Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 842: Ancient Medicine World

Seeing Chu Chen coming, Shen Hou was still attentively serving the barbecue on the shelf, giving full play to his advantages as a barbeque master in the wild.

But Tang Rou looked at Chu Chen slightly nervously: "Did you succeed?"

"Well, I got it." Chu Chen smiled and read the head. "Not only did he get the medicine card of the Silver Dragon Spirit Whisk, but he also understood an incomparable footwork. This trip is really worth it. Gained."

"Haha...great. In that case, we already have three mission medicine cards, including the natal medicine cards, and only two medicine cards are missing!!"

Chu Chen read his head, and as he used his spiritual power, crystal-colored ancient medicine crystal plates floated out of the storage ring, and swirled around the crowd.

The first convenience is the ancient blood golden ginseng they already have, and the back is the phoenix grass obtained from the scar man and the silver dragon spirit beard obtained from Zheng Xueyang.

In addition to these three medicines, there are seventeen other medicines: Netherworld Ancient Demon Flower, Dragon Blood Ancient Wood, Xuanyang Vermillion Fruit, Green Blood Immortal Lotus, Jade Fantasy Moon Grass, Earth Crystal...

The aura of each medicine brand is enveloping, emitting a strong medicine fragrance.

These seventeen medicine cards were all left by those who took the initiative to come to the door to **** the medicine cards of Chu Chen team these days, but were left behind by their anti-robbing team.

After nearly three days of trials, at this time the entire ancient medicine palace remains in chaos, and almost all the teams are desperately grabbing medicine cards from other teams.

In this environment, Chu Chen's team specifically sought out those teams that rob others to snatch, and the scattered ones would be considered a lot of gains.

"We are only two medicines away now."

Tang Rou looked at the medicine plaques floating in front of her, her expression flashed over with a look of worry, "Shen Yuanhua's words are not rare. We have so many surplus medicine plaques, which can be exchanged with others in the temporary market. . But the Forbidden Willow is the only elixir. It seems that we can only go to the team that owns it and grab it directly."

When Chu Chen read his head, she saw Tang Rou glanced at his shoulder slightly: "Right, where's Teacher Xiaocang?"

"I don't know." Chu Chen shook his head slightly, "The dead mouse is probably looking for news about the Forbidden Willow. Let's leave it alone. This ancient blood antelope seems to be roasted..."

"Hehe, it will be done right away." Shen Hou smiled slightly when he heard the words, his expression extremely bold and proud.

I have to say that the deep barbecue technique is absolutely top-notch. The ancient blood antelope is not only roasted by him with a golden and oily aroma, but after he sprinkled some elixir ground powder, the aroma was suddenly strong. Several times.

The smell of meat is refreshing, and just smelling that smell is enough to make people swallow drooling wildly.

Even Yi Chu Chen's mind was tempted by this strong meaty fragrance, and he couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of water.

Speaking of which, he can be regarded as a master of barbecue. In the past, most of the time when he ran around Biquan Xianzong to collect elixir, he hunted and barbecued his belly by himself, so it was considered handy to serve these things.

But if his barbeque technique is compared with Shen Hou, it would be really insignificant.

Finally, when Shen Hou had completely grilled the ancient blood antelope, the few people began to eat like a ghost who had been hungry for many years.

After all, Tang Rou was still a girl, a little reserved, so she tore a leg of lamb and sipped it very seriously.

As for Chu Chen and Shen Hou, they completely lost all their demeanor, and they gobbled up like two hungry wolves.

To be honest, it is still very hard to run around the ancient medicine palace ruins to find the elixir these days. It is not easy to have such a chance to enjoy the food.

It has to be said that this ancient medicine palace relic is really a treasure place. Because this place has been sealed in the void all the year round, the internal rules of heaven and earth and spatial aura retain the special atmosphere of the ancient times.

The meat of this ancient blood antelope is so delicious that it is almost as good as the wild treasure that Shen Hou collected at the beginning...the meat of me.

After eating a whole head of ancient blood antelope, the three men stopped the war contentedly, and digested their meditation skills.

The ancient blood antelope in this relic uses those spirit medicines and spirit grasses as food, so the medicinal power in its body is also very strong. The benefits of a few people's full meal are almost no better than eating a fifth-order pill Weak, enough to be worth more than ten days of penance.

The rest of the people did not lose much time, and walked towards the nearest medicinal material trading shop.

Along the way, the three of them have really seen a lot of rare ancient medicines: for example, there is a rare green-blooded lotus root in a lake that is not so wide. This is a green-blooded fairy that has to grow for at least 10,000 years. A peerless treasure that can be condensed by lotus!

You must know that the green blood immortal lotus can be regarded as an extremely precious ancient medicine. Thousands of years of green blood immortal lotus are enough to live and die. It is a kind of healing medicine, even after the monk’s soul is broken. Can be cured.

And the green blood immortal lotus root can change the physique of the monk from the source, so that he has the green blood immortal physique, no matter how severe the injury is, it is possible to quickly recover!

It's just that the entire lake with the green blood immortal lotus root is protected by a powerful black charm seal and cannot be picked at all.

The three of them knew that their strength would not be able to break this restriction, so they had no choice but to watch.

And at the source of another black waterfall, there is a strange ancient medicine: the ancient medicine is as black as ink~www.ltnovel.com~ It is straight as a line, and it looks like a straight stone pillar without any. The leaf has only one medicine stem.

But there is a purple-red fruit on the stem, emitting a strong red light.

Even Chu Chen and Shen Hou couldn't recognize this strange-looking ancient medicine, but Tang Rou seemed to understand something after watching it for a while, and her face instantly turned red as blood.

The strange thing was that she let Shen Hou repeatedly ask her without saying anything, but finally she blushed and said three words: Mo Yangguo.

Hearing these three words, Shen Hou was stunned, his eyes quickly flashed with a strange light, and there was a touch of extreme surprise and ecstasy on his face!

Mo Yang Guo is definitely a kind of peerless treasure, and it is a wonderful fruit that has great benefits for men.

This kind of fruit contains the power of innate Xuanyang, and is a kind of ancient medicine of double repair.

If it is swallowed by a man, it can have a special effect, not only to keep the golden gun from falling, but also to make the cultivation of both men and women soar during the double cultivation process, and the speed of cultivation is dozens of times faster than ordinary people! !

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