Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 333: Prehistoric alien

"This eagle is actually a wild alien. It's troublesome now..."

Among the crowd, a man with the appearance of a scholar frowned slightly, "Mythical beasts have spirits and can choose their own masters. Don't force them. Since this eagle dared to let us all go together, it shows that its own strength is extremely powerful. , I’m afraid that stealing chickens won’t cause eclipses...

"Hey, coward! No matter how powerful the Primordial Alien Species is, looking at the appearance of this eagle, I am afraid it is just a juvenile body, how strong it can be! Since this woman said that as long as she defeated it, she would have a chance to get it. After a while, wouldn’t it be a missed opportunity!!” Next to the scholar, a man with a black robe and a gloomy face sneered, his voice suddenly raised.

"Everyone, I have a set of nine bends of the Yellow River sword formation here, and I need eight people to cooperate with me, but who is willing to join me in a battle with this wild animal!"

"I'm coming!" Hearing the cold man's words, a black-faced man in the crowd lit up.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Sword Formation is a very famous sword formation in the monk world. Through the cooperation of nine people, it can explode several times its power. It will be beneficial for anyone to have the opportunity to try this set of sword formations.

"I'll try it too!"

"The wild animal, I really want to ask for advice!"


With a soft roar, eight experts of Lingquan's early cultivation base quickly gathered. Several people gathered together to discuss a few quietly, seeming to be running into the sword formation.

Seeing this scene, the man who looked like a scholar shook his head slightly: "Hey...If the Primal Alien Species are so easy to deal with, how can they leave such a prestigious name? It is really profitable to faint, and death is not a pity!" Chen respectfully bowed and turned away.

Oh, it seems there are still people who know the goods. The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

On the other side, the nine elites from the early stage of Lingquan had run in with each other and came to Chu Chen. The black-robed man headed by the head became cold, and a cruel expression flashed across his eyes: "Are you ready?"

"I have nothing to prepare. On the contrary, you are ready to die?" The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched, and the bright silver pupils were full of sarcasm and disdain.

"It's just a beast, and I dare to be so arrogant! Today I will show you the supernatural powers of my human race!!" The black robe man snorted coldly and waved his hands fiercely. Behind him, the eight figures arranged in a strange direction stretched out, bursting out dazzling yellow rays.

The Jiuqu Yellow River sword formation is a set of ancient formations inherited from the age of ancient mythology. According to legend, in order to ensure the inheritance of Taoism, the three ancient goddesses, Bixiao, Qiongxiao, and Yunxiao, used artifacts such as Hunyuan Jindou and Jinjiao Scissors to set up a large formation of the Nine Songs of the Yellow River, which will shock the world. All the gods and Buddhas are unbreakable.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and the original Jiuqu Yellow River Array has long been annihilated in the dust of history. Later generations of great sages obtained some fragments of the large formation when they explored some ancient relics. After deduction and changes, they formed the famous "Nine Curves of the Yellow River Sword Formation."

This set of sword formations is only a remnant formation, and naturally it cannot be compared with the original complete formation.

Despite this, it is enough to be famous all over the world.

Especially when it is displayed by nine powerhouses above the sixth level of Lingquan, it is even more earth-shattering.

But seeing the yellow light gushing in the void and the screaming wind, almost in the blink of an eye, a mighty yellow river appeared in mid-air, which was boundless at a glance.

In the long yellow river, what is flowing is not the river, but the sharp sword energy that cuts the gold, cuts the iron, and strips the flesh! Endless sword energy converges and flows in the void, like a sharp small sword, with a slight movement, it seems to carry an awe-inspiring aura that tears the sky.

"The great supernatural powers of the human race are naturally unique. They are only displayed by your trash, but I don't know how many styles of the ancestors can be reproduced? How long do you have to prepare? I am in a good mood today. Click it."

Seeing the yellow river of sword aura gradually formed, the corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, showing his domineering fullness.

"as you wish!!"

With a long howl, the void vibrated. The mighty river of sword energy finally converged, turning slightly, like a long yellow dragon rushing toward Chu Chen.

Where the long river passed, the void sounded endlessly bursting through the sky, like the terrifying scream of some unknown creature!

The nine songs of the Yellow River, one song and one soul break! The most terrifying thing about this set of sword formations is not how sharp its sword aura is, but that once the Nine Curved Yellow River Sword Formation is formed, it can evoke a trace of true Yellow River spiritual power in the underworld!

The Yellow River became angry and turned thousands of miles into sand! What is the scariest thing about the Yellow River? Not its river water, but its yellow sand! When the general ancient Shenhe erupts, at most, it forms a vast ocean of floods.

After the flood, a large amount of river bottom silt flowed on the ground, forming fertile soil for thousands of miles, which was a blessing for all beings. But once the Yellow River erupts, after the turbulent flood, what is left is not fertile soil, but a desert!

Whether it is forests, swamps, plains or other landforms, all will be completely submerged by endless yellow sand!

The most terrifying part of the Jiuqu Yellow River Sword Array is that at the moment of hitting the opponent, it mobilizes the true Yellow River spiritual power, which can quickly petrify the opponent, and then decompose it into tiny yellow sand, so that there is no bones left. !

So when he saw the yellow river in the sky rushing towards Chu Chen, the pupils of Elder Lingxin shrank suddenly!

She knew very well how terrifying Chu Chen had.

She originally thought that with Chu Chen's speed, she should avoid it at the instant when the sword qi river blasted, but she never expected that Chu Chen would not evade and was directly beaten by the Jiuqu Yellow River Sword Array. Right now! !

"Huh?" Lingxin frowned slightly~www.ltnovel.com~ Seeing this scene, even though she couldn't help but feel her heart tightened: What's the matter with this eagle, does it have anything else? Method? She deeply understood how tough this "predecessor demon" was.

Obviously, if it weren't for being extremely confident in himself, this eagle would not have let himself be hit by the Jiuqu Yellow River Sword Array.

It's just that although he was anxious, the elder Lingxin was still calm on the surface.

It's just that the other people's eyes widened unbelievably when they saw this scene. What happened to this eagle that looked so beautiful? Can't even hide from the Jiuqu Yellow River Array?

Is it really an ancient alien species?

"Huh, what a prehistoric spirit species, ancient mythical beast. It's just a joke!!"

Someone snorted lowly, his tone full of sarcasm.

Someone subconsciously glanced at the elder Lingxin, but found that her face was pale and shaky, and her eyes were full of horror that could not be covered.

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