Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1422: Desperate Lan Xuan

Chu Chen came to the second floor and found that this inn was not very big. There were about seven or eight rooms on the second floor, with numbers from one to nine marked on them.

Chu Chen pushed aside the house engraved with "three" and walked in.

This is a standard room with two beds, a stone table and four stone benches.

There are also refreshments and drinks on the table, which are very clean.

It can be seen that although this small inn is not so luxurious, it operates very carefully.

At this time, Chu Chen didn't even have the idea of ​​going out, so he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to meditate silently.

After about an hour, Lan Xuan finally came back.

Speaking of which, Lan Xuan was originally a handsome and handsome boy.

However, even though his face was flushed at this time, his expression was exhausted, and it seemed that his whole spirit was drained.

His legs were weak and he was struggling back with his waist.

Even the eyes are loose, and the corners of the mouth are constantly trembling.

"Hey, it is said that thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger. Sure enough, if it weren't for the young master, I would have a bit of capital, and this time I would really be squeezed out by that lady. Alas, Brother Chu, how long have I been away?"

After entering the room, Lan Xuan fell directly on the other bed, lying in a corpse shape, and let out a long breath.

"How much an hour is." Chu Chen's mouth twitched, rather helpless.

"What? No wonder it's so tired, this old fairy, who wants it and asks for it... Fortunately, I am young and strong... Life in the little fairy world is not easy..."

Lan Xuan looked at the ceiling of the room, his eyes straight.

"Hey. Brother Chu, you have to buy me a drink. If I hadn't settled the boss's wife, our accommodation fee would not be saved... She, she did a lot to me..."


Chu Chen hurriedly waved his hand to stop what he was going to say next, and rolled his eyes helplessly, "Speaking of which you just confessed yourself to save a little bit of accommodation fees?"

"Otherwise, it's not easy to save some money these years. Of course, I have to find a way to save it. But today is really unsettled. I think I am also a young hero, and I almost didn't expect to fight it today..."

The conversation between men and men is always inseparable from women, and Lan Xuan still sighs with endless aftertaste.

Chu Chen was a bit speechless. Strictly speaking, there were many beauties around him. But up to now, he is still a real brother, and he can't talk about it.

I can only watch Lan Xuan sigh while recollecting there, and soon fall asleep.

Early the next morning, when Chu Chen saw Lan Xuan getting up again, he was a little surprised.

"Are you recovering well? Yesterday you still looked ill. How come you can rest all night and be fine?"

"Of course, I need to say... Hey? You don't know?? So. Brother Chu, you are still a...Hahaha..."

Lan Xuan heard something from Chu Chen's words, and suddenly laughed. "It's really unexpected! I originally thought that the young Tianjiao like Brother Chu should have read the flowers long ago, but I didn't expect to be so conservative..."


Chu Chen really didn't know what to say now, and could only wait for him to continue speaking. .

On the contrary, Lan Xuan patted him on the shoulder very heartily, with a tone of careful teaching to the younger generation.

"As someone who has come here, I advise Brother Chu that you must be a woman who is in love with you for the first time. Otherwise, if you leave a shadow in your heart, you will have to suffer in the future. And ah. The blossoms are worthless. If you don’t have someone else to do it, don’t miss the opportunity...hehehe..."

"Hurry up, the assessment trial of the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group is about to begin."

Chu Chen made a start gesture and walked out of the room first.

It was just at this moment that the pretty face of the little Junior Sister could not help but appeared in his mind, and his heart suddenly became a little hot.

In that thick longing, there are some other things mixed in...

The area of ​​Thunder Jiao City is very large, so there are many caves left, and almost every formation group has its own trial cave for absorbing fresh personnel.

When Chu Chen and Lan Xuan came to the trial cave on the 9th, many people had gathered here.

Guarding the cave was a gray-haired old man who let them go in without saying anything after checking the black iron wooden signs of the two.

It was only after the two left that they murmured to themselves in a low voice: "It's weird, there are not many people in this ghost place usually, why are there so many all of a sudden today? Could it be that those big teams have made big moves again? Hey...I don't know how many people can come out safely this time..."

Lan Xuan, who had already walked into the cave, was stunned for a moment, and the hairs all over his body stood up at that moment.

The space of the trial cave is still very large, and when it comes to the end, it is empty. The night pearls on the walls around here are obviously less for lighting, causing the entire cave to appear a little gloomy.

In the dim surrounding light, you can see about dozens of monks scattered around in twos and threes. Among them, the green girl from the recruitment stronghold stood there early.

She nodded faintly after seeing Chu Chen coming, and she looked around with cold eyes from time to time, as if she was counting the number of people.

"Those who have already come, wait a moment, there is still some time before Chenshi."

After the girl said this sentence, she began to look through an ancient book in her hand.

Behind her there are several official members who seem to be the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group, looking indifferently at some of the books.

It seems that these newcomers in the future don't bother at all.

"While there is still some time, I have some core information about the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group. If you want to know, you can come to me to listen to it. It is guaranteed to be an exclusive information. Generally, you will not know it if you do not become a core member. Each person pays. You can listen to half of the fairy crystal~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, everyone wants to be a member of the blood eagle, so you should be prepared to learn about it."

At this time, Chu Chen found a huge rock and sat down, but Lan Xuan next to him took the opportunity to start a business.

After hearing his words, the green-clothed girl frowned slightly, but she didn't stop it.

This guy, really doesn't miss any chance to make money...

Chu Chen was sighing in his heart here, and there were already many monks around Lan Xuan.

I saw Lan Xuan, who was charging one by one, cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "The leader of the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group is an incomparably powerful ancient blood eagle, with the blood of a beast, known as the Lord. It is the whole There are a handful of top powerhouses in the world of little immortals.

The first sentence seduce everyone’s interest. To be honest, everyone knows that the blood eagle is powerful, but many people think that the word "Blood Eagle" is just a code name, but Unexpectedly, there is actually an ancient blood eagle here, what Lan Xuan said is indeed predictable.

(To be continued.)

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