Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 841: Stalker

Unconsciously, two full days have passed since everyone had entered the remains of the Ancient Medicine Palace.

On a rugged mountain range, Chu Chen's complexion was indifferent, and his footsteps swiftly rushed on the ground, almost turning into a faint gray shadow.

In front of him, a student wearing a blue-and-white Tianyuan-style robe was running away frantically in an extremely embarrassing manner. On this day, the robes on the disciples of the courtyard had become tattered, and there were even signs of fire in some places.

He saw his hair disheveled, his expression frightened, and he looked behind him from time to time as he fled frantically. Whenever he saw the gray figure behind him, his face became paler.

Zheng Xueyang is a well-known disciple in the Medicine Palace Tianyuan. Once he says his name, almost everyone in the Tianyuan will know it. In fact, speaking of his strength, he wasn't that great. Now it's only in the Realm of Illusion Creek, and it can only be counted as a top posture in the Tianyuan where talented people are born.

The most important reason for his fame is that during the process of exploring the ancient ruins, Zheng Xueyang inadvertently obtained a world-shaking good fortune... The peerless supernatural powers left by the ancient legend "Shadowless God of War" Duan... Fragments of the law, Ling Bo alone!

This is a legendary school of extremely superior physique. It is claimed to be able to have the world's speed at the extreme level. It is even comparable to the legendary Yunxiao Empress’s "Cloud Light and Moon Body Method" in terms of the level of the rising method.

Although it is only a fragment, it is far beyond the speed of ordinary exercises.

With every adventure, trial, and battle in the past, relying on the unparalleled speed of "Lingbo alone", Zheng Xueyang can be said to be invincible. Even if he meets Huangfuyin and Zhao Yeyuan like super powers in Lingxi realm, he can't beat him. It can also run away.

Therefore, Zheng Xueyang is also known as the "little Wuying" of the Tianyuan. It is said that a certain elder of the Tianyuan even planned to explore some ancient relics after hearing about his name, hoping to "float light and glimpse the shadow". Find out other fragments, let him truly understand and study.

It is such a stunning and brilliant arrogant son of heaven, at this moment, he seems to be as worried as a dog in the family.

Since four hours ago, he occasionally met an underground squad, so he wanted to sneak attack them to seize the medicine card in their hand, Zheng Xueyang's nightmare began...

A gray-clothed boy was mantis hunting cicadas, and the oriole appeared behind him!

He still didn't understand how the guy who looked like he was wearing gray clothes, his face was calm, and his cultivation was only Dzogchen at the Tianquan level, how did he beat himself like a dog?

To make matters worse, he couldn't fight by himself and chose to escape, but he couldn't escape at all.

How did he keep up with his own speed?

Zheng Xueyang felt that she couldn't understand even if she wanted to break her scalp!

Ling Bo had no doubts about the magic of this exercise alone. The characteristics of this exercise were not only well-known throughout the monk world, even secular martial artists had heard of the name of this exercise.

And the footwork used by the gray-clothed boy doesn't look like any kind of genius at all. It is plain and ordinary, but it can follow behind him like a shadow, and he can't get rid of it! !

When it's more terrible, the other party will follow behind him slowly and quickly, not so much chasing himself, but also wanting to study his ancient footwork, what seems to be the same?

But for Zheng Xueyang, who had been locked in for four hours, the desire to die was all there.

Can't fight and fight, and can't escape, Zheng Xueyang even regrets participating in this level of pharmacist competition, letting herself meet such a nightmare-level opponent.

In order to avoid his pursuit, Zheng Xueyang gritted his teeth and chose to escape into the swamp. As a result, his speed was obviously affected, but the other party always followed behind him in a leisurely manner.

Anxious and panicked, Zheng Xueyang finally fell into the swamp with a dog gnawing on his shit, mixed with mud, and struggling to move forward, but struggling to move forward for a short period of time, and then plunged directly into the mud. Here, tears shed almost immediately after reading.

The gray-clothed boy calmly stopped beside him, "Are you going to escape?"

Zheng Xueyang shook his head vigorously.

"Then you can give me the medicine card." The gray-clothed boy stretched out his hand, justified.

Zheng Xueyang wanted to shake his head, but thinking about his previous nightmarish experience, he turned his heart back, took out an ancient medicine crystal card that had been covered with fever from his arms, and threw it at the gray-clothed boy.


Aura was engulfed, the crystal-clear medicine card drew a graceful arc in the void, and was grabbed by Chu Chen.

The elixir on the medicine brand looked like a winding silver dragon, radiating brilliant silver light under the shining light of the sky.

"Silver Dragon Spirit Whisk, the number is 5, good luck, such a rare medicine card is available in one go."

Chu Chen showed a satisfied expression in his eyes, rubbed his hand lightly on the medicine tablet for a moment, and read the reader slightly, "Very well, the second medicine card is now in hand. In addition, your Lingbo dominance is worthy of the ancient body. I have learned a lot of subtleties in these few hours, thank you very much."


Zheng Xueyang's eyes widened. He almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. It turned out that he chased himself for four hours, mainly to study his footwork.

After driving myself into a desperate situation, I was indeed gambled on my fate!

There was almost a feeling of vomiting blood: this guy... the reason why this guy chased him for two days and nights, he was actually comprehending his own Limbo microwave! !

"Goodbye," Chu Chen said lightly.

Zheng Xueyang waved his hand weakly~www.ltnovel.com~ She didn't dare to say anything, but she cursed in her heart, I have been down with blood mold for eight lifetimes before meeting a monster like you, goodbye? Who wants to see you again! Never do it again!

Putting the medicine plate representing the ancient silver dragon spirit beard into the storage ring, Chu Chen swept around and quickly turned into a gray shadow for half an hour, and came to the other side of the swamp.

I saw Tang Rou and Shen Hou enthusiastically raising a bonfire on a rock with a dry certificate.

In front of them, an ancient blood antelope that was peeled and washed was strung on a hard jasper bamboo, dripping with golden jade-like grease as the heavy turning.

With the burning of the flames, the whole body of the ancient blood antelope has turned into a tempting golden yellow color, and the smell of meat that contains the smell of strange immortality floats out, which is mouth-watering.

This ancient blood antelope is a spirit beast living in the ancient medicine palace ruins, because it has been nourished by the amazing medicinal qi of the ancient medicine palace ruins for many years, the meat is delicious and unmatched, and it contains rich medicinal properties.

Its meat quality is almost comparable to a Tier 5 elixir, and it can be said to be a kind of treasure with medicinal properties.

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