recorded in this "Devil Body Profound Gang tactics" seemed to be prepared for him by nature, and it was extremely consistent with his physique, talent, and cultivation.

When using Fang Sibao to copy again, his body continued to operate according to the magic formula written in the book.

Soon, he sank into quiet practice, and the writing under his pen began to gradually become smoother and smoother.

Hmm... it really is! !

Seeing Shen Hou looking at him gratefully, Chu Chen smiled slightly.

It seems that my judgment is completely correct! Big beard asked them to copy the ancient books of Fu, not aimlessly, but let them find the most suitable exercises to copy them!

In this way, they can continue to practice profound arts in the process of copying, which can greatly increase their strength.

This book palace looks ordinary, and Kěnéng is perhaps the most mysterious one in the entire book palace!

Next, without waiting for Tang Rou to ask for help, Chu Chen used the same method to sense the aura on Tang Rou's body and chose an ancient practice "Bimu Liantian Jue" in the sea of ​​books for her.

This is an ancient profound art with wooden attributes. According to legend, it was derived from the techniques left by the ancient demon **** Wood Shenju Mang. It is very powerful.

When Tang Rou picked up the ancient book, her body couldn't help radiating a turquoise brilliance.

Attracted by the strong wood spiritual power in this ancient book, Shenmu Duhaiquan Lingquan actually started to operate autonomously without her being driven.

This time, Tang Rou, who runs "Bi Mu Lian Tian Jue", obviously feels that she is much easier to write than last time.

The whole process of writing, dipping ink, and writing was done in one go!

Although it is still more laborious, it obviously feels much easier than before, and it can even be said to be a world of difference.

When writing, I can feel a mysterious feeling connecting the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in her hand, the spiritual power in the sea of ​​dantian Qi, and the characters in the book, which not only continuously provides her with new strength, but also As her cultivation level continues to increase, her writing is also becoming more rounded and powerful.

This discovery made her admire Chu Chen even more.

I have to say that Chu Chen's ability to discover the most suitable ancient books for his cultivation so quickly in this vast collection of books is really admirable.

Although Chu Chen has been creating miracles since she knew Chu Chen, Tang Rou can always find that Chu Chen has even greater abilities, but it hasn't been revealed yet!

Tang Rou felt that this was the luck of her life to be able to worship Big Beard with Chu Chen.

At the beginning, her brother wanted to marry him~www.ltnovel.com~ She thought that her brother was messing around. It seemed that she had deliberated.

I still didn't look down on him at the time, and now I have become an incomparable admiration for him. I didn't expect such an earth-shaking change!

"You are really eye-catching!"

After seeing Tang Rou sinking into the mood of cultivation like Shen Hou, the voice of the old man in Tsing Yi suddenly came out of the void, with a hint of admiration that could not be concealed.

"Senior praised." Chu Chen, who was still flipping the book, nodded gently.

"At first I saw that you helped the big man find an ancient book that fits his physique. You still rely on luck. I didn't expect that you could even find the ancient book on the cultivation of that little girl. This vision is really based on talent !"

The old voice of the old man in Tsing Yi was a little excited. "You kid surprised me a little bit the old man. At such a young age, he has such terrifying insights. It seems that the bearded man has found a treasure. Boy, your name is Chu Chen. Your eyesight makes me very It is anticipation, what kind of practice do you want to choose to copy and practice?"

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