Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 334: Jianhe Great Array

"It's just a mere appearance, and it's far behind the real Jiuqu Yellow River Array. You... just this point?"

Just when everyone saw that the mighty yellow river of sword energy completely submerged Chu Chen, and when the overall situation was set, a cold voice came out of the void, making Elder Lingxin's pupils widen!


A violent whistling sound rose into the sky, and a dazzling silver light suddenly burst out of the endless river of sword energy. The next moment, a silver and black figure jumped out, violently spreading a pair of wide wings.

The yellow sword air like flowing water rushed on the pair of wings, not only did not leave a trace of scars, but as if all the dust and impurities on the surface were cleaned, it appeared that the pair of steel wings was even more The bright and smooth.

"This formation is good for bathing." Chu Chen glanced at his feathers crookedly, and smiled very satisfied.

How... how is it possible!

Everyone is completely mad, what is the Jiuqu Yellow River Sword Formation?

Let alone an eagle, even if a solid piece of profound iron is placed in it, it might be corroded, petrified, decomposed, and finally turned into a pile of loose yellow sand. But this eagle is... actually taking a bath unscathed?

A feeling of guarding against the sky appeared in everyone's heart.

There were angry roars in the void, and it seemed that the people in charge of the formation had also noticed Chu Chen's abnormal movement. Obviously, the result of this scene was unbearable by them anyway.

Accompanied by a long howl, the sword aura in mid-air gave a fierce meal, and its scope expanded rapidly. The "river water" formed by the condensed pure sword aura became even more violent. In the middle of the river, even small lines appeared. The vortex, like a chain of extremely sharp gears biting into each other, ate towards Chu Chen wildly!

"Okay, after the shower, you can get out."

Chu Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and lost his patience. The wings paused slightly, and slammed forward!

Boom! ! !

Amid the thunderous explosion, a silver-black double-colored hurricane burst out of the feathers, and suddenly two huge storms appeared in the void.

The whole world dimmed in an instant, and the two storms only washed away the mighty river of sword energy. Accompanied by a few screams, a few small figures fell from mid-air, and fell heavily to the ground, splashing dust in the sky.

"you you……!!!!"

The black-clothed man stared at Chu Chen, frightened and angry. With one move, just one move, this black eagle completely destroyed the world-famous Jiuqu Yellow River Sword Array, which is simply a myth... how is it possible! !

"Well, you still want to subdue me?"

Chu Chen shook his wings slightly and flew over the black-clothed man, looking at him condescendingly, his bright silver pupils flashed a sneer of disdain, "With this strength, I want to subdue the beast?"

"You... don't be proud! One day, I will..." The black-clothed man's complexion flushed red, his anger surged, and Chu Chen's eyes froze sharply as he was about to hold up the scene with a few ruthless words. The huge wings slammed on his face with a fierce "pop", and the words behind him were beaten back into his stomach.

All the onlookers felt their eyes fierce.

How hard are Chu Chen's wings? This is impossible to estimate at all. It was like a slap on the face of a man in black with an iron brush, causing his entire face to swell up.

In fact, it was Chu Chen who left his hand. With the current strength of his Black Hawk clone, a single wing slammed in the past with more than tens of thousands of catties. If you slap it with all your strength, even a whole iron mound can be broken in one fell swoop! Not to mention the flesh and blood of a person!

Fortunately, only a little bit of the wing tip was scraped off the end of the wing.



The man in black was even more angry, and his whole body was shaking. But he only yelled out these two words, and Chu Chen slapped his wings and threw it fiercely on his face again.





After four consecutive slaps, the black-clothed man's face was completely swollen into a pig's head, he couldn't even speak, and he lay on the ground with his cheek in pain.

"Does anyone still want to subdue me?"

The bright silver eyes glanced at the crowd of onlookers, and everyone who came into contact with the pair of cold eagle pupils felt their eyelids jump and took a few steps back subconsciously. As for the remaining few people who besieged Chu Chen, they were already scared and they knelt down on the ground and did not dare to move.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the elder Lingxin's mouth twitched fiercely, silently silent.

A turmoil soon subsided. The elder Lingxin took Chu Chen through the port, and after truly entering Izumo Kingdom, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Entered Izumo country without any risk, and this time the mission is here even more than half completed. Let her relax slightly.

"You... are you really a Primordial Beast?"

Walking on the official road of Izumo Nation, the elder Lingxin finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart. He glanced at Chu Chen and asked softly.

"Maybe, maybe I'm still young now, so the inheritance memory is not very obvious, and I don't know many things." Chu Chen sighed. Speaking of it, it has only been more than a year since its black eagle clone was born. It can only be regarded as a baby for the life span of a divine beast for thousands of years. Up to now, He still doesn't know what race his black eagle clone is.

"Since you can talk, why didn't you say it before? I always thought you were just a somewhat stronger ordinary bird~www.ltnovel.com~ The corner of Elder Lingxin's mouth was tickled slightly, showing a smile, "I knew you would Speaking, I can also communicate with you more. "

"When I want to say it, I will naturally. When I don't want to say it, I don't know how to say it." Chu Chen's eagle beak lifted slightly, his face looking at the world.

Elder Lingxin was taken aback for a while, to be honest, her temper was well-known throughout Biquan Immortal Sect.

Just seeing that there was only one Qingyue willing to stay in the entire Undercold Valley for so many years, and no other disciples were willing to come to study and practice, one could imagine how unique her temper was.

Originally learned that the King of Flying Cavalry that she bought at a low price was actually a divine beast left over from the ancient times, she was very happy in her heart, so she said softly to Chu Chen, wanting to win over the relationship, but she did not expect this. The head eagle is so full of personality that she set a score for her.

This will follow her past temperament, I'm afraid she could not help but slap it.

But when she thought of Chu Chen easily cracking the tyrannical posture of the Jiuqu Yellow River Sword Formation, she quickly dispelled her irrational idea.

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