Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1431: Endless killing

When Fenglong pressed down on the crowd, those cultivators counterattacked that seemed to have burst out, but they were actually so weak!

A wave of brilliant spiritual power bombarded the Fenglong body, like a drop of water splashing into the sea, and a single wave couldn't stir it.

The Linghe monk with the strongest cultivation level among them detonated a forbidden weapon with his teeth!

Make the final resistance.

boom! !

The dazzling blue light broke out in the darkness instantly, and the moment the forbidden device was detonated, a super spiritual power fluctuation of the peak level of the Linghe Great Realm broke out. This spiritual power turned into a blue sword light that was hard and fast, and the layer was split. The layer of void, cut towards the scales of Fenglong's neck!


The next moment, the sudden change?

When that stern and desperate sword light cut the scales of the dragon's giant neck, but saw that the wind dragon's neck "disappeared" in an instant, leaving behind a huge dragon head and a slender dragon body. The emptiness is connected, and in the middle is a blank space of more than ten thousand years.

When the sword light slashed past the blank part, the "disappearing" dragon neck reappeared, and the entire wind dragon was intact, without any harm at all!

At this moment, the look in the dragon's eyes seemed to become even colder.

"No, this wind dragon is the body of a demon, and its origin is a pure wind force. Normal attacks are useless to it!"

"Only it kills us, we can't fight back!"

In the desperate roar, the huge dragon claws of the wind dragon that had been hit swept fiercely, and the cultivators were directly caught.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

These hapless monks immediately turned into a few **** of blood and scattered.

Fenglong swallowed all the blood essence in one mouthful, and its huge body moved at an unabated speed, and it rushed towards another wave of monks below!

"Run! This wind dragon is mad and wants to kill all of us!"

"There is a crack in the rock here, hide in!"

"Where are the people from the blood eagle group? Did they release this wind dragon? Is this a trial or a murder?"

"Asshole, I don't try anymore, let me go, if I die, I won't let them go as a ghost!"


All the monks in the Eye of Wind Cave were completely panicked, a huge panic spread, and everyone fell into endless fear.

Every monk flees for his life in the wild, some gritted his teeth and fled down, even leaving the rock wall and flying down from the building.

Some found cracks in the rocks that were blown apart, and hid in the deepest part of the cracks.

However, the fury of this wind dragon exceeded everyone's expectations.

Seeing a lot of monks hiding in those cracks, the Fenglong roared, speeding up directly, and rushing towards the nearest crack!


Amid the violent roar, rubble splashed and smoke filled the sky, and the two monks who were located farther away were directly shattered by the violent bombardment.

It turned into blood mist and was swallowed by the wind dragon!

But the original crack, which was only more than ten feet wide, was hit by the wind dragon's mighty momentum, and it was directly hit and expanded to four or five feet long.

The next moment, a slender dragon's claw was caught, and the remaining monk who was desperately hiding in the deepest part of the crack was grabbed, and he broke it directly with a pop.

Swallowing another monk!

This horrible scene was staged in front of everyone, instantly bringing about hysterical panic, and some timid monks even cried directly.

Because the wind dragon entangled in the sky was chased and killed from top to bottom, the remaining monks climbed down desperately, hoping to escape the **** massacre.

One after another, they thought that even if they couldn't escape Wind Dragon, they would have to be faster than other monks.

As everyone rushed for their lives, Chu Chen and Lan Xuan were also rapidly descending!

However, a group of monks almost squeezed in the same space to escape, and the speed was not fast at all.

The huge wind dragon also dived quickly. After lightning killed a dozen monks, it seemed to sense something. The huge dragon head turned fiercely, staring at the direction of Chu Chen's escape, and turned into a silver light with a thud. Pounce!

It focused on Chu Chen!


Cold, deadly murderous intent came surging across the sky. At this moment, Chu Chen couldn't help but feel cold, as if being treated as prey by something.

When I looked up, I saw Fenglong rushing in his direction, with a clear goal!

"Hey, boy, the wind dragon sensed that your life fluctuations are extremely strong, and now regards you and the blue boy as the best prey!"

The little hamster lost his usual slouch tone and was obviously very worried.

Feeling the oncoming violent aura of Fenglong, Chu Chen frowned, and the speed of sprinting down suddenly accelerated.

What is surprising is that after having these two special prey, the giant dragon went past a monk who clings to the Ziyan wall and directly chased Chu Chen and Lan Xuan.

Because Fenglong obviously wants to eat the most delicious prey first, it can't take care of individual small prey.

"I'll go to him*, why is this monster dragon coming at us!"

Lan Xuan, who was next to him, yelled and speeded up as well. I have to say that the speed of both of them is not weak. Whether it is Chu Chen’s nameless footwork or Lan Xuan’s phantasm, they are both in this environment. Can burst out of world speed.

The two fleeing like two super lightning bolts tearing apart the darkness!

However, compared with them, the wind dragon, who is born as the demon of the wind, is even faster!

No matter how the two of them struggled to escape in the abyss, the huge figure of Fenglong was constantly approaching the two, and they could catch up directly with the breath!


The deep voice of the dragon's roar was like a roaring thunder, and the bitter murderous intent was like a sharp knife hanging from the top of the head, capable of smashing the two at any time.

As she got closer and closer, seeing that she couldn't get rid of Fenglong's chase, Chu Chen frowned and stopped instantly!

Wearing a gray robes to welcome the young man dancing wildly, a decision seemed to be made in the boy's cold eyes.

Since you can't hide, let's do it!

Chu Chen pursed his lips slightly, a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes.

This Fenglong had already regarded him as a chopping board fish, and he had to let it know that his food was not so good.

The spiritual power in Chu Chen's body was circling rapidly, but he saw the giant wind dragon rushing down slightly shocked, as if he had sensed some unusual aura~www.ltnovel.com~ unexpectedly disappeared from midair without a trace. ?


The overwhelming murderous intent also disappeared abruptly, which makes people suspect that maybe nothing happened!

This abyss seems to be empty suddenly?

Only Chu Chen and Lan Xuan stood in the air.

Well, what's the matter?

Does this magic dragon want to attack suddenly from other places?

Or something accident happened?

Chu Chen hugged Yuan Shouyi, and Ling Jue urged him to the limit state, making it easy for him to be on guard.

He has spiritual sense to monitor every inch of void!

An inexplicable sense of crisis lingers in his heart!

No, could it be... (To be continued.)

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