Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1421: Assessment qualification

This blood eagle breaking formation group is really not simple. The reception girls of a small recruitment stronghold can actually use this rare secret technique.

Since Chu Chen stepped into the world of monks, he has seen only a handful of secrets of pupil technique. Such magical powers are not something that everyone can learn, and the requirements for practitioners are extremely high!

Can't detect?

At this moment, the girl in green seemed to be stunned, but she quickly recovered her calm, reaching out and handing out a black iron wooden sign.

"Tomorrow, we will conduct an assessment for joining the group in the trial cave on the 9th. You can come and participate at that time. There are 20 people recruited this time. I hope you are lucky."

The girl's voice was calm and indifferent, and it was completely business-like.

Chu Chen took the wooden sign and nodded faintly. Before he could speak, Lan Xuan, who had accompanied Chu Chen, suddenly arched his hands at the girl.

"Senior Sister, give me a brand too, I also went to the assessment to have a try."

The girl didn't say much, she also handed a black iron wooden sign to Lan Xuan. Chu Chen glanced at him in surprise, "Aren't you going to make money here? Why do you want to join the group?"

"Why is money so easy to make? This job is to make quick money. There are fewer and fewer newbies entering the world of small immortals. After I live, I can't make much money. Everyone stays in the world of small immortals for a while, and many things will happen naturally The understanding. I have already thought about it. Only by following the broken formation group into the ancient ruins and waiting for opportunities, can I have a chance to make more money."

Lan Xuan sighed, there was a bit of helplessness in his voice.

The adventure in the Yinshan Secret Realm did not benefit him much. Instead, I owed a debt, which was really bad luck.

Chu Chen nodded and didn't say much. He had to say that the old ghost Duan Xiong was really an old fox. Once he fell into his pit, it was really hard to get up.

After all, with his thorough methods, he couldn't escape even if he escaped, and he could only play according to his rules of the game.

It should be said that he was playing...

"Don't talk about it, I'll take you to find a place to live. I won't start screening until tomorrow morning and want to enter the blood eagle group. There are many powerful ones."

Lan Xuan laughed hard, leading Chu Chen towards the depths of the city.

Lei Jiao City is an ancient flood dragon's lair. The first feeling of everything here is big, and the second feeling is rough.

It is said that the dragon spirit here is so heavy that many woods and external stones cannot be preserved for too long. Someone has done experiments. Build an attic of spiritual wood here, and within two months all the wood will rot and deteriorate.

Therefore, most of the halls, restaurants, tea shops and other buildings on the street are made of local materials, and the huge stones inside the dragon's nest are polished and stacked.

Looking along the way, this kind of house made of huge stones is extraordinarily rough, giving people the illusion that they have come to the ancient barbaric era.

As the largest city in Xiaoxianjie, the internal area of ​​Leijiao City is very large. After walking through the karst caves one after another for almost half an hour, the two talents of Chu Chen came to the cave specially for short-term residence.

it's here. There are rows of inns, and to be honest, if it weren't for Lan Xuan to lead the way, Chu Chenguang would really have to spend a lot of work to find a hotel accommodation on his own.

"Hey, Sister Yun, I haven't seen you for a few days, and I have become much more beautiful again!"

When the two walked to the entrance of a Heiyan inn with about two floors. Lan Xuan smiled at the store and waved.

A flattering smile suddenly appeared on the pretty handsome face. Chu Chen saw goose bumps unconsciously.

This pretentious look made Chu Chen always feel that something was wrong.

"You stinky boy, you haven't come to see me for half a month, and you said that you have become beautiful. It's really wasteful that sister loves you so much!"

In a voice with a slight anger, a charming figure walked out of the store.

This is a woman who seems to be about forty years old. Danfeng eyes, goose yellow stickers, big red lips, a bright red gauze with light purple stripes, set off a devil-like slender waist and big buttocks. Human curve.

She wore very bold, with a wide open upper collar. On the light purple tube top, a large white flowery snow-white breast muscle outlines a deep arc.

This woman is quite pretty, and she knows how to dress up, which makes her feel bright at first glance.

Watching too much makes people feel that there is an inexplicable flow of heat in the body, making the mouth dry.

But the woman's eyes exuded a hungry look of dissatisfaction, like a female leopard in love.

She is forty years old and still has such charm, it is not easy.

"Thank you, my brother, I think about my sister every night, no, I will come to see you as soon as I finished my work."

Lan Xuan's face shined, and he took out a small box from the storage ring, "This is a box of'Pretty Beauty' Ling Shui Rouge that I finally pooled together to buy, and I came here to give it to my sister."

While talking, Lan Xuan approached the woman, holding the rouge in one hand and handing it to the woman, but the other hand unknowingly held the woman's right hand.

Chu Chen was dumbfounded when he watched.

"Huh, you know that the rhetoric is not to live in my shop for nothing."

The woman snorted, and threw Lan Xuan's hand away, stretched out a palm with big red cardamom nails to take over the delicate and small box, and gave Lan Xuan a white look. There was an inexplicable flattery in his eyes.

"The Lingshui Rouge for pretty confidantes is not easy to get started."

"Hehe...As long as Sister Yun can be happy, I will go through all fire and water, brother!"

Lan Xuan blinked at Chu Chen, "This little brother is a friend I know from the outside world. He just came to Thunder Jiao City, and now he has no place to live~www.ltnovel.com~ I live with my sister. How late?"

"Hmph, you know that your kid will not do nothing to show your courtesy. This Thunder Jiao City will be under martial law at night, and you have no place to be expelled."

The woman gave him a white look, "Room 3 on the second floor is still vacant, let him live there. Hey, I don’t know what’s going on, I have some backache in the past two days..." The woman said, she twisted. Moving his waist, walked back to the inn with amorous feelings.

"Haha, low back pain is easy to deal with, brother, I am the best at treating people's waist..." Lan Xuan winked at Chu Chen, smiled and leaned forward, helping the woman's waist and walking into the lobby. In the side room...

Chu Chen rubbed his chin, shook his head with a wry smile, and walked to the second floor.

This time, he really felt that his vision was widened.

Lan Xuan is also considered a man, and in order to save money, he even sold himself.

I don't know if it was the old fox being too ruthless, or the trivial matter of Lan Xuan, being forced out of strange potential?

(To be continued.)

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