Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1438: Refining Wind Dragon

Lan Xuan rubbed his eyes vigorously a few times, he really couldn't accept the scene before him.

For half a step, the dragon in the Tianhe realm was actually imprisoned by a little monk in the Lingxi realm in the flame cage he painted as a prison. Not only was it unable to break free, but it was also burned and screamed!

This... this is too ridiculous!

Lan Xuan stood there like a puppet, watching the billowing golden flames dancing in the air, the red cage formed by the golden flames burning frantically!

All monks could see that the huge wind dragon seemed particularly painful in the burning of the golden flames, and the dragon scales all over his body began to melt with the heat.

Fenglong has completely turned into a fire dragon!

The cultivators are full of question marks, how did this situation evolve to where it is now?

That golden red flame...what is it?

The girl in white clothes sitting cross-legged in the void, after two breath adjustments, her breath slowly stabilized, and she gently wiped off the blood that overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

She raised her eyes to look at the wind dragon trapped in the void in the distance, her charming eyes could not conceal the shock.

She, who has always been as cold as an immortal, lost her attitude for the first time!

She knew very well that although this wind dragon was transformed from a wind demon, it had its own fire talent and possessed both wind and fire attributes.

As the so-called wind assists the fire, fire borrows the power of the wind, and the dual attributes of wind and fire add to each other, making the wind dragon's control and resistance to flames tyrannical to an incredible realm.

The white-clothed girl is clearly aware of its power, and she has been forcibly promoted to the half-step Tianhe Realm through the Dayan Swallowing Technique, only to have the power to fight it, Chu Chen clearly wins the rookie monk in the Lingxi Realm! ?

He unexpectedly circled a cage in the void. Looking at this posture, this half-step Tianhe Wind Dragon would be burned to death by him? !

This is simply a fantasy!

But in the eyes of the white-clothed girl, the scarlet cage in the void was radiant, and no matter how fierce Fenglong collided in it, it couldn't damage it.

In the golden flames, the roar of Fenglong became smaller and weaker!

In the end, the dazzling silver disappeared completely.

However, there was an extra small moving wind dragon spirit in Chu Chen's dantian. Obviously Chu Chen had already refined this wind dragon, and the spirit dragon's magic power was extremely powerful energy.

However, because the evil spirit is too heavy, it is obviously not suitable for Chu Chen himself. However, Chu Chen had planned to leave it to his own gluttonous Jiao-Wangcai. Its second evolution depends on this wind dragon demon. Spiritual spirit.

Chu Chen observed the changes in the essence of the wind dragon in his body, but the surrounding monks stared blankly at the void where the giant wind dragon disappeared.

"Half-step Tianhe Realm Wind Dragon was killed like this?"

"He... Lingxi can do it, is there any reason for this..."

"It's gone, am I dreaming?"

The monks who had survived the rest of their lives, their first reaction was not joy, but confusion, and looked at Chu Chen one by one like monsters.

However, among the group of monks, there was a shameless young monk with a chill in his eyes.

"You sigh a fart, my brother Chu saved you, and your father still doubts this and that. I don't know how to be grateful, so I don't know how to thank brother Chu.

Looking at a group of people in a daze, Lan Xuan frowned and immediately scolded.

This group of monks had just awakened from a dream, and they thanked Chu Chen. Chu Chen was still studying the wind dragon essence in his body, and nodded to the monks perfunctorily.

Lan Xuan's heart suddenly moved. It was a pity that they should have taken the opportunity to pay a gratitude fee and earn some fairy crystals. It is a pity that it is too late to speak again.

He sighed helplessly and put away the purple-red giant umbrella he was holding in front of him.

When the wind dragon ravaged the entire wind cave abyss, although Chu Chen's golden shield was protected, Lan Xuan would occasionally hold up a huge umbrella body for safety reasons.

Therefore, the blazing dragon flame has burned the entire giant umbrella full of scars, and there are burn marks everywhere on it.

In the end, this precious treasure was barely kept, on the verge of being scrapped.

"Brother Chu, you are too strong, I will convince you!"

Lan Xuan looked at Chu Chen admiringly.

"I actually picked up a leak." Chu Chen said faintly, "To a certain extent, it was a bit of a bargain. The Wind Dragon was severely injured after being slashed by Dayan Heaven's Blade. Otherwise, I It is impossible to refine the Fenglong of Tianhe for half a step."

"Even so, you are still very strong!"

The worship in Lan Xuan's eyes was not diminished at all, at this moment the girl in white had already crossed the void and came to Chu Chen's side.

She has restored the appearance of the deserted fairy, "Your Excellency has a superb cultivation base, why bother to be modest, I let you off at that time, and has cancelled the promise on the cliff. But unexpectedly, now I am saved by you again. In that case, then go I will pay you my life every time I get the chance."

The girl danced like an immortal in a white dress, but her expression was not touched by the mundane. There was an indescribable charm.

Chu Chen faced this unfathomable young girl's promise, but didn't appreciate it, "I have taken the girl's kindness, and I will take care of my life."


The wind roared in the abyss, and the two wind dragons had been completely slain. The wind dragon domain that was densely covered in the abyss of the wind cave collapsed immediately, and the silver light that filled every piece of void gradually faded and turned into a little bit of star. Finally disappeared without a trace.

Wind Cave Abyss once again returned to the original look of the squally fury.

In the bitter wind, a graceful figure swiftly jumped down from the top of the cliff, revealing the beautiful face of the girl presiding over the trial.

A clear shadow quickly descended straight and came to the place where everyone was. Her expression that had been tight, slowly eased, but she couldn't help passing by a touch of melancholy.

"This time the trial of the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group is over. Due to changes in the middle, the rules have now been changed. There is no need to look for the Wind Demon Eagle's lair. Those who survive, you will all be selected as the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group Part of it!"

The result announced by the presiding girl made all the survivors thankful that they had survived.

Especially the relatively weak monks were even more delighted. They also knew that their strength was not enough to join the blood eagle. They were just trying their luck. They did not expect to enter the blood eagle directly after a big accident.

They couldn't help but thank them in their hearts, fortunately for this accident.

After the cultivators announced the termination of the trial, they all flew upwards.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I thought there were so many cultivators in the Linghe Great Realm who came to participate in the trial this time, so I didn't even have a chance to enter.

Lan Xuan, who was smiling broadly, followed Chu Chen closely, "It seems that I am lucky to be with Brother Chu."

Chu Chen is already immune to Lan Xuan's flattery, "It has nothing to do with me, your strength is also very strong, the realm is only a superficial thing, Duan Old Demon has dealt with you so many methods of pressing the bottom of the box, it is estimated that there are some secret treasures. Without me, you have your own way to enter the blood eagle."

"No, absolutely not. This time I entered the blood eagle definitely because of the light of Brother Chu. You must know that Brother Chu, you killed Fenglong, how terrible the Fenglong is. Every monk knows that your painting is a prison. Trapped Fenglong, really..."

"Stop~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Chen gave Lan Xuan a look in his eyes, and let Lan Xuan put away the words that followed. He smiled wryly, with an expression of what the big brother said, and followed Chu Chen. , Flew out of the abyss together.

Everyone left the abyss and stepped on the ground on the edge of the cliff with their feet, as if a world away.

I feel that this cave is extremely bright and comfortable at this moment. Staying in the abyss will always make the monks feel unsafe. God knows, will a wind dragon be bred suddenly? !

Leaving it is the best choice.

"Listen well, everyone. Let's go for a day off today. Tomorrow morning everyone will gather in Teleportation Cave No. 47. Disband first."

After the host girl gave an order, she took a few blood eagle members and left, and the cultivators also dispersed.

Lan Xuan took Chu Chen back to the inn, saying goodbye to the proprietress, one night stand.

(To be continued.)

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