Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1437: Nosy Chu Chen

The huge blue-scaled hand in the void above the white-clothed girl's head became more and more blurred, as if it was about to disappear completely at any time!

The silver dragon sea had already surging from all directions, and she had no way to retreat.

Her deserted pupils shrank slightly, a sneer passed over her mouth, and her backhand slapped her chest with a sharp backhand, her face instantly pale!

Immediately opened his mouth, a drop of sparkling heart and blood was spouted out, like a dazzling blood diamond, reflecting the sky and the earth.

The blood diamond quickly flew into the palm of the giant blue scale hand, the giant blue scale hand immediately became clear, even swelled a bit, every knuckle was vigorous and powerful, every scale was glowing with cold light, and the back of the hand was convex. The blood vessels are even more exaggerated!


The green scale giant hand fiercely grasped the black curved blade and slashed forward forcefully!

Boom boom boom...

A pure black sword beam of hundreds of feet long burst out, dividing the world into two, and the entire space seemed to be cut apart in parallel, and even slid away in a moment!


The silver dragon flame sea was also cut open by this black thread, evaporating to its fullest in an instant!

In the empty void, the shattering black sword light slashed head-on on the huge dragon head in the limelight!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth-shattering explosion reverberated continuously, and waves of explosions of silver and black colors scattered in all directions, faintly carrying the painful roar of the huge wind dragon.

This smashed the sky and collapsed!

The endless explosive air waves make all the monks run the body protection zhenqi at high speed, and fully resist the impact of the aftermath.

No one dares to relax.

Lan Xuan's expression was natural only under the protection of Chu Chen's dragon shield, but he shook his head again and again.

"You can kill a half-step Tianhe-level wind dragon with one move, Dayan Heaven Blade... It's a terrible killer move! But..."

Even across the Golden Shield, Lan Xuan could feel the turbulent air waves bursting in the void, which made him speak less sharply.

Chu Chen took his words indifferently, "It's just a pity, this girl can only perform such a perverted killer move once, although the second time the sword beam stretches for hundreds of meters, it looks magnificent and powerful. But relying on the heart to invigorate the blood and strong support can only be regarded as illusory, less than 70% of the original power, and this wind dragon is the main body, this can not kill it..."

Before Chu Chen's words fell, at the center of the void battlefield at this time, when the blasting air wave gradually dissipated, I saw a huge bright silver light still shining.

Although the huge wind dragon standing proudly in the void was scarred by the bombing, its scales flew up and down, looking a bit horrible.

The fighting spirit in its eyes is still high, and what is even more frightening is that its body is healing itself quickly.


It opened its mutilated mouth wide, and then flew towards the girl in white, like an irresistible super prehistoric, shattering the void, and strangling the girl completely!

Wherever the dragon passed, all the void was shattered, revealing the dark trajectory formed after the dragons glided past!

The girl in white can clearly feel that a huge vortex has formed all over her, and soon, she will fall into this super vortex!

Her expression suddenly changed. At this time, the big green hand holding the black sword light behind her had completely disappeared, and the strange state of her original pure white eyes had also disappeared.

The breath of Tianhe within a half-step on his body was also rapidly declining. Facing this wind dragon's fury blow, he couldn't directly counter the strangulation of this wind dragon giant!


Feeling that the huge vortex was approaching, the girl's silver teeth bit her, and she could only escape!

As soon as the slender shadow moved, the fairy shadow fluttered, flying through the void to fly away from the earth.

But apparently this time she seemed to seriously underestimate the power of Fenglong's eruption and overestimated her own speed.

I saw that when her figure had just flew ten feet away, a huge dragon claw slammed down from behind her dangerously and dangerously.

Although there was no real bang on her, the five silver sharp edges brought by the dragon's claws slashed on her like five heavenly swords!

Accompanied by a few sharp abnormal noises, the white-clothed girl's complexion whitened fiercely, and she spouted a big mouthful of **** arrows, and her whole person was blown out like a rag bag.

Coincidentally, the direction she was bombarded was exactly where Chu Chen and Lan Xuan were!

The desolate blood flower bloomed in the void, and the fairy fell into the mortal world!

Obviously, the huge Wind Dragon was not ready to let it go easily, but moved on to pursue her.

In the mighty gust of wind, the strong dragon power swept around along with the blazing high temperature. The girl was like a small boat on the edge of a huge whirlpool, as if it would be submerged at any time.

Fury Vortex!

Lian Chu Chen and Lan Xuan felt that their bodies were hot and dry, and even their blood qi seemed to burn. At the same time, a large amount of spiritual energy emerged from their bodies, which began to evaporate like mist.

The wounded girl was also covered with blood mist, she was a bit sad!


This time, the dragon was going to use the dragon body to completely strangle the girl.

Chu Chen narrowed his gaze and let out a soft breath, spreading the palm of his right hand forward.

call out!

In the palm of his hand, a light red light shuttle immediately appeared, and it began to spin violently while growing from small to large.

The speed of its rotation is incredible!

Every time it rotates, the red on the light shuttle becomes richer, but it turns tens of thousands of times between the electric light flint, and it becomes bright red and translucent, as bright as a red blood diamond.

Sky Fire God Shuttle!

Lan Xuan suddenly discovered that the high temperature created by Fenglong was nothing short of the difference with this small diamond.

This little red shuttle spinning at high speed gave Lan Xuan a kind of terrifying heat that even his soul would be evaporated!

In the next second ~www.ltnovel.com~, as Chu Chen flicked his fingers slightly, the bright red light swished, pulling out a thin and long mysterious red line in the void.

The mysterious red line flew out almost against the girl's smooth forehead, and flew to the huge wind dragon a hundred meters away!


The small red shuttle that was spinning at high speed burst suddenly, and the dazzling red light burst out, and there were dazzling red fires everywhere in the void.

At this moment, the most central area where Xiao Hong Shuo exploded, a huge bright red sun suddenly appeared between the world and the earth.

The crimson light danced horizontally and horizontally, and finally sketched out a blazing red sun prison hundreds of meters in size, completely trapping the giant wind dragon in it! ?

God shuttled into prison!

Abruptly trapped the running away dragon!

Chu Chen's terrifying method made Lan Xuan shudder. Fortunately, it was the dragon that trapped the dragon, not himself. Because of the wind dragon in the huge cage, at this moment, it was burned to the horror. (To be continued.)

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