Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1294: No grass

From a distance, there seemed to be twelve Primordial Demon Dragons running side by side under Duxufeng Mountain.

Where the billowing air wave passed, the ground burst, the void collapsed, and the rocks shattered like a doomsday!

Just a few breaths, the twelve raging spiritual power dragons have cut twelve terrifying cracks on the Duxu Peak mountain, which looks like twelve huge scars. shocking.

And with the continuous advancement of many peak owners, the cracks have continued to expand, deepen, and spread endlessly!

At this moment, looking down from a high altitude, the entire Duxu Peak seemed to have been torn apart twelve abysses. As the master of the twelve peaks continued to move forward, Duxu Peak would obviously be divided by these twelve cracks Come!

This is the power of the Heavenly Gufeng Peak Master!

They have not used any magical powers, nor have they operated any secret arts.

They were so unhurried, they stepped up from the foot of the mountain, and they just urged the spiritual power in their bodies to form a spiritual storm that destroys everything, possessing the power of destroying the mountain and breaking the mountain!

"These twelve peak masters... are really against the sky!!"

Under the impact of the tsunami-like destruction, the entire reception hall was trembling violently halfway up the mountain, looking from a distance as if it was about to rise from the ground and fly away at any time.

Inside and outside the hall, the wind was raging, sweeping across the square, and the robes of the many Cross Xufeng disciples who were blowing fluttered.

The chaotic aura was too violent, and some disciples with a relatively low cultivation base almost couldn't stand firmly. They couldn't help holding the wall with their hands, or pulled each other, it seemed that if they were not careful, they would be blown away!

Looking around, Chu Chen took a deep breath, strode across the threshold, quickly walked to the door and stood there, turning his head and beckoning to Feng Qiang.

Seeing his movements, Feng Qiang nodded, and began to yell in a loud voice: "Return to the hall with a low cultivation base, don't stay at the door! Those with the highest cultivation base come to the door to help the big brother Fight the storm together!!"

Under the huge crisis, many disciples of Crossing the Xufeng showed a strong spirit of resistance, and a disciple with a weaker cultivation base returned to the hall of his own accord.

The more powerful disciples squeezed out one by one.

As the twelve peak masters approached the reception hall step by step, the tsunami-like pressure in the void began to grow stronger.

And this pressure does not increase gradually, but increases by multiples.

After only half a cup of tea, the spiritual pressure on the entrance of the reception hall had reached a terrifying level, and the disciples whose cultivation base was below the Lingxi realm could no longer resist.

Therefore, apart from Chu Chen, only a handful of people can stand at the door, open the spiritual shield, and accompany him to resist the tyrannical and unspeakable spiritual pressure and shock waves.


Accompanied by the peak master of the Heavenly Demon among the twelve, suddenly coldly stepped on a brown rock at the foot of the mountain. As countless cracks spread to the surroundings, everyone in the hall halfway up the mountain instantly felt that the spiritual pressure in the sky increased sharply!

Only a bang was heard, and a huge stone on the door beam of the reception hall unexpectedly burst into pieces.

At the same time, the figure of Zixi beside Chu Chen shocked, her complexion suddenly became much paler, and the purple shield in her hand was a bit dim.

"Use the void movement technique to leave Duxufeng immediately! A little later, I am afraid that the spiritual pressure in the void is too strong and the power of the space is disordered, and you can't run completely!"

With the golden barren shield in his hand against the huge pressure in the sky, Chu Chen winked at Zi Xi.

The purple-haired girl seemed to frown for a while, but shook her head gently.

"It's too late. The entire space has been suppressed by the twelve peak masters, and it has solidified like a **** of iron. With my cultivation base, they can't break their blockade, and the void movement technique can't be used."

"Haha, Senior Sister Xu, I don't think you are planning to leave at all!"

At this moment, Feng Qiang, who had a fiery red flame shield next to him, laughed loudly, his hearty voice resounding through the entire void.

Although his cultivation level did not reach the Lingxi realm, his body was unusually tyrannical under the training of Chu Chen, so he could use a spiritual shield to resist the impact until now.

Zi Xi glanced at him indifferently, without responding or denying.

Seeing the girl's silence, Chu Chen didn't know what to say for a moment, and the corners of his mouth moved a few times before taking a deep breath.

"In this case, let's fight side by side until the end!"

The girl pursed her mouth and nodded vigorously, but as the spiritual pressure in the void increased, the purple light shield in her hand had become extremely unstable, as if it would break at any time.

"I'm alone, I'll hold it for a while, you guys take a breath!"

As soon as Chu Chen's voice fell, a cluster of golden red flames suddenly lit up from around him, and quickly expanded, forming a golden red light curtain covering the entire gate area.

And with the barrier of this layer of light, the terrifying aura of destruction was actually blocked, and the rumbling reception hall instantly calmed down, making all the Duxu Peak disciples breathe a long sigh of relief.

Boom boom boom...

A burst of sound like the impact of the ocean tide constantly invaded everyone's ears, impacting everyone's diaphragm!

Outside the golden red light curtain, under the terrifying aura of destruction, the entire world seemed to be transformed into a land of turbulent flow.

As the Twelve Peak Masters approached, the aura of destruction continued to impact the thin golden shield like a more and more turbulent ocean wave.

But Chu Chen in the golden light curtain became more and more focused!

The more mad the impact, the more determined he will resist!

The flames burned, and the golden red flames soared to a foot long, and the molten void was violently twisted and tangled.

It’s just that although the flame mask was extremely hot, it dispelled a lot of the aura of destruction at first, but with the passage of time, the aura of destruction in the void began to become stronger and heavier~www.ltnovel.com ~ Soon, even the divine fire of the realm that day seemed to be unable to burn! [Starting

"No, there is still a big gap in strength! Although Heavenly Divine Fire is wonderful and unparalleled, his strength in the Illusory Stream Realm is too low to be able to use the true power of Heavenly Fire. How can it withstand the imposing impact of the peak masters!"

With this thought in his mind, Chu Chen pressed her lips tightly.

The realm is so different...

At this moment, the distance between the twelve peak masters and the reception hall had been shortened by half.

The endless aura of destruction seems like thousands of waves are surging, destroying everything around you!

Under the impact of this mighty ocean-like destruction wave, everything under Duxu Peak seemed to disappear. All the protruding boulders were blasted into powder, and the ground was hardened by the terrifying air. Cut off a few feet deep!

The twelve peak masters are all hells!

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