Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 898: Chu Chen VS Xiao Ran

"In a word, if you want to chase the teacher, step over my body first!"

As soon as he said this, the expression on Chu Chen's face had become extremely determined and determined.

His eyes flashed sharply, and clusters of golden-red flames slowly rose out.

The golden-red flame is not very blazing, but it exudes a terrifying aura that burns the sky and the earth, and the sky and the earth seem to fear the flame.

"This is your way?" Xiao Ran read the reader expressionlessly, his eyes empty and respectful, "I have been hesitating whether I will fight you when I grow up. Now it seems that you and me The final battle between... has to be advanced."

"This is a battle between teachers, new and old disciples, and it is also a battle that is bound to come between us."

Chu Chen said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, the cyan and golden-red rays of light in the space where the two were located instantly flourished.

An invisible field between the two gradually spread, a wave of cold murderous intent, a storm that turned into a series of heavens and earth swept all over the place, and all the towering trees within a radius of hundreds of meters were constantly swaying endlessly. .

The overwhelming murderous intent obscured the sky, and this space seemed to be the end of the world as bleak.

Chu Chen's eyes trembled slightly, and he resolutely reached out and took out the little hamster from his arms, and threw it out of the invisible field: "You go."

The plain tone resounded through the void, and the little hamster was thrown hundreds of feet away.

The figure was still in the air, and the little hamster had turned around and landed firmly on the ground.

Mung bean grain-sized eyes turned to look at Chu Chen, the little hamster sighed slightly, and the figure climbed up a giant tree.

With a kick on the soles of the feet, the little hamster's figure has turned into a white lightning in several ups and downs, and completely disappeared in the vast forest.

It also understands that this battle is not something he can involve.

This is a duel between Chu Chen and Xiao Ran for the affection of the bearded teacher, and it is also a duel between the two people's Taoism.

This is... an unstoppable, unstoppable, uninterrupted battle of fate! !

Fallen leaves fluttered, and the needle-shaped leaves were attacked by the majestic murderous intent, and they descended from the towering giant trees.

Among the black leaves flying in the sky, the whole world was withered, and suddenly only Chu Chen and Xiao Ran were facing each other.

The wind was violent, the giant tree was swaying, and the thick branches and leaves flying all over the sky carried the beard that had already fallen into a coma and swiftly speeded.

By his side, even though Tang Rou was following closely, her expression still wore a deep worry.

Although they were far away, the two could still feel the terrifying murderous aura behind them.

Obviously, Chu Chen and Xiao Ran had already raised their aura to the highest level, just like two huge ancient volcanoes about to erupt.

In such a fierce competition, a thunderous blow can erupt at any time. This is a battle of life and death!

Tang Rou knew very well that Chu Chen only had the level of Lingquan Great Perfection after all, even if he had cultivated the legendary wild spring, even if he had the magical powers of the ancient heavenly emperor.

But the distance between Lingquan and Linghe is like two worlds!

In terms of cultivation base alone, the gap between Chu Chen and Xiao Ran was too big.

When she thought of this, Tang Rou felt her five internalities burnt, and she even wanted to turn back desperately.

Even if it is good to stay with him and do nothing, at the very least, at least when he died in battle, he...

Shen Hou didn't look back, even if he didn't need to look at it, he could still sense the surging mood of the girl around him.

His complexion sank slightly, and his deep voice carried a deep sorrow: "You must never go back, otherwise everything that Chu Chen did will be wasted."


Tang Rou's eyes flickered, and she hesitated slightly. Just about to speak, Shen Hou's cold voice came again: "We can't get involved in the battle between them. Our responsibility is to take the teacher and leave safely. Only this way , Chu Chen was able to completely let go of everything and devote himself to the fight. Otherwise, he was worried, and there was no vitality in front of the terrifying powerhouse like Xiao Ran... All we can do is to trust him, maybe he I can escape!"

Tang Rou's eyes darkened fiercely, and after a long time she read her head slightly: "I understand."

"Don't worry, if Chu Chen can't beat Xiao Ran and can't escape, he can at least hold on for a while." Shen Hou took a long breath, "Xiao Ran committed such a heinous crime. He will indulge him in such a murderous act. I believe it won't be long before the three elders will arrive. At that time, Xiao Ran will die!"

Tang Rou read her head and sighed slightly: "I hope so..."

Neither Shen Hou nor Tang Rou expected that the third old Yao Gongong was on the way to arrive, indefinitely.

At this moment, at the entrance of the forbidden area of ​​the relics, the black gate penetrated the sky and the earth, as if it had traveled through an extremely long time and space, eternally alive.

And beside the gate, an extremely strong tree is growing wildly, exuding a stream of majestic vitality.

This big tree is incompatible with the other **** trees around it. The whole body of this tree is green, like the evil eyes opened by a **** demon.

The giant tree is about hundreds of feet high, and countless black giant pythons grow on the extremely sturdy trunk, which makes the scalp numb at first glance.

Those giant pythons are as thick as wheels, with thick scales, constantly dancing on the giant tree.

While twisting, the black python mouths sprayed out strong red smoke ~ www.ltnovel.com~ The smoke covered the sky and completely blocked the entrance to the forbidden area.

Outside the gate, three scorching suns with blue, red, and black colors hung high in the air.

You can see a huge blue ice phoenix, a huge red dragon and a black flood dragon that are constantly hitting the smoke at the gate.

But the smoke has an amazing magical nature, like a piece of thick invisible barriers, the three giant beasts sink deeply into each impact, but they can't completely break through the smoke!

The Third Elder of Medicine Palace had actually arrived at the gate of the forbidden area, but was blocked by the **** mist, and allowed them to use their sky-reaching skills for a while, but they could not break through this weird secret technique restriction!

At this moment, under the faint green giant tree, a fierce fat man with a strong physique, covered in black clothes, and a full-faced face was touching the giant tree with one hand.

A thick and incomparable black aura surged from his body, and immersed in the green giant tree.

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