Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1193: Chu Chen was shocked

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The eyes of the mysterious enchantress were cold and with killing intent.

Let everyone feel that the lot below is dangerous.

"The next auction is news. The starting price of this news is one hundred thousand Lingyu."

Ok? ?

After the voice of the mysterious enchantress fell, a suspicious voice suddenly sounded in the entire auction hall, and everyone was stunned at this moment!

What kind of news is so valuable, the starting price is 100,000 pieces of jade?

At this moment, even Chu Chen's curiosity was seduced.

Could it be that the Black Blood Auction House learned of a spatial crack leading to the small fairy world?

Otherwise, he really couldn't figure out what kind of news could give them the confidence to set such a high price.

"This news is the specific location of a young girl."

The mysterious girl stunned everyone's appetite this time, and when everyone's eyes were attracted by her, she slowly smiled and gently spit out a name.

"This girl...her name is Ling Xuan!"

Ok? ?

At this moment, Chu Chen's figure suddenly shook, her pupils shrank severely in an instant, and her entire face became serious.

At the same time, the entire auction site was in an uproar, and everyone was completely boiling at this moment.

Who is Ling Xuan?

Many people in the right way may not know this name, but in the world of magic ways, this name is too famous!

With one's own power, the Netherworld Sect, a branch of the Eastern Plains Demon Sect, was completely destroyed.

Just the result of this battle is enough to shake the entire world of magic.

You know, that Netherworld Sect is one of the largest branch sects of the Demon Nether Sect. If you talk about strength alone, it is even stronger than one of the most powerful ancient peaks of the Demon Nether Sect...Nether Peak! !

That is the largest stronghold and foundation of the Demon Nether Sect in the Eastern Plains, where the strong are like clouds, and a large number of resources such as the Demon Nether Sect's treasures, medicines, exercises, and magical instruments are gathered.

According to legend, since the Nether Peak was destroyed, all those resources were occupied by Ling Xuan alone.

That is a sect-level resource accumulated by the Netherworld Sect for thousands of years!

Anyone who obtains those resources can create a medium-sized sect or holy place almost immediately.

Regardless of whether it is for any person or any force, it is a resource that is enough to make everyone jealous! !

That being said, the starting price of this news is indeed worth 100,000 pieces of Lingyu! !

At this moment, the eyes of all the demon masters began to redden slightly.

And not far from the other side, the solemnity on Chu Chen's face never relaxed.

In any case, he would not have thought that this auction would actually put the news of Ling Xuan out for auction.

You must know that since Ling Xuan separated from his Yinpeng clone, she told it that she was going to find a retreat to practice the Heavenly Demon Sutra. Now it seems that her hiding place has probably been discovered.

Now it seems that Ling Xuan is really dangerous...

With such a thought in his mind, Chu Chen subconsciously glanced at Feng Tianyou who was not far away.

After crossing the Xufeng for so many days, he already knew that the current Ling Xuan had been regarded as the number one enemy by the entire Demon Mingzong, and he was treated as a strategic enemy by the Demon Mingzong!

And now that Feng Tianyou, who is a demon son, is here, he obviously will not give up this opportunity.

After all, if the news of Ling Xuan were really brought back, it would be a great achievement for the entire Demon Sect! !

Anyway, no matter what... The news of Ling Xuan must not fall into the hands of others! !

Clenching his fists fiercely, Chu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the light in his eyes became extremely firm.

After lowering his head and pondering for a moment, he waved slightly at the mysterious enchantress on the auction stage.

The mysterious enchantress who saw this scene was stunned for a moment, and whispered to the black-clothed woman behind him to take her seat, and then she came to Chu Chen with a smile and sat down gently: "Brother Chu, you What's the order?"

"I didn't dare to be ordered, I just wanted to ask."

Chu Chen sat up slightly, and said with a serious face, "Dare to ask the magic envoy, how much spirit jade can I borrow at this black blood auction house now?"

"Originally, with your honorable status, as long as you bring the Xu family's fingers, you can borrow 50,000 spiritual jade without interest."

The mysterious enchantress smiled and said, "But you auctioned off three Fu Lao's evil charms in batches at our auction house. If you calculate according to the transaction amount, the VIP level has increased very quickly, and now you can borrow up to 300,000 spiritual jade. "

"Three hundred thousand..."

Chu Chen frowned slightly. To tell the truth, he was really not sure about whether the 300,000 spirit jade could successfully bid for Ling Xuan.

But in any case, you have to give it a try. After all, if you have the opportunity, you must not let the news fall into the hands of others. So he nodded faintly after hearing the words:

"Then trouble your lord demon."

Chu Chen nodded and smiled lightly at the charming face of the mysterious enchantress.

After the mysterious enchantress stepped down, the original woman in black walked up to the auction stage again, holding a fist-sized crystal ball in her hand, loudly reminding everyone.

"This crystal is an extremely rare memory crystal. When the people of our Black Blood Auction House discovered Ling Xuan somewhere, they used the Demon Soul Secret Technique to place a soul imprint on her body, and later it was related to it. The other soul brand of "is sealed in this crystal ball."

The voice of the woman in black was crisp and cold.

"In this way, no matter where Ling Xuan is, then as long as she perceives the soul imprint in this memory crystal, she can track her location..."

"Then, the low price is one hundred thousand, now the auction starts..."

As soon as the black-clothed woman's voice fell, the atmosphere at the auction site suddenly became quiet, and it was not as hot as expected.

After all, the starting price of 100,000 Lingyu is a very high threshold for everyone.

This is an amazing wealth ~www.ltnovel.com~ not anyone can get it out.

"I give out 180,000."

After a while, Feng Tianyou frowned and shouted out a price, his face hesitated.

Because he knows that there will be a lot of people who will get the news, and the more than 300,000 spiritual jade in his hand is really not enough.

At the same time, he was also secretly thinking about what effect Ling Xuan's news would play if he brought back the Demon Underworld Sect.

In fact, there is something about Ling Xuan. Among the Demon Nether Sect, the Nether Peak line has the greatest reaction. After all, the Nether Nether Sect in the Eastern Plains was actually separated from the Nether Peak. The vitality was greatly injured, making the elder disciples up and down the Netherworld Peak to chase and kill Ling Xuan as their highest order.

It is even said that the peak master of Netherworld Peak once promised this generation of Nether Sons: if he can kill Ling Xuan, then the peak master will try to ensure that he becomes the next master of the Demon Nether Sect! ! R1148

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