Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1449: Horrible ice prison

"What a strong fascination technique! It's so natural and easy to come by. This pitiful appearance makes the deity feel heartbroken when it looks, but it is too outrageous. Her abnormal cultivation base, let alone a sea bug, count it. One sea dragon is not enough to stuff her teeth, it is enough!"

Chu Chen heard the hamster's spit in his mind, and his tone was full of disdain.

"You human women are really, if a mother **** beast dared to do this in front of the deity, the deity would have kicked it flying!"

"It's hard to say, maybe the mother **** beast just hooks, you're head overwhelmed."

Chu Chen said lightly.

"Fart! With the deity's concentration, how can I be overwhelmed, I say, I want to remind you that you must be careful of this Shi Yuyan, as long as you can keep it, remember!"

Chu Chen nodded lightly, "Speaking of which, you came out just to remind me to be careful of Shi Yuyan's charming technique?"

The ice cage was sinking slowly, and the hearts of the cultivators also sank into the icy water, one by one panicked, not knowing what to do.

However, Chu Chen remained calm. He was looking for someone who the little hamster reminded him to beware of. The little hamster made a noise, and it would definitely not be just Shi Yuyan.

"Yes, I want to remind you not only of her, but also a person who is also very dangerous!"

Chu Chen continued to scan the restless monks.

"did you find it?"

Chu Chen's gaze quickly passed the cultivators, and locked onto a small young cultivator in the northeast corner of the huge ice prison.

"is it him?"

This monk is too calm, and the ant-like monks on the hot pot around him are like being in two worlds.

"You finally found out! This kid is not easy. He hides it deeply. I can feel that kid has a chill on his body. Even the deity will feel slightly frightened by that chill... Anyway, that kid is very Danger……"

"Ms. Cang, are you sure?"

Chu Chen was shocked, the little hamster would say that a person is dangerous, and that must be dangerous!

Shi Yuyan is pregnant with ancient charm techniques and can directly step into the half-step Tianhe in battle, and is a dangerous person.

And this calm little monk did not seem to have anything special, except for a pair of small eyes that occasionally had a wolf-like loneliness. Where is the dangerous place?

"The sea below this is too cold, I don't like it very much, kid, go down and play by yourself, wait for you to come up, see you!"

After saying this, the little hamster swished into a white light and rushed out of Chu Chen's arms, and then drilled out of the gap in the ice prison at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the little hamster disappeared without a trace.

"Unscrupulous pet, leave the owner, I despise you!"

Chu Chen was stunned for a moment, and had to shook his head helplessly.

"Chu Chen, don't always think about relying on the deity, you have to rely on yourself occasionally."

The voice of the little hamster's soul came from the void.

"When did I rely on you..."

Chu Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head. As the ice prison sank, the cyan seawater was almost at his waist, and an inexplicable deep cold quickly invaded the cultivators along his legs.

Chu Chen turned his gaze to the northeast corner of Binglao again and observed.

In the northeast corner, a teenager stood calmly in the corner of the ice prison.

He wore a blue and gold silk robe, with profound jade on his waist, and a crown on his head. At first glance, he looked like a scholar of a big family in the world.

This is not so much a little monk as a little scholar!

It's just that if the average scholar encounters such a situation, he will definitely not be as calm as him.

He was so calm and perverted, even though the ice prison had sunk, even though the cold sea water began to swarm into the cage, and some ferocious sea worms mixed with the sea water were already close at hand, his face Still can't see a trace of panic.

He gave people the feeling that he was not in an ice prison that was extremely dangerous and could die at any time, but he had settled in a study room lit with sandalwood.

"Damn it, the sea is weird, and it's too cold, we'll freeze to death!"

"The sea is colder than the ice cellar, and my feet are almost unconscious..."

"The sea seems to be able to swallow spiritual power, so we must leave as soon as possible!"

"Everyone worked together to blast the ice prison! If this continues, we will all die!"

The monks screamed again and again, and suddenly someone screamed!

Everyone looked for prestige, and saw a right hand of a black-faced monk in the center of the ice prison withdraw from the sea. The palm of his hand had actually become crystal clear, and the whole thing seemed to be carved from crystal!

Obviously it was his negligence for a while, the body protection spiritual power did not protect his right hand, and was directly eroded by the chill in the sea.

The black-faced monk was horrified, madly urging the spiritual power in his body to pour into his palm, and it took several breaths to restore his palm to normal.

The next moment, I saw the black-faced monk violently summon a dark red saber knife from the storage ring, roared up to the sky, and rushed to the ice prison on the far right, lifting it crazy to the surrounding ice The prison icicles chopped down.

The surrounding monks stepped away to avoid being caught by the pond fish.


Panic and the sword burst out, like a dark red blood moon suddenly appeared between the world and the earth, slashing down towards the edge of the ice prison!


Amidst a dull sound, a blood moon-like sword slashed on the ice prison pillar, bursting out thousands of dazzling red lights.

The red light reflected the entire sea in red!

It's just that when all the red light dissipated, only a shallow white mark appeared on the icicles cut by the knife...

what happened!

At this time, not only the black-faced monk was stupid, but the complexions of the many monks who saw this scene around him changed drastically.

This black-faced monk was the Lingxi monk who was able to cross into the Linghe realm in only half a step, and his saber-cutting knife knew it was not a common product!

Chopping with this heavy weapon with all its strength only cut a white mark, how strong is this ice prison?

"A bunch of waste~www.ltnovel.com~ all get out, I'll come!"

With a cold snort, the crowd parted, and a stern-faced middle-aged man in purple clothes walked to the ice wall.

His handsome face is tattooed with a lifelike golden dragon on his purple robe, which gives him a domineering look at the world. Obviously, his status in the world is at least a member of the royal family of a small country.

He flexed his claws.

The dazzling purple rays of spiritual power kept converging and condensing between his claws!

In the end, a huge dragon claw was transformed into the void, like a mighty prison, suppressing the square space.

At this moment, the breath of the man in purple clearly reached the level of the late Linghe Great Realm!

"Purple Emperor Dragon Claw!"

With a loud roar, bright purple dragon claws burst out!

(To be continued.)

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