Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 902: Heaven and Earth Furnace

The whole world was trembling and trembling constantly because of the palm that went straight down in the void!

The palm of the blue color contained an astonishing swallowing power. When it crashed and landed vertically, it had swallowed all the space, spiritual power, heat and even light along the way.

The emptiness of the dark passage seemed to seal the entire space, and Chu Chen was to be completely covered in it.

This blow is inevitable!

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Chu Chen's eyes narrowed fiercely, and a fiery light burst out of his eyes.

He didn't retreat, but instead moved forward, his figure rushed forward.

The palm of his hand trembled slightly, and a jet of black sword light rushed out, directly facing the big blue hand slashing away!


The inky black sword light was invincible, slashing heavily towards the fingers of the big hand.

Amidst a sharp whistle, like a black comet flashed by, the three fingers of the big hand were directly cut off by the black sword light, turning into endless blue energy and dissipating.

In the next moment, the remaining big palm of his hand also slammed on Chu Chen's body!

Chu Chen only felt that a sacred mountain weighing tens of thousands of jins slammed into his body, and the surging divine power rushed into his body frantically. Only when his throat was sweet, he was about to spit out blood. .

However, Chu Chen bit his teeth, and his expression abruptly endured, but his almost numb body was shot and flew away, like a kite, and the nameless black sword in his hand could no longer be held. Live, take off and fly, turning into a shocking black thread, nailed to the ground ten feet away.

Chu Chen's body flew upside down for several tens of feet before he fell heavily to the ground, and rolled on the ground several times before releasing the terrifying impact in his body and stopping!

The blue light flickered, and Xiao Ran's figure appeared not far away. He looked at Chu Chen unexpectedly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"You are much stronger than I thought! I was hit by the Heaven-Swallowing Chaos Palm in the front, but I didn't suffer any serious injuries. In that case, come again!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Ran's eyes were murderous.

I saw his right hand push in one force, and the whole space rippled again, and a huge blue hand full of mystery once again turned out, with the tendency to tear the space, grabbing directly to Chu Chen!

"bring it on!"

Chu Chen's eyes were blood red, his face was furious, and a palm in his body made him more tenacious, let alone flinching!

I saw him slamming his hands in front of him, and two rounds of dazzling golden sun appeared.

As he closed his hands fiercely, the golden light burst and flames burst into the sky, and the two rounds of bright golden sun suddenly merged into a huge blazing sun. With one stroke of his arms, he greeted the howling. The blue giant hand coming!

"Break for me!"

The golden scorching sun amidst the sky-shattering roar collided with the blue giant hand, and then the golden scorching sun burst into a fiery golden flame and swept away.

Almost just for an instant, that huge blue palm had been completely ignited, and the whole body was burning with a few feet of golden flames.

It's just that the palm that was burned by the golden flames didn't burn out quickly, after Xiao Ran let out another low roar of Void Pushing Hand.

The big hand of the flame that had turned into blue gold suddenly made a loud noise, and continued to squeeze it down with a bang, heading towards Chu Chen!

"No, Chu Chen is in danger!"

The little hamster in the distance saw this scene with a sudden eyelid jump. Xiao Ran's cultivation base was really too domineering. The strength of the giant hand he gathered obviously exceeded Chu Chen's expectations, and it was not the current Jiuyang at all. The Burning Heaven Seal can be broken!

Just before the little hamster could give a reminder, the big chaotic hand that surrounded the dazzling golden flames had completely grasped Chu Chen, and with his big hand, a round of blue-gold scorching sun instantly swallowed Chu Chen!

The azure light was shining and the golden light was shining. After the dazzling cyan giant hand held Chu Chen, it turned into a huge golden cyan oven, which completely trapped Chu Chen inside, and wanted to make it hard.

Clusters of pure cyan flames rose violently, and the more they burned, it was obvious that the golden flames above the oven were being suppressed by the green fire.

Xiao Ran, who was not far away, looked cold and indifferent. His hands were slightly flexed and stretched. As the vast cyan spiritual power surged, the heat emitted by that cyan furnace became more and more terrifying.

In the end, the air around the furnace even began to show faint rays of light, and even the space was constantly distorted under the terrifying heat.

This guy... is too reckless, how can this kind of desperate play work!

The little hamster in the distance jumped hurriedly when he saw this scene, and the big eyes of the mung bean grains started to turn red.

It just doesn't matter no matter how anxious it is, it doesn't work. After all, with its current cultivation base, even if it uses the immortality technique, it can't break through that void furnace, and it's just going to die for nothing.


There was a muffled noise suddenly in the calm void, and the little hamster was scratching his head anxiously for a moment, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

I saw that the cyan Void Furnace was trembling slightly, and it was constantly getting bigger, as if there was something in it trying to break free.

At the same time, the golden flames that had been suppressed by the cyan light around the furnace began to boil violently, and the volume of the entire furnace began to increase.

Inside the pure cyan furnace body, you can see a blazing golden sun faintly expanding, emitting waves of amazing fluctuations.

A touch of shock appeared on Xiao Ran's calm and indifferent face, he slightly pursed his lips, and madly pressed the seal in his hand, waves of vigorous spiritual power continued to rush into the cyan void furnace.

The furnace shook slightly. Although it was blessed by Xiao Ran's spiritual power, it still couldn't stop its growing trend.

Finally, UU read www.uukanshu.com when the cyan furnace skyrocketed to a few feet high, the whole space was quiet for an instant. The next moment, the whole furnace exploded!

boom! ! !

The golden light bursts out from the void like a volcanic eruption.

Thoroughly tear all the green light to pieces!

The endless golden light seemed to be rising slowly, and when the golden light gradually extinguished, the figure of Chu Chen suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

The most conspicuous thing about Chu Chen at this moment is still his **** eyes, stubborn and ferocious, like a beast that has emerged from the trap!

Patches of cyan burned marks appeared on his body, and the gray robe was riddled with holes, and a thick cyan smoke rose from time to time.

It's just that although the whole body was covered with scars, the light in Chu Chen's eyes was extremely bright.

He slowly turned his head to look at Xiao Ran, like an ancient fierce beast emerging from the trap, preparing to begin revenge!

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