Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 897: Straddle my corpse

Actually speaking, the Yuqing Killing Dao cultivated by Xiao Ran is probably not even one percent of the power of the real Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun... Otherwise, he would not combine Yuqing Killing Dao with Heaven Swallowing Technique. As a whole, he cultivated a semi-finished Yuqing Heaven Swallowing Profound Art.

But the Sun Burning Heaven Seal displayed by Chu Chen is completely different. He seems to have received the most orthodox inheritance, or that he has abnormal learning and interpretation ability, and can interpret the essence through fragments!

In that round of scorching sun, the golden light was brilliant, and the momentum was panic. I am afraid that there are two to three percent of the true essence of this magical power!

Chu Chen was very cunning. He actually used the body of the already mortal beard as a medium to use this magical power, and he shook himself back.

With her eyes narrowed, Xiao Ran winked at the two people beside her.

Gu Ying and Gu Lan both knew, their palms shook, and they took a dead branch and shot at Chu Chen violently.

The blue light is horizontal and horizontal, it clearly looks like a very ordinary dead branch, but the hands of Gu Ying and Gu Lan bloomed with shocking sword energy.

The biting sword aura spurted out, and it turned into two endless rivers of sword aura, covering the sky, rushing towards Chu Chen!

The void changes color, and the murderous aura of heaven and earth surges.

Chu Chen's pupils shrank slightly, his hands instantly turned into claws, and he grasped the beard and threw it back.

Shen Hou in the back was stunned for a moment, and then flew up, quickly caught the beard with his eyesight and hands, and carried it on his shoulders. At the same time, he pulled Tang Rou vigorously and let out a low growl: "Go!"

"But Chu Chen, he..."

Tang Rou was shocked, and wanted to remind Chu Chen to be careful, when she saw that the overwhelming cyan river of sword energy was surging, and in an instant she completely submerged Chu Chen's figure.

The sword light was biting, and the sharp and sharp blue sword light cut through the air, and the harsh and sharp howling sound continued.

Seeing the sword anger slashing, Chu Chen's pupils suddenly shrank in the heart of Jianhe. As soon as he put his palms together, two rounds of bright golden sun burst out in no time, and the golden light carried an unstoppable panic. Rushing forward, burst the pieces of sword full of anger!

boom! boom! !

The dazzling golden scorching sun was endless, with a long tail flame blasting heavily on Gu Ying and Gu Lan.

The two of them were hit before they could even say a word, and the dead branches of their hands burst into pieces and turned into powder.

The vast golden light crushed their body protection aura like a broken bamboo, and rushed into their limbs.

The next moment, two dazzling golden flames burned.

The naked eye can see the clothes, hair, flesh and even spiritual power on the two of them are burning.

The tyrannical force directly blasted them tens of feet away, slamming them heavily on the ground with two bangs, like two human-shaped torches, glowing and heating constantly.

The golden flames carried a terrifying magical nature, allowing the two of them to continue to roll and beat on the ground, but they could not be extinguished at all. They wanted to use spiritual power to suppress it, but even the spiritual power itself began to burn violently.

Forced, the blue light flashed on the two of them, and they seemed to have used some consumable body protection artifacts to finally suppress the billowing golden flames.

But the flame was not completely extinguished, and small golden flames burst out from time to time on their black bodies.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ran's eyes sank, he knew better than anyone how powerful the two Gu Ying and Gu Lan were in the late Lingxi realm.

But in front of Chu Chen, he was so vulnerable and defeated directly!

His eyes flashed slightly, Xiao Ran did not go to help his companion who was still tortured by the flames, and he looked at Chu Chen again with a hint of hesitation.

This is the first time Xiao Ran feels invisible to a person whose cultivation base is not as good as his own: This guy who obviously only has the Lingquan rank Dzogchen cultivation base... so powerful, and how many hole cards does he have? ?

Facing Xiao Ran's gaze that could see through the soul, Chu Chen's face was indifferent, but his left hand gestured to the rear gently, "Shen Hou Tang Rou, take the teacher, leave here immediately and leave the forbidden area!"

There was a hint of determination in that voice, and Tang Rou's face was startled when she heard this. Just as she was about to say something, there was a strong force from her hand that pulled her back.

However, Shen Hou was carrying her big beard, while pulling her forcefully: "Let’s go, the top priority is to send the teacher to a safe place. We stay here not only can’t help, but will become Chu Junior brother’s burden!"

"But, Chu Chen..."

"He will be fine!"

Shen Hou let out a low growl, urging Tang Rou's spiritual power and rushing towards the entrance of the forbidden area.

The bitter wind blew on his face, but his eye circles were already slightly red.

In fact, as a wise man, Shen Hou saw Chu Chen defeating Gu Ying and Gu Lan in one fell swoop. He felt that Chu Chen had used all his strength from the beginning!

The strength gap between him and Xiao Ran's is too big!

The overwhelming defeat of Gu Ying and Gu Lan in one fell swoop should be to deter Xiao Ran, so that he did not dare to act rashly, and he and Tang Rou had a chance to escape.

Shen Hou dared not think about the next thing.

Since Chu Chen asked himself to take the teacher away, no matter what, his mission is to ensure the safety of teachers and teachers.

Let's go! He was so weak that he could only let Chu Chen fight alone.

Unknowingly, Shen Hou, this iron-clad man, had his eyes gleaming.

Seeing Shen Hou carrying a big beard and dragging Tang Rou farther and farther, Xiao Ran's eyes flashed murderously, and his figure soared.

Overtake and stop them.

In addition to stealing the Guqin sacred artifact and the ancient dragon talisman this time, Xiao Ran came to the Medicine Palace~www.ltnovel.com~ The most important purpose is to kill the beard, and completely break his obsession, naturally not Just enlarge the beard and leave.

He just flew up before chasing Shen Hou, but saw a flash of gray in front of him, Chu Chen's complexion was horizontally in front of him, and he said word by word: "Brother, your opponent is me."


For a moment, Xiao Ran looked at Chu Chen in front of him and smiled, "Little Junior Brother, are you really afraid of death at first reading?"

"I'm very afraid of death." Chu Chen said word by word, his gaze is extremely firm, "but I'm even more afraid that I won't be able to keep the teacher's life. So even if I bet on my life, I will never allow me as a disciple. Ways to keep the teacher."

"His time is completely over."

Xiao Ran's eyes cooled down, "His time is over, you don't need to do extra things, don't die in vain, get out!"

"Just one sentence, if the brother wants to chase the teacher, please step over my body first."

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