Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 874: God-level team

Above the ruins of the ancient medicine palace, aura glowed, turning the whole world into a dreamlike fantasy.

After about half an hour, Yaohun calculated the medicine licenses of all the teams, and then began to send the teams out of the ruins. The first stage of the Grade Pharmacist Contest was completely over.

At this moment, on the Medicine Palace Square below the ruins, there were students and mentors waiting excitedly everywhere.

Most of these are the teachers of the winning teams and their good friends. Hearing the news of the successful promotion of those teams, they came to pick them up and celebrate their promotion.

A white beam of light fell from the sky, and whenever that beam of light walked out of a person, it could always arouse a small area of ​​cheers and admiration.

After seven days of cruel elimination of a whole thousand teams, only one hundred and twenty teams have successfully advanced... The nearly complete elimination rate is far beyond everyone's expectations.

At the beginning of the competition, Yaohun also stated that the elimination rate was about 50%, but it was obvious that Yaohun still underestimated the cruelty of this Pharmacist competition.

You know, this is only the first round!

So many people were eliminated in the first round, so how cruel will the next two rounds be? This is simply unimaginable!

Therefore, every student who is successfully promoted can be said to be an elite powerhouse, who is highly anticipated! !

When the enveloping white light walked out of the three figures, the whole medicine palace square suddenly became quiet. At that moment, all the excitement, all the cheers, all the surprises were quiet, and there was no sound in the whole world. Everyone stared blankly at the three figures coming by the white light:

The leader was dressed in a gray robe and his face was ordinary. At first glance, he looked like a boy next door. But if you look at him carefully, you will find that his delicate face carries a unique temperament, which is a kind of peace and confidence from the soul.

It was as if Tai Shan collapsed in front of him without changing color, as if nothing in this world could hold him.

No one would dare to believe that Gu Jing Bubo's calmness and calmness came from a young man.

Behind the bizarre young man, there was a tall man but a bookish young man. Next to the young man is a graceful woman in green, who is as petite as Xiaojiabiyu.

Everyone’s eyes focused on these three people, and the air was quiet and silent... In fact, all the contestants didn’t know that when they entered the ancient medicine palace ruins competition, the whole situation inside the ruins was affected by medicine palace Several elders used the technique of phantom light fixation with strength, forming a huge light screen and projecting it onto the several huge spiritual power screens in the Medicine Palace.

So these days, no matter what happens to the ancient medicine palace ruins, the medicine palace students outside the ruins can watch the live video anytime and anywhere.

And in the seven days of live video, these three people who did not seem to be so coordinated frequently appeared in the eyes of everyone, creating an incredible myth... that is to defeat the Gu Haoran team and win their natal medicine. brand! !

The air was quiet for about a few breaths. Just as the three of Chu Chen were puzzled by the sudden silence of the outside world, the cheers of the sky and the earth burst like a tsunami, filling the entire medicine palace square. !

"Chu Chen team! That is Chu Chen team, defeating Gu Haoran's legendary team!!"

"Look at it, that is the biggest and strongest dark horse in this Pharmacist Competition, a freshly-produced god-level team!!"

"Yes, it is them, the perverted team, who successfully snatched the Forbidden Willow Medicine Card from the Gu Haoran team, became a true legend!!"


The sudden cheers made Chu Chen and the three people shocked. When they came back to their senses, they were surrounded by an excited student early on, watching them one by one. The young face is full of admiration, admiration, and boundless yearning and enthusiasm! !

"Long live Senior Brother Chu!! It's really too strong. I played Gu Ying and Gu Lan in the Lingxi realm alone!"

"Senior Brother Chu is so handsome, he has controlled everything and wants to marry him!"

"The young genius is no longer enough to describe him..."

With a loud cheer, the corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, but he felt a little embarrassed.

Because some female disciples were so excited, they desperately squeezed in front of Chu Chen, surrounded him in groups, couldn't hide, and were pulled and hugged by the lively girls, and they were hit by the girls. Salted pork knuckles".

And Shen Hou and Tang Rou, not far from him, were completely surrounded by people.

Several female disciples looked at Shen Hou's eyes all glowing!

"Senior Brother Shen is also very good, but he spent a lot of effort to rob Gu Haoran's team. The strongest wise man is worthy of the name!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Shen's layout is intertwined, and it's considered exhaustive. Although it looks a little silly on the outside, this is the real great wisdom!"

"Although Senior Brother Shen does not have the powerful combat power of Senior Brother Chu, Senior Brother Chu would not have won so easily without his layout. Each of them is a unique and brilliant personality!!"

"Senior Brother Shen, do you have a sweetheart? What do you think of me, I'm very gentle and obedient..."


There were a lot of girls publicly showing Shen Hou on the spot, and the corners of Tang Rou's mouth slightly evoked a helpless arc~www.ltnovel.com~ because she was also crowded with teenage disciples, and male disciples couldn't squeeze them.


The three of Chu Chen still encountered such a hot scene that they were all stunned.

Obviously they didn't know that the game was live broadcast at all times.

Because of the wonderful performance of the three of them in the ruins, they have long become the most eye-catching dark horse team, which makes countless young students feel immensely admired.

In fact, before that, Chu Chen was also considered to be a figure in the Medicine Palace.

Being able to make the legendary Tianyuan master and brother Huangfu Yin continue to suffer, has already made many people curious about the legendary figure in this underground courtyard.

It's just that although he has a great reputation, few people have seen him in real life, so most of the students in the Medicine Palace don't know what he looks like.

Now that the Pharmacist Contest of this level has begun, the students in the entire Pharmacy Palace have really seen his true face of Mount Lu: It turns out that the legendary wizard of the earth looks like this!

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