Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1432: Ultimate prey

This Wind Dragon, which controls the entire abyss, suddenly gave up Chu Chen's prey?

It disappeared without a trace, which made Chu Chen and Lan Xuan puzzled?

"It... let us go?"

Lan Xuan said something he didn't believe in.

"Absolutely impossible, maybe there are prey that makes it more interested, which aroused its desire to kill..."

The fully guarded Chu Chen didn't say anything. The next second, a terrible scream suddenly came from below the abyss of the wind cave...

"No, everyone quickly flee up, this evil dragon changed its direction and suddenly hunted us from below!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't get in my way, the **** above."

"Go to the top, the bottom is over!"

All of a sudden, the monks below were in a mess, rushing to turn around and flee!

The monks screamed in horror and tore the void. Chu Chen scanned the abyss with his spiritual sense. Thousands of feet away, he saw a brilliant silver lightning dancing horizontally and horizontally. Everywhere there was a bleak blood. The flowers bloomed suddenly.

This also realized that a monk had fallen, died away, turned into a mass of blood and was swallowed and absorbed by the wind dragon!

Lan Xuan was startled.

He knew very well that the cultivators who could be at the bottom were the strongest among the cultivators, because only those with tyrannical cultivation levels could go deeper and were closest to the low-pitched wind magic eagle's lair.

But at this moment, the strongest group of people suffered the bloodiest killing.

Who will be the ultimate prey of Wind Dragon?

Bang bang bang...

A dazzling aura blooms like fireworks, and each dazzling aura represents a monk escaping from below.

The dark abyss, lit by these auras!

Most of the monks who escaped from the bottom were super monks in the Linghe realm. Even if the cultivation base did not reach the Linghe realm, they still had some unique means to save their lives.

Therefore, many people are temporarily separated from the core hunting area of ​​Wind Dragon.

But all the monks knew that this wind dragon gradually became more and more tyrannical!

Long Yin shocked the sky, and the flesh and blood of the monks who were killed by him were all swallowed by it, which made the spirit shadow of the wind dragon more and more condensed and tyrannical.

It seems more real.

It is foreseeable that as more and more monks are killed and swallowed, the strength of the wind dragon will only become stronger and stronger, until it can finally condense the real dragon physique! !

Chu Chen's spiritual sense soon discovered that the ultimate prey that Fenglong was hunting down turned out to be the fairy-like girl in white clothes.


A beautiful white shadow swept across the void, as if it brought up bursts of misty fairy air.

Chu Chen raised her eyebrows fiercely. This girl in white clothes who practiced the ancient charm technique was as ethereal and mysterious as a fairy. Who could guess that her true identity was actually from the Scarlet Shadow School.

At this time, there are not many flower-protecting messengers around the girl in white, and there are only three young monks with the strongest cultivation base. They are all blood, using their bodies to block the wind blades that fly in from time to time, desperately. Protect the girl comprehensively.

Among them, two young monks with blood-red eyes, while escaping for their lives, desperately blasted a dazzling stream of red spiritual power towards the wind dragon approaching below. The two sacrificed their life essence, hoping to stop the huge wind dragon for a moment.

However, the giant Wind Dragon is obviously not ready to give up the ultimate prey of the girl in white.

The huge body was constantly swinging, pressing harder and harder in the direction of the girl!

Two red-eyed monks desperately blocked it, there was a kind of tragic man blocking a car, and the intact girl was indifferent, as if the world had nothing to do with her.

A cultivator who has reached the Linghe Great Realm can actually cause substantial damage to the Wind Dragon. After all, no matter how wonderful the body of the Wind Demon is, it will still be slightly damaged.

However, to incorporate the power of the soul into one's spiritual power can cause effective damage.

The two flower protectors also knew this, so both of them desperately tried their best to infuse their life essence and soul into it.

From the hands of the two, the dazzling galaxies gleamed with the dazzling purple soul light, turning into two star fields that are constantly rotating, wanting to temporarily imprison the wind dragon and prevent it from approaching.

The third flower protector opened the way above the girl in white. While bombarding the surrounding storm blade with his spiritual power, he could not get close to the girl, while faintly releasing a spiritual power shield around the girl’s body. I am very dedicated.

His own body was swept by Cyclonus' wind blades from time to time, splashing a string of scary red blood!

Chu Chen couldn't help but was shocked. He had to say that this little girl's charming technique was indeed amazing. When it came to such a critical moment of life and death, the flower care envoys were still thinking about protecting the girl completely, but they decided their own life and death. disregard.

The temptation caused by this charm has penetrated into the soul!

This is the real magical magic! !


With a violent explosion, the swiftly chasing Fenglong disappeared fiercely, making the two flower guard cultivators who were blocking it with all their strength stunned.

The next moment, the void trembled, and the wind dragon that had disappeared dozens of feet away suddenly appeared beside one of the tall monks, and the huge dragon's mouth was fiercely swallowed into the mouth.

And that huge dragon's tail was thrown out from the other end of the void, and a huge silver light was slashed out of thin air, smashing another flower protector to smash!

The two super monks in the Linghe realm were in front of this wind dragon, they weren't their enemies at all!

After the two clusters of blood were swallowed by the wind dragon, it let out a low growl of satisfaction.

The entire abyss trembles.

"Junior Brother Ye, Junior Brother Zhou!"

The last remaining flower care cultivator screamed fiercely when he saw it, but before he could say anything, he saw the faint instructions from the white-clothed girl.

"Go! Take advantage of this opportunity and run away, don't let them sacrifice in vain!"

The white-clothed girl was terribly calm, even when she saw two monks who sincerely protected her burst into pieces in front of her eyes, her expression did not fluctuate in the slightest.

After hearing her instructions, the last remaining Linghe monk nodded immediately, his figure burst into shape, and his speed suddenly increased ~www.ltnovel.com~ The girl in white rose up into the sky like a meteor!

Toward the exit of the abyss.

Ho Ho Ho...

Another loud dragon roar resounded, and Fenglong obviously wouldn't let go of its ultimate prey. Its huge eyes flashed with cold light, and its huge body suddenly disappeared.

I saw it suddenly opened its mouth and spewed a dazzling silver beam, blasting straight towards the mouth of the abyss!

All the monks saw it, and this huge silver beam of light rushed straight into the sky and blasted on the barrier at the entrance of the abyss.

The members of the blood eagle who attracted the abyss also looked down.

The silver light in the unity world did not dissipate, but re-condensed into another giant wind dragon circling and dancing!

Are you kidding me?

The wind dragon changed from one to two, and all the monks were ashamed of death, and they couldn't beat one of them. Where could the two people still have a trace of life? (To be continued.)

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