Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1194: "Ling Xuan"

Relatively speaking, Heavenly Devil Peak's hatred for Ling Xuan is not so violent, so if it really spends everything in exchange for Ling Xuan's news, will it help the Nether Son to succeed...

However, Ling Xuan is the enemy of the entire Sky Demon Sect, and her news can also help herself complete the task.

Just when Feng Tianyou was firm in his conviction, someone had already joined the auction.

"I pay two hundred thousand!"

Venerable Devil snorted, "The news of the witch Ling Xuan is worth photographing. They all say how amazing she is, she can be called a generation of geniuses. I want to see what she is outstanding!"

"Two hundred thirty thousand."

Chu Chen gently put his hand on the armrest beside him, and an unpredictable light appeared on his indifferent complexion.

He gently pursed the corner of his mouth, his eyes flashing with thin arcs.

"Ling Xuan, she is mine, two hundred and fifty thousand!"

At this moment, a crisp female voice suddenly sounded, which suddenly surprised everyone.

This voice is completely unfamiliar. She hasn't made any moves during the previous auction. Who actually has the financial resources to participate in the competition between Venerable Demon Sky and the arrogant gray-clothed boy?

Everyone looked at the sound, and saw a young girl wearing aqua blue group sitting in the corner of the VIP seat with a smile, gently swaying her white and tender legs.

The girl looked only 13 or 14 years old, she was very beautiful and lovely, with an innocent smile on her face.

I just don't know why, once everyone's eyes contact her, they will always unconsciously fight a cold war smartly.

That kind of feeling, as if the girl’s sweet and lovely appearance was just a disguise, and her inside was an extremely terrifying and terrifying existence. The sense of terror that went deep into the bone marrow made everyone surprised. He couldn't help turning his gaze back.

"Blood Baby Saint!!"

Seeing the blue-clothed girl, Venerable Demon Sky's pupils shrank sharply, his expression uncontrollably dignified.

"Hmph, your blood baby secret realm hasn't been born for many years. I didn't expect to see their saint today. Why, are you also interested in the resources of the Eastern Plains Nether Sect?"

"Of course, this is a resource that can greatly increase the strength of a medium-sized sect, huh... of course they are also interested."

The blood infant saint smiled softly, her sweet face carried a baby-like innocence, "Uncle Motian, please let me know this news."

"Don't think about it! Others are afraid of your blood baby secret realm, I am not afraid!" Venerable Demon Sky snorted coldly, "Two hundred and eighty thousand!"

"Three hundred thousand."

Chu Chen's palm on the armrest tightened slightly, and the joints on the back of his hand appeared slightly white due to the force.

At this time, Feng Tianyou, the big brother of Magic Peak, had completely lost his desire to compete. He sat down on the chair helplessly, his face full of sullen expression.

With more than 300,000 in his hand, it was impossible to photograph this news. Feng Tianyou faced reality again.

In any case, this time the trip to the Black Blood Auction House is completely abolished...

"Then I will pay out three hundred and thirty thousand."

The blue-clothed girl's big eyes blinked innocently, and she gave Chu Chen a watery look, "This mysterious gray-clothed little brother doesn't know what it is, but you are so rich, but no matter how much money there is, it will end. Are you going to continue?"

After a faint glance at her, Chu Chen didn't speak.

It was just that the arm holding the handrail tightly relaxed slightly, and he sighed helplessly.

There is no way, he can borrow up to 300,000 pieces of spirit jade now, and now he can't stop others even at this price, it seems that he has to give up...

Ling Xuan, is there really no way to help you this time...

"Three hundred and fifty thousand!",

"Three hundred and eighty thousand!"


Venerable Demon Sky and Saint Blood Infant continued to bid for Ling Xuan's news, while Chu Chen's eyes were gloomy at this time.

If the news of her hiding this time is received by others, I am afraid that she will encounter no small trouble and will usher in endless pursuit. But now, he can't help her because he wants to go to Xiaoxianjie to save her junior sister...

"Hey, what's the matter, give up now?"

Seeing Chu Chen's sullen eyes, the little hamster glanced at the corner of his mouth and sneered.

"Boy, if you really want to do something, I have an idea..."

Having said this, a cold edge suddenly flashed across the bean-sized eyes of the little hamster.

I saw its figure suddenly came to Chu Chen's shoulder, and gently said a few words in his ear.

And listening to the secret words of the little hamster, Chu Chen frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

After pondering for a moment, he finally nodded slightly.

And the competition in the field is vigorous!

"Four hundred thousand!"

The blue-clothed girl twitched her mouth and looked at Venerable Motian with provocative eyes, "Uncle Motian, if I remember right, you only have more than four hundred thousand, right? You even gave up on that little fairy world map just now. ."

"Hmph, how much money do I have, it's not your turn to worry about it."

Venerable Demon Sky snorted coldly, "I want to see how deep your blood infant secret realm is, I will give out 440,000!"

Venerable Motian's eyes flashed with arrogance. He was originally 500,000 spirit jade, but then he quietly resisted a Buddha-suppressing hammer, and he had 600,000 spirit jade in his hand.

"Forty-eight thousand!"

The girl in blue didn’t see any difficulty, but she giggled, “I’m concerned about you, don’t forget, Uncle Motian, when you were young, you said that when I grow up, you will marry me. . Now that I have not cleared the door, you started to bully me..."

"Five hundred thirty thousand!!"

Venerable Motian laughed at the words, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "If you want Lao Tzu to marry you, you can just disperse the blood baby secret technique you have practiced! Look at the exercises you practiced. What is it like? A tens of years old is still like a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl who wants to be breastless or **** without butt, which man is interested in wanting you!"

As soon as Venerable Demon Sky uttered these words, a cry of exclamation suddenly sounded in the void.

How old is the blue girl in front of you?

What kind of exercise is this, can it be rejuvenated? People who are dozens of years old are still like a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old... There is such a god-defying technique in this world? ?

"Uncle Motian is the most beautiful, really necrotic."

Hearing the ridicule of Venerable Demon Sky, the blue-clothed girl was not annoyed, but instead gave him a coquettishly white look.

"Aren't you guys all like this? The younger the girl is, the more you like it. Why are you unhappy when people become like this? What a grief...

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