Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 903: Avenue

Seeing Chu Chen who was as tenacious as a vengeful beast, Xiao Ran's heart was suffocated. This chaotic swallowing palm was a must-kill technique he created.

Whenever swallowed by the cyan furnace transformed by that bare palm, even the powerhouses of the Linghe realm would be refined alive and could not resist at all.

However, Chu Chen’s Nine Suns Fentian Seal was too mysterious. He urged the absolute defensive style in the Fentian Seal to the extreme, causing the whole person to be covered in a fiery swelling golden sun. Opened the furnace with the swelling sun, and escaped from this trick! "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Although his Jade Swallowing Fire can refine everything, it cannot refine a real sun!

The supernatural powers of the emperor of the ancient times are really unpredictable, and the power is endless!

While Xiao Ran was still in shock, Chu Chen, who had escaped from the trap, had already killed him in an instant. A strong golden flame was wrapped around Chu Chen's body, crushing the void like an ancient chariot. Xiao Ran charged extremely violently!


With a low growl, Chu Chen's right shoulder once again struck Xiao Ran's chest heavily with the force of lightning.

The bearded charge violently, under Chu Chen's full display, like a bolt of lightning struck Xiao Ran!

Xiao Ran, who was too late to escape, was directly hit by his legs and lifted off the ground. The person was still in the air, and Xiao Ran's heart once again surged with astonishment.

This time Chu Chen's violent charge was many times more aggressive than the previous time. It was like an angry and crazy beast hitting his body, and he actually tore his own bodyguard a little bit of anger.

Xiao Ran, who was flying upside down in the air, felt that he was tensed, and a warm blood slowly flowed out!

I was injured, I actually bleed, I actually bleed in the battle with this guy! !

A wave of volcanic eruption-like fury rushed out instantly, almost sweeping Xiao Ran's entire brain.

Xiao Ran couldn't accept it, and he was hurt in the hands of a rookie in the spiritual spring realm!

Under the extreme fury, Xiao Ran's figure shook fiercely, and he shot Chu Chen with his palm without thinking about it.

A vast azure light burst out from his palm, and the azure light directly passed through the layers of space, and hit Chu Chen as soon as it appeared!

But at this time Chu Chen still maintained the posture of hitting Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran's counterattack was too fast, and Chu Chen had no time to escape.

His pupils shrank slightly, and Yu Qing, who could penetrate the world, blasted his body frontally!


The cyan light was blazing, like a cyan divine sword stretched across the sky, pulling out a long cyan light band on the earth.

The endless power of Yuqing killed directly in the dense black forest, abruptly opening up a wide passage, and all the black forest trees burst into pieces along the way.

Only when the strong blue light gradually dissipated, Chu Chen, who had been expected to die, was still standing not far in front of Xiao Ran.

He crossed his arms in front of him, and there were **** wounds on his body, arms, waist, legs, and everywhere. There were layers of strong blue smoke around the wound, exuding an astonishing breath.

At the same time, Xiao Ran saw Chu Chen's eyes covered in blue smoke again.

With his ferocious and angry eyes, he seemed to choose someone to eat like an ancient beast!

This, this guy... can actually prevent my Yuqing from killing!

Xiao Ran's eyes throbbed, and he felt his heart shrink severely.

Qinglian Jingshi, who can penetrate the world, was actually picked up by Chu Chen! !

At this moment, not only Xiao Ran, but even the little hamster in the distance was completely stunned.

Yuqing Killing Dao is one of the most powerful magical powers among all the magical powers that Human Race can cultivate. Although now after endless years, Yuqing Killing Dao is only a fragment of Kěnéng from the ancient times. The real power, but the power it contains can be called terrifying.

Chu Chen actually used his body to fight hard, it was like a mortal grabbing a sharp artifact with his bare hands.

Even if he had the world-class magical protection of the Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal, Chu Chen wouldn't be able to stop the jade from killing all! ?

But Chu Chen actually stood!

Although there was a strong blue smoke all over his body, his body was still consuming with the naked eye Sùdù!

He used his will to support himself without falling down! ! !

This guy... is really taking his life hard!

What a tough guy!

The hamster's eye sockets shrank violently, and Chu Chen's attack, whose whole body was enveloped in blue smoke, launched again.

Like a beast, his unruly left uppercut hit Xiao Ran's face heavily!

Xiao Ranguan, who was in shock, flew back.

The next moment, Chu Chen violently bends and grabs the five fingers of his right hand, and a strong suction burst out.

The black nameless long sword that fell in the distance shook slightly, then turned into a black glow and returned to his hand.

Seeing Chu Chen's hands shook violently, a black sword light burst out suddenly, shooting towards the inverted Xiao Ran!

The earth-shaking sound of sword chants rose into the sky, and the black sword light penetrated the void, and the biting sword intent that it radiated seemed to be more sharp than that of Yuqing.

Obviously this time Chu Chen completely forced out the potential of the nameless long sword, so he must burn Xiao!

"Hmph, I didn't think that the waste of your Lingquan realm could force me to this point..."

Xiao Ran, who was in mid-air, watched the jet black sword light pierce through the void. Not only did his expression show no panic, but the depths of his eyes looked even more hollow.

With a soft snort, his body suddenly burst into a vast and unparalleled blue brilliance.

The rich blue light is like a mighty prison. In the blue light, you can see dots of stars dotted with it, evolving endlessly.

Among the endless stars~www.ltnovel.com~ a dazzling blue color grows rapidly, and a small sapling gradually grows from a cloud of blue light, and then in a short moment it grows into a towering old tree with branches and leaves extend.

However, just after a while, the vigorous ancient tree withered quickly with the naked eye Sùdù and turned into a withered tree!

The blue-gray old tree runs through the world, with a total of three thousand branches.

Although there is not a single leaf on it, each branch carries a bright star, exuding waves of ancient, vast, wild and endless aura.


The black sword aura seemed to rush into Xiao Ran's side, but was blocked by the giant trees surrounding him.

The black and gold sword aura shattered every inch and was crushed by the stars carried by the giant tree, and it was quickly annihilated invisible.

This scene is really amazing. It is just a tree, but it seems to be able to carry the stars and suppress the universe.

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