Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 873: Big hermit

When the cold voice of the air medicine soul resounded in every corner of the ancient medicine palace ruins, Chu Chen smiled slightly and lifted the spiritual power on his face, and a famous student around him was completely stunned.

In the next moment, huge cheers resounded across the sky!

"Brother Chu, it turns out he is Senior Brother Chu!!"

"Senior Brother Chu was here, look, he is Senior Brother Chu!!"

"Following Brother Chu is indeed right, we have successfully advanced!!"

"Long live Brother Chu!!"


There were endless excitement cheers, and a smile appeared on Chu Chen's face, and he read his head slightly to indicate to everyone.

Shen Hou and Tang Rou next to them all breathed a long sigh of relief when seeing so many students admiring Chu Chen so proudly.

In contrast, Chu Chen’s complexion was very calm. Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes revealed a taste of insight: "Although the first round of the game is over, it does not mean anything. The round may be the beginning of the real test."

Tang Rou read the head slightly, Shen Hou's eyes were also worrisome: "Although I don't know what the specific rules of the second round are, the situation will be more complicated by then. We must step by step and make decisions. move."

"Hey, nerd, don't be so timid." Tang Rou patted Tang Rou's shoulder with great pride: "I'm not afraid of any changes, Chu Chen will solve the problem."

When Chu Chen heard the words, he was taken aback, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

But after Tang Rou said these words, she was taken aback: I don’t know when she started, she seemed to have a blind and unconditional trust in Chu Chen. It seemed that as long as this guy was by her side, no matter what Nothing can overwhelm his feeling.

You know, when we first met Chu Chen, Tang Rou had heard about him from her brother Tangkou.

When Tang Rou was proud and arrogant, he heard her brother suggest that she marry Chu Chen. She felt that Chu Chen was a toad and wanted to eat swan meat. She always had a sense of resistance and disdain for Chu Chen.

But as the time spent with him grew longer and longer, this resistance and disdain gradually transformed into an incomparable trust and...dependence.

Depend? They all seem to read... I don't want to leave this man's side.

Tang Rou's gaze became a little dazed, and when she raised her head slightly, she saw the white snow falling from the sky, dyeing the whole world into a flawless white color.

At this moment, even in the depths of the dense jungle, slices of snowflakes half the size of a palm are still falling, covering the depths of the dense forest.

The dense dark green jungle was covered with snow, and the whole world was suddenly covered in silver.

In this white world, Qi Fei and Zhou Mei, dressed in black, float like two ghosts on a towering giant tree.

Their body images are a faint layer of black smoke, which seems to be true and illusory, giving people a very unreal feeling.

Hearing the cold voice of the Void Medicine Soul, Zhou Meixin moved slightly and turned to look at Qi Fei: "The first round is over, what are we going to do next?"

At this time, Qi Fei's body was completely covered by a thick black smoke, and even his face was hidden in the darkness.

If it weren't for the sturdy size and the super giant sword that looked like a door panel behind him, no one would be able to recognize who he was.

After hearing Zhou Mei’s question, the black shadows around Qi Fei slightly fainted, and a cold voice came out: "Wait for the next step from the master. For the next thing, we must first think about how to pass the second stage. Besides, the rules of each level of the Pharmacist Competition are different, and you cannot use previous experience to deal with it.

Zhou Mei was silent for a moment, and suddenly smiled, Qingcheng's stunning face revealed a state of charm from the bones: "What do you think of Chu Chen?"

"Huh?" Qi Fei turned his head and glanced at Zhou Mei, his tone could not be heard, "I don't know much."

"Oh, really?" A smile appeared on Zhou Mei's charming face, "but he seems to be your brother since childhood. According to the information I have learned, you escaped from the Supreme Sword Sect. In order to rush back to Biquan Xianzong to rescue him, but after the news leaked, he was arrested by Jianzong people and imprisoned in deep prison."

"It was at that time that the master signed a contract with you at the cost of giving you freedom. However, due to various changes, you still did not have time to rush back."

"You talk too much." Qi Fei turned his head and glanced at Zhou Mei, with a hint of anger in his tone, "Are you investigating me?"

"Hehe... If you don't even know the origins of your cooperating opponent, isn't it too dangerous." Zhou Mei still had an indifferent smile on her face, "Know that we live in a dark world, always You may lose your life at any moment."

Qi Fei was silent for a moment, did not answer, and the trace of black smoke disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mei pursed her lips and smiled again: "By the way, let me ask you one last question... If the master wants you to kill Chu Chen, what will you do?"

"Of course it was killed." Qi Fei's tone was flat and could not hear any mood swings.

"Really? She said so firmly." Zhou Mei curled her lips, almost writing the four characters'I don't believe' directly on her face.

Qi Fei glanced at her faintly, with a hint of icy tone: "You will know then, but... I'm afraid that the person who won't be able to get it at that time~www.ltnovel.com~ is you."

As soon as the voice fell, Qi Fei stepped into the darkness. Zhou Mei, with a charming smile on his face, was taken aback when he heard the words, and a complex expression suddenly appeared on his face...

Above the ruins of the ancient medicine palace, aura glowed, turning the whole world into a dreamlike fantasy.

After about half an hour, Yaohun calculated the medicine licenses of all the teams, and then began to send the teams out of the ruins. The first stage of the Grade Pharmacist Contest was completely over.

At this moment, on the Medicine Palace Square below the ruins, there were students and mentors waiting excitedly everywhere.

Most of these are the teachers of the winning teams and their good friends. Hearing the news of the successful promotion of those teams, they came to pick them up and celebrate their promotion.

A white beam of light fell from the sky, and whenever that beam of light walked out of a person, it could always arouse a small area of ​​cheers and admiration.

After seven days of cruel elimination of a whole thousand teams, only one hundred and twenty teams have successfully advanced... The nearly complete elimination rate is far beyond everyone's expectations.

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