Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1446: The little princess is a genius on the battlefield

"Yes, Miexian and Jiutian are two parts of the world. The rest are the so-called Ten Breaking Arrays, each occupying an area with the most abundant ancient ruins and dominating one side."

As Yan Lao spoke slowly, a huge light curtain appeared in front of everyone, and the regional distribution maps of these super-destroying groups were marked with different colors.

From this light map, it can be judged that there are still many areas in Xiaoxianjie that are unknown!

"What is the significance of the ranking of this group? Who is weaker, who is stronger, will there be any difference in the results of exploring the small fairy world?"

The round-faced girl looked puzzled.

"The importance of the ranking of the group is far beyond your imagination."

Yan Lao's expression suddenly became serious. "For example, if several team members discover an ancient ruin together, who should explore first? Once this problem is not handled properly, then it may break out. The battle between the teams. After repeated changes, the human monks in the Little Immortal Realm can no longer withstand much internal friction!"

The round-faced girl nodded involuntarily.

After a pause, Yan Lao spoke again.

"Ancient relics, almost every ancient relic contains a large number of ancient artifacts, exercises, heaven and earth treasures and other resources. This is a piece of fat!"

A group of monks nodded repeatedly.

"In order to minimize the internal friction between human monks, and to increase the rate of exploration of ancient relics and the success rate of forbidden areas, Xiaoxianjie has an unwritten rule, that is, when two or more break formation groups discover the same ancient site. , When there is a dispute about who enters first, then the team with the highest ranking will have the priority to explore!"


Yan Lao's remarks really shocked everyone. Priority to exploration right, the meaning of this term is too unusual.

After all, no one knows what kind of treasures are contained in an ancient relic, and the first group to explore will definitely do their best to take all the treasures away, and the next group will go. Can only get some leftovers.

"However, this rule is just a rule. Once a truly peerless treasure is born, many low-ranking groups will dare to fight against the high-ranking groups. However, the rankings still have a great degree of deterrence. The regiment has an objective assessment of the strength of itself and the opponent to avoid unnecessary killing."

Old Yan said in a deep voice the law of this world that the weak eat the strong.

"Then what is the strength of our Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group among all groups in the entire Xiaoxian Realm?"

Lan Xuan first asked a question that everyone was most concerned about. In fact, it was a question that everyone wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask easily.

When Lan Xuan pulled Chu Chen into the Blood Eagle Breaking Group, he once said that the Blood Eagle was one of the top ten strongest breaking groups at the time of its heyday. Later, there was a big change that made the whole team stronger. Greatly reduced.

No one can tell how much strength this team has today.

Since they are going to be a part of the blood eagle, everyone naturally cares about the strength of this team now. After all, this is not only related to personal honor and future achievements, but also related to whether there is any hope to truly leave the world of Xiaoxian in the future!

"Today's Blood Eagle occupies the 24th place among all the team rankings in Xiaoxianjie."

Yan Lao smiled bitterly, facing this sensitive issue, there was hardly any hesitation and blunt introduction.

"We used to be the top ten super group, but some changes happened later and our strength was greatly lost. Now we are trying to get back to the top 20."

As soon as these words fell, the expressions on everyone's faces changed. Some are disapproving, some are relieved, and some seem to be suspicious.

In terms of old age, he smiled indifferently, said Yoyo.

"The original blood eagle breaking formation group was founded by the Lord Blood Eagle in the darkest era of Xiaoxianjie. With his outstanding cultivation and courage, he raised the blood eagle to the top ten strongest destroyers. The level of the array."

Old Yan tried his best to make his voice calmer, but his tone was uncontrollable sorrow.

"Oh, because the Lord was accidentally seriously injured while exploring a life forbidden zone, and almost died. Although the injury was finally stabilized, he also lost a lot of lifespan and essence essence, in order to reduce his life consumption. , The Lord can only enter the suspended state of suspended animation most of the time."

When Old Yan said this, his eyes were red, obviously he was also an old subordinate of Lord Blood Eagle.

"Therefore, the group of blood eagles without a leader has fallen sharply since then, and at the most desolate time, it did not even rank in the top fifty."

Yan Lao gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Has all fallen to fifty?"

The girl in round clothes asked incredulously, "Why did the ranking come up again?"

"Everything is because of the granddaughter of the Blood Eagle Lord, Miss Sun entered the Little Fairy World from the outside world at the most critical moment, and alone provoked the beam of the entire Blood Eagle Breaking Formation group!"

As Yan Lao said, his expression gradually showed fanaticism and sincere admiration.

Chu Chen also heard from Lan Xuan before that Miss Sun, whom this old man said, was the youngest princess of Yinghuangshan, a small country.

In order to save grandpa, despite the opposition of the ruling and the opposition, she resolutely entered the world of Xiaoxian, she is a genius of tactics and strategy.

"In a short period of time, a group of scattered sand dragons and headless blood eagles was resurrected in Miss Sun's hands! It gradually returned from fifty to fifty."

"Within three months, return to forty!"

"Within six months, return to within thirty!"

"...In less than half a year, today's Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group has rushed into the 24th place!"

Yan Lao's face was completely proud of Miss Sun.

"Little princess...no, Miss Sun has such grandeur, great ability, and great supernatural powers? It seems that she is also a goddess in the little fairy world!"

Lan Xuan's eyes suddenly brightened, and his entire face began to shine.

"That's natural!"

Yan Lao nodded with a proud face, "It's just that Miss Sun is not here. Her biggest ultimate goal is not to break the ranks of the formation, but to let the blood eagle master, who is letting life hang by a thread, with the fastest speed Leaving the Little Fairy Realm and returning to the blood eagle secret realm to continue life."

There seemed to be a flame in Yan Lao's eyes.

"And this goal is also the ultimate goal of all members of our Blood Eagle Breaking Array~www.ltnovel.com~ that is to leave the little fairy world and return to the big world!!"

When Chu Chen heard this, he nodded subconsciously, and had to say that the people who broke the formation of the blood eagle still had their own principles.

The existence of so many ancient relics and ancient treasures in Xiaoxianjie itself is a huge allure.

The leadership level of the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group can make it clear that the ultimate goal of the entire team is not to obtain those treasures, but to leave the Little Immortal Realm as soon as possible. This vision and level has exceeded a lot of the formation group.

Sure enough, the trader controls the existence of a country, although it is a small country.

"I hope everyone can remember this!"

When he said this, Yan Lao's expression became particularly severe.

"No matter how good the treasure is in front of you, if you don't have the life to enjoy it, it will be nothing! Surviving is the first principle you will face in Xiaoxian Realm. Never forget this!"

(To be continued.)

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