Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1295: disappear

In this devastating world, where everything is decomposed by flying ash, you can see the miraculousness of this reception hall!

When the hard Duxufeng mountains and rocks were easily crushed and annihilated, amidst the rolling waves, the reception hall still stood up. Although it shook from time to time, there was no sign of being destroyed.

In addition to the mysterious and rare stone of this hall, it has obviously been reinforced by a special formation!

However, in the increasingly violent storms, the reception hall is already in danger.

Because the dark old stone that made up the reception hall can be seen with the naked eye, thin cracks also began to appear.

At this moment, the reception hall was like a light boat in the ocean, as if it could be completely destroyed at any time!

Chu Chen, who opened the divine fire enchantment with all his strength, began to see beads of sweat on his forehead, and his breath gradually weakened.

Perceiving this obvious change, all Du Xufeng disciples became silent.

No one spoke, but everyone's eyes began to smell of despair.

Chu Chen, the new senior brother, can be said to be a miraculous existence, suppressing the twelve-day-level senior brother Gu Feng, and calmly beheading such peerless arrogance as the son of the nether and the son of the devil.

But... after all, he is still too young, and in front of an overlord like the 12-day-level Gufeng Peak Master, in front of the absolute power gap, it is impossible to create a miracle!

And this time, twelve peerless powerhouses in the realm of Tianhe, under the siege together, one world will be annihilated, how can Chu Chen fight?

As the twelve peak masters, like twelve destruction gods, approached step by step, the terrifying spiritual pressure in the void also increased inch by inch.

The breath of Chu Chen's body also became more and more unstable.

"The last chance, I still have the energy to give you a ride, let you cast the void movement technique and leave quickly! Otherwise, I will have to fight and die here."

Chu Chen turned his head and looked at Zi Xi, with a pleading expression in his eyes, but the girl did not hesitate, gritted her teeth, and shook her head decisively.

"I'm not afraid of death..."

The next moment, the purple-haired girl turned her back to back and stuck it on Chu Chen's body.

The girl and Chu Chen leaned back tightly and together.

A mellow spiritual force surged out violently, turning into a torrent of water and sinking into the gray-clothed boy's body, immediately causing Chu Chen's body to shook slightly, and the urgent spiritual power in his body was immediately greatly supplemented. The expression suddenly relaxed.

The girl didn't speak, she leaned tightly on Chu Chen's back, just as she did some time ago when Chu Chen tried her best to capture the mark of the refined golden winged roc, she silently used the power in her body, Enter Chu Chen crazily...

"You, how do you..."

Chu Chen was shocked. He just wanted to urge the spirit power in her body to stop the purple seal, which was almost madly outputting spiritual power, but found that the purple-haired girl at this time had completely released the protection of the spiritual acupoint behind her, unreservedly Provide spiritual power to yourself.

If you stop or refuse at this time, the torrent of spiritual power of Pentium Roar will be completely out of control, and will even destroy her own heart!

This girl... This girl is already determined to die!

Suddenly, an unspeakable taste suddenly rushed to her heart, and Chu Chen's eyes condensed, and the body and spirit of the wild spring turned frantically.

The faint golden red flame shield in front of him was impacted by the vast aura of destruction. It shook violently, and then it shone brightly, and a few feet of golden flames billowed!

Like a round of golden blazing sun bursting into the sky!

The destructive air wave that was visible to the naked eye was blasted tens of feet away!

The disciples in the main hall were excited one after another, with hopeful light in their eyes, but soon their eyes dimmed.

Because the combined strength of Chu Chen and Zixi was still too weak for the Twelve Peak Masters.

Where there is resistance, there will be stronger suppression!

The twelve peak masters all noticed the last struggle from the reception hall, so as their eyes locked, the spiritual pressure in front of the reception hall soared to a peak.

In an instant, the waves of destruction in a radius of one hundred meters gathered together and condensed into an unimaginable destruction wave, surging.


Like a huge Primordial Demon Hand, he patted the Skyfire Shield fiercely!

boom! ! !

With a violent explosion, the blazing skyfire shield suddenly dimmed.

At the same time, the body of the purple seal attached to Chu Chen's back shook fiercely. With a "puff", he spouted a stern blood sword. Before he could even make a sound, he flew out several feet, soft. Fell to the ground...

As soon as the purple seal was limp on the ground, Chu Chen's complexion also paled fiercely, and the fire shield flickered desperately that day!

But in the end, it was still unable to withstand the horrible wave of destruction, and the entire skyfire shield shattered with a bang.

The strong golden-red flame in the palm of his hand was finally extinguished...

Chu Chen's body couldn't help shaking, staggering a few times, and stepping back several steps before finally stabilizing his figure, and almost fell to the ground!

At this moment, everyone's expressions changed abruptly, and everyone was at risk and their faces were ashamed.

Sure enough, this time, Chu Chen did not create another miracle.

Under the pressure of twelve peak master-level powerhouses, the legend is over!

All the disciples who crossed the Xufeng knew that their lives were about to come to an end.


After the Skyfire Shield shattered, the last protection in the reception hall also collapsed completely, and the mighty waves of destruction seemed to be blasted by a prehistoric dragon.

Before the raging wind hit, all the disciples who retreated into the temple subconsciously closed their eyes, waiting for the arrival of final death.

Everyone can almost imagine that even the unbreakable ancient giant rock on Duxu Peak could be easily shattered by this wave of destruction.

Then when this wave of air hits them, there will be almost no accidents at all, and it will easily make them disperse...


Everyone closed their eyes and waited for a few breaths, but the expected wave of destruction did not come!

It seems that only the breeze is blowing through the body...

Ok? How is this going? ?

Everyone in doubt opened their eyes and looked at ~www.ltnovel.com~ Seeing the tsunami-like destruction outside the hall surging violently, but disappearing suddenly when they poured into the reception hall?

Could it be the mystery of the giant gate of the main hall?

This entrance, as if it had become a bottomless abyss, could continue to devour the impact of destruction!

Everyone also discovered that at the same time, the twelve Heavenly Grade Ancient Peak Peak Masters who had come not far from the reception hall had also stopped abruptly?

One by one, they stood less than a hundred meters away from the main hall, and all the aura on their bodies seemed to freeze, and they all looked towards somewhere in the void...

What happened?

Why are those destructive breaths useless?

Why did the twelve peak owners stop moving forward?

Could something happen? !

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