Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1447: A more terrifying existence than a king-level ancient beast

Yan Lao's warning, in fact, every monk has already understood in his heart that in the world of little immortals, which is perilous and blessed, there is no life, no matter how many treasures there are!

However, when facing the birth of a heaven-defying treasure, few monks can calmly face it.

There are countless long-lost magical techniques, ancient magical artifacts, and genius treasures from the ancient times in the Little Fairy World...

These things are precious and unimaginable!

Even if you only get one or two pieces of such a peerless treasure, it is enough to suppress an outside master and bless it to last forever.

How easy is it to face calmly?

No matter when and where, the monks will always have a fluke mentality, thinking that they should be the lucky one out of ten!

Therefore, even if the opponent is strong enough to easily crush his own existence, he still wants to try his luck.

But with this ending, more than ninety-nine cultivators died because of it!

In today's Xiaoxianjie, there are too many such examples...

"If you are unfortunate enough to encounter a king-level wild ancient beast... hide as far as you can! Don't try to think, don't greedy, don't try your luck! In terms of your cultivation base, the king-level ancient beast It's not a powerful existence you can imagine!"

"Remember, this is not a warning, but the way to survive in the little fairy world!"

Yan Lao sighed heavily, as if in a daze he was caught in the horrible memory of encountering a king-level ancient beast.

When several young monks heard Yan Lao's words, their expressions were a little confused, because none of them had ever had a king-level ancient beast.

"Is the king-level ancient beast really that scary? After all, it's just a group of beasts..."

"No matter how powerful they are, it is possible to deal with them? For example...what about poisoning?"

"Or we siege it?"

Yan Lao smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, you want to compete with the king-level ancient beast, it is not enough to let it stuff your teeth."

At this time, Lan Xuan also stood up and spoke, "I know a little bit about the king-level ancient beasts. Even if it is poisoned, what level of toxin can be released from your realm?"

A sneer and mockery flashed on Lan Xuan's face.

"Someone once used the "Poisonous Longzhi" that can easily poison the Tianhe realm monks into the blood-eating king beast to hunt. A full 300 catties of Poisonous Longzhi is enough to poison a dozen of the Tianhe realm legendary powerhouses. The Hitomi Black Great Ape has nothing to do with the fart...No, I fart, and then nothing happens..."

All the monks were taken aback. To tell the truth, the name of Poison Longzhi is like thunder in the monks world. This kind of highly poisonous elixir is said to only grow on the edge of the dragon’s nest. Half a couple can kill a legendary powerhouse in the realm of Tianhe.

In the monk world, this kind of poisonous weed is extremely expensive, and it is sold only for one dollar, and it is often priceless. It is the favorite treasure of some dark organizations such as assassins and killers.

A whole three hundred catties of Poisonous Longzhi, in terms of price alone, can directly bankrupt a middle-to-upper-sized sect or family. In the end, it was only a tooth sacrifice for that king beast... Such a loss might make many people jump in pain.

"Once the ancient giant beasts reach the king level, then their structure and flesh and blood organization will completely transform into another form, a powerful creature similar to the beast. Everyone looks as small as dust in their eyes, and once they provoke the king beast. Angry, then the consequences are definitely not something everyone can bear."

"So the first iron decree to become a member of the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group is not to provoke the king beast!"

A group of young monks put away their contempt, and nodded their heads to indicate that they had received it.

Elder Yan sighed and glanced around, "There is another, especially the ultimate danger that needs to be reminded of you... It is the terrifying degree of how many people in this little fairy world, to some extent, Overtake the king beast!"

Isn’t the king beast the top of the pyramid of the food chain in the little fairy world?

Many monks are wondering why there are so many people who are more terrifying than King Beast!

At this time, Immortal Realm Tonglanxuan also showed a look of fear, "Yan always said, it should be... the legendary Yin people?"


Old Yan nodded cautiously, "The six old Tianhe demons in the hidden formation group are called the six great killers. In this little fairy world, if you encounter a king beast, you may still have a trace of life. But if you encounter Yin The members of, I am afraid that there is no chance of survival at all!"

"Isn't the legend that it has always been high and high, it is difficult for outsiders to meet?"

The round-faced girl was scared and curious and asked, "Hin's strength is super strong and has always been detached from things. It is difficult for ordinary people to meet them?"

"It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to meet them, but our blood eagle breaking formation group is now a frontier force in the small fairy world, and the treasures contained in the ancient ruins we explored are also the top part, so there are still some chances and hidden encounters ."

Yan Lao looked bitter and helpless.

"Then, is there any information about those old demons? I have spent a lot of effort here and found nothing."

Lan Xuan looked expectantly at Yan Lao. Since entering the Little Immortal Realm himself, it can be said that he has tried his best to collect hidden information, but he has always failed.

He knows very well that this is information that all monks are willing to pay a lot of money to buy, which is extremely valuable to his business.

"The information about the people of the Hidden Group has always been incomplete and incomplete. And that piece of information is top secret in the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group, and it is not known at your current level."

Yan Lao waved his hand, "Okay, now let me introduce the topographical distribution of Xiaoxianjie.!"

Lan Xuan and the monks were dumbfounded~www.ltnovel.com~ Unexpectedly, Yan Lao bypassed this part directly.

What he said is very clear. With everyone's current authority, this information cannot be accessed. If you want to know, you must first improve your position in the Blood Eagle Group.

Yan Lao ignored the unwilling, highly curious monks, and continued their courses.

"Currently, the ancient relics in Xiaoxianjie are divided into two categories according to their internal resource distribution."

Talking old and eloquent.

"One is the ruins with a large number of low-level treasures and not too dangerous. They are called the ruins of the ruins."

The monks of this kind of ruins know that once such a place is discovered, the treasures inside can be easily taken away.

"The other one is extremely dangerous, and there are not many treasures inside, but every treasure is an ancient secret treasure with earth-shattering power. Such legendary relics are basically in the restricted zone of life!"

(To be continued.)

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