Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1436: Who is fighting

The two wind dragons are so powerful that even the monks who are far away from the Sea of ​​Silver Flame feel that their souls are being burned, which is terrible!

It is hard for the monks to imagine, how did the girl in white on the battlefield face this terrifying sea of ​​flames?

The two huge wind dragons have half-step Tianhe-level tyrannical strength, and their troubles are of natural disaster level to all cultivators!

Their huge dragon bodies lay across the void, and every claw attack and every tail swing caused the entire space to tremble.

The blazing dragon flames billowed even more, forming a vast sea of ​​silver fire, covering half of the abyss.

These two wind dragons have already opened up, and they have already understood how to use force.

Therefore, the released Long Yan not only pursues lethality, but also turns the entire abyss into a sea of ​​fire, so that the girl in white will always be in a state of high consumption of spiritual power to protect herself!

However, under the attack of these two tyrannical wind dragons, the girl in white swayed like a fairy flying back and forth in the void, floating like nothingness.

Let the two wind dragons roar like thunder, but they escaped from the pinch time and time again. The two dragons suddenly had no choice but to take her!

The exquisiteness of his body technique is simply amazing, making Chu Chen feel extremely mysterious.

What's more frightening is that she looks like a fairy, but the methods are extremely violent, and she constantly forcibly tears apart the void and hides to compete with Ssangyong!


Along with a stunned dragon chant, the smaller wind dragon that was quickly chasing the girl suddenly roared up to the sky. Amid the loud and high voice of the dragon, the body of the wind dragon soared, and the body of the dragon, which was close to one hundred feet, suddenly soared. Up to three hundred feet long.

This time, this abyss was completely filled!

The thick and long dragon's body formed a staggered circle of light in the sky, as if a huge and incomparably bright silver ring fell from the sky, locking the figure of the white-clothed girl in it!

This giant dragon uses its body as a cage to imprison the girl in white!


The void changed, and sharp dragon teeth suddenly emerged in the huge silver dragon ring, which began to spin quickly like a sharp dagger, forming an unparalleled sharp dragon tooth knife wheel!

The dragon ring quickly began to shrink and shrink, and the entire space was also compressed. It wanted to crush the girl directly!

"It's just a long bug, how dare you be so presumptuous!!"

The girl's eyes sank, she was angry, and she was hunting and flying in a white dress.

She only saw her lightly scolded, and her body violently exploded a group of bright white air waves, the space was violently shaken, and countless void cracks were also shaken out, and they couldn't help spreading around.

At this moment, the half-step Tianhe-level spiritual energy aura around her was actually in an impossible state, abruptly once again lifted up a bit, infinitely close to the real Tianhe realm!

"I'm going, the monks she sucked didn't die in vain, and they sent her to the level of infinitely close to the Tianhe Realm!"

Lan Xuan couldn't help but shouted.

On the contrary, Chu Chen continued to infuse spiritual power to repair the golden dragon shield, while resisting the silver flames, while continuing to watch the battle and sweep the formation.


In the void, tidal-like spiritual power was surging, and at this moment, the two charming and clear eyes of the white girl suddenly became white.

Lan Xuan lowered his head fiercely. At this moment, he instinctively did not dare to look directly at the girl's bizarre eyes.

In her white eyes, it was as if the pupils disappeared in an instant, like two abyss-like eyes, but at this moment, there was an icy light that seemed to be above all beings.

Is this immortal fury?

Feeling her anger, the moment she arrived at Lan Xuan, there was a feeling of separation from soul and soul, which was unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Dayan...Blade of Heaven!"

As the world mutated, the void behind the girl in white suddenly split, forming a huge spatial crack.

In the depths of the crack, a dark-black blade flashed a palpitating cold light slowly and suddenly appeared.

At the end of the blade, holding it was a simple giant hand with hundreds of feet. The big hand was densely covered with green scales, and there were dark golden lines on the green scales, which looked extremely mysterious.

When the giant hand appeared at once, a strong coercion filled the world instantly.

Above the girl's head, like in the dark, there seems to be a deity standing between the heaven and the earth, looking down on all beings.

Along with the chill in the eyes of the white-clothed girl, the green scale giant hand grasped the black blade and slashed forward forcefully!


Amid the clear and sharp sound, a stern jet of huge black blade light burst out of the front, slashing through the void.

The entire space has been cut open!


When the blade passed, the silver dragon tooth knife wheel, the blazing dragon flame, and the huge divine ring formed by the wind dragon directly shattered and burst!

The space of this abyss also collapsed, shattered, and turned into a black void!

"Is she a **** of destruction?"

Lan Xuan, who was on the edge of the battlefield, couldn't help shaking, even with the protection of Chu Chen's golden shield.

Chu Chen couldn't care to say anything to Lan Xuan. The aftermath of the Heavenly Blade released by the girl was mixed with the impact of the wind dragon explosion.

The golden dragon shield he sacrificed was already full of cracks. If he didn't infuse spiritual power to repair it, the shield would soon be broken!

And the monks on the periphery of the distance were blown away under the influence of this huge mixed shock wave. Many monks with insufficient cultivation skills slammed into the uneven rock wall one by one. Blood is overflowing in it.

In the center of the battlefield, the exploding dragon turned into a little silver light and slowly dissipated into the void!

The silver light in the sky fell like stars, and the girl was bathed in the center of the star sea like a fairy in white, deserted and supreme!

too terrifying!

Lan Xuan shook his head repeatedly, is this the strength close to the Tianhe Realm?

Even half a step Tianhe, it is impossible to resist even a bit!

One hit kill!


In this scene, not only all the monks were dumbfounded, but even the other wind dragon that swept on the side was also stunned.

After reacting, it let out a huge cry, and then it seemed to be completely violent!

It was tumbling in the void, and the entire void rolled and flew!

Is it going to ruin the world?

It has obviously stimulated all its energy!

To bring the feeling of the girl's death.

The giant dragon turned into a turbulent sea of ​​silver flames in the dance and flew ~www.ltnovel.com~ overturning towards the girl in white!

The sea of ​​anger fell, countless currents turned into countless silver fire dragons of different sizes, countless silver shadows rushing towards the girl.

Chu Chen could see with naked eyes, countless silver bright spots in the void blasted towards the white-clothed girl.

not good!

The white-clothed girl's complexion changed slightly. Although Dayan Tian's Blade was extremely powerful, this trick was terrifying for its spiritual consumption.

After all, she was not really close to the Tianhe Great Realm, but only temporarily improved.

With just one blow, the spiritual power in her body was on the verge of exhaustion.

At this moment, the black blade on top of her head, including the large green scale hand, had begun to fade.

It can be expected that it will soon disappear without a trace!

(To be continued.)

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