Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1448: The Blood Eagle Group

"In fact, what I want to know most is who left these relics and treasures, are they the legacy of the legendary ancient immortals?"

Lan Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he was known as the master of the fairy world, he obviously knew too little about the little fairy world that seemed to be shrouded in dense fog.

"Whether it was left by the ancient immortals or not is currently unknown, but the things in those ruins are not easily accessible, and the best treasures must be in the restricted zone of life!"

Yan Lao said word by word.

"But the difficulty of the restricted area of ​​life...can't anyone be able to enter it?"

The round-faced girl looked helpless.

"Yes, the life restricted area is called the restricted area because its interior is too dangerous! More than 50% of the area in the small fairy world belongs to the restricted life area, and it has been attacked by many break-in groups. , Only a part of it, such as..."

Yan Lao’s voice carried an ancient aura, and heard all the monks fascinated, but Chu Chen felt that Zhao Lai’s eyelids were getting heavier. Standing in the crowd, he felt that the world was about to darken and his eyelids were struggling. After a few strokes, he finally couldn't help it, and fell asleep slowly.

Yan Lao, who was speaking, glanced around, and after looking in the direction of Chu Chen, he frowned insignificantly, and gently squeezed his palm a few times, and faint ripples slowly spread to the surroundings.

Chu Chen's consciousness has always been a little groggy, because he really didn't have much interest in the materials that Old Yan said, and there was no danger around him, so he just stood there directly. Fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, when he was asleep, he was stunned, and then he woke up suddenly.

The chill in the air aggravated a lot?

"what happened?"

Lan Xuan watched Chu Chen wake up from his deep sleep, his expression changed drastically, and frowned and asked.


Chu Chen whispered, he instinctively told himself that it is not appropriate to stay here for long.

But seeing the old man talking in front of him, he suddenly stopped and stopped talking.

He stood with his hand held, and he didn't see any movement, "swiping", the whole person has turned into a white light and rose into the sky.

He threw everyone away and flew away?

At the same time, an extremely icy air suddenly sprayed from the soles of the monks' feet, and sharp ice icicles rose up on the surface of the surrounding ice where everyone stood.

Those ice icicles bite, tangled, and coiled with each other, almost between the electric light flint, forming a huge mysterious ice cage, trapping everyone in it!

All the cultivators were stunned, listening to the lectures, and being imprisoned together in the blink of an eye, from classmates to prisoners?

"Old Yan, why are you?"

"Old Yan, you let us out quickly, what do you want to do?"

"It's cold, it's getting colder..."

The monks couldn't help being panicked, but this shocking change was unexpected. For a while, the crowd was so enthusiastic that everyone shouted at the words in the void.

After hearing the shouts of the crowd, Yan Lao still stood faintly in the void with his hands in the air, his whole person looked like a fairy tale, with a smell of dust.

"Don't panic, I have told you so much, and it is time to give you some practical basic trial tasks."

The old voice in the void became cold.

"Listen, everyone, from now on! You have to face the first death mission of the Blood Eagle!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, death mission?

"Old Yan, what are you kidding, isn't it a basic task?"

"How did it become a death mission!"

"Death mission at the beginning, can I quit..."

"Quiet!" A cold light flashed in Yan Lao's eyes, causing all the monks to stop immediately.

"Listen, you have three pillars of incense to escape from this ice prison. Those who escape successfully will be able to enter the Blood Eagle Breakthrough Group and become an official member!"

Yan Lao's voice is getting colder and colder.

"If you fail to escape...you can do it yourself."

The ice prison was shining with a white light, as if to remind everyone that the countdown to death was about to begin!

"How can this be done! Haven't we already gone through the trial? Why do we have to go through it again?"

"Let...let us out!"

"Old Yan, wait a moment..."

A group of monks were frightened and angry. So many people were buried in the abdomen of the wind cave. Only these twenty lucky ones were left. They were dead and injured.

As a result, I still have to experience a death trial here... Is this blood eagle a lunatic world?

"The blood eagle breaks the formation group does not need the weak!"

"This is the beginning of the trial!"

No matter how unwilling the cultivators below were, Yan Lao still waved his arms coldly.

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone, they saw huge cracks suddenly appeared on the small Iceland with a radius of several thousand meters. The entire ice prison was stripped away from the Iceland and began to sink slowly into the sea...

The icy water immediately flooded the soles of everyone's feet, slowly rising up along the calf.

At this moment, the monks felt that the soles of their feet were about to freeze.


A young girl's whisper came, causing all the cultivators who had been messed up to tremble.

Looking at the cry, she saw that Shi Yuyan's expression changed drastically, and she lifted her feet into the blue water.

Everyone found that she was panicked and opened her white skirt, revealing a beautiful white calf, but there was a black and white sea worm wrapped around her body, which raised her upper body hideously, hissing with a bright red core.

At this time, part of the ice prison had already penetrated into the sea water, and some creatures such as sea worms suddenly appeared in the originally calm sea water!

However, after the monks scanned their spiritual consciousness, they immediately found that they were not real creatures, but creatures condensed from sea water.

This sea worm is one of them!

The appearance of this sea worm seems too disgusting~www.ltnovel.com~ actually scared the girl in white clothes who could not change the color of the two wind dragons.

The cultivators found that the charming girl's complexion changed drastically, and in a panic, she even forgot to urge her spiritual power to shook her away, but she kept shaking her feet and finally flew the sea worm.

The girl in white was already anxious and flushed with water in her beautiful eyes. The delicate feeling really made me feel sorry for me. Some young monks could not wait to rush up and hug her into her arms for comfort.

It seems that no matter how powerful a woman is, she still has a natural fear of things like bugs...

There are a few young talents in the crowd who are eager to move, obviously wanting to step forward to comfort them, but when they think of the feminine girl in the abyss of the wind cave like a **** death, they just stepped out. Stopped abruptly.

The white-clothed girl Shi Yuyan looked at the young monks pitifully, and they couldn't help but soften again.

(To be continued.)

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