Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1457: Good luck for this wave of newcomers

"This little Nizi's luck is very good. It should be that one of her ancestors once practiced this secret technique to the highest level, or even returned to the source, refined it into their own blood, and wanted to come to their ancestors. It should have been glorious for a while, and finally lost for some reason, and now she has obtained this secret technique through the ancient vein awakening, which is also a chance!"

Leng Tong was obviously a little happy for the purple girl.

Yan Lao looked noncommittal.

"The Blade of the Blood River is not a world-shattering supernatural power, but as a protection for the younger generations to save their lives, it is considered superior. Now with this secret art protection, this girl can be regarded as more in the little fairy world. A life-saving trump card is also considered a chance. And if the cultivation is good, maybe even her children can receive Fuze and inherit this secret technique."

The cyan ancient sea has gradually calmed down, and the endless tranquil sea seems like nothing has happened.

In addition to the twenty or so purple haze groups hanging above the sky, it reminds everyone that a thrilling scene has happened in the sea just now!

About Sanzhuxiang's time, the void was struck by wind and thunder again, as if an invisible space door suddenly opened.

An old monk who looked a bit vicissitudes opened his eyes fiercely, and the spiritualization was completed!

Around him, a blazing silver aura soared into the sky, and after flying straight for a hundred feet, a dark green ancient crane phantom was faintly transformed into a dark green body!

The eyes of the ancient crane were red, although it was only a phantom, but it exuded a soaring suffocation, which made people shudder.

It is full of murderous intent!

"Hey, his physical body has entered the stage of withering, can he actually awaken the soul of the ancient beast?"

Leng Tongqingli's face was surprised, and she looked a little confused.

"Generally speaking, the younger the cultivator, the greater the potential, the easier it is to awaken the ancient beast soul. It is really rare for this person to be able to do this at such an age!"

Yan Lao has a calm face, "This is the chance. Although there are very few late-bearers, it is not impossible."

"Then he is really lucky."

Leng Tong looked at the fierce bird above the void with envy!

Old Yan nodded slightly, "Although this person is not young and his physical bloodline cannot be compared with a young monk in peak state, he has a tough mind and has an extremely strong foundation. With his accumulation and thin hair, such a miracle will occur. It's normal."

"Old Yan, can I ask, what is the reason for this ancient beast's fierce soul, which made him obtain it from his blood?"

"It should be that some of his ancestors signed a blood contract with this ancient crane, so its fierce soul has been integrated into the blood of his ancestors, so this monk can wake up."

"But this ancient beast fierce soul, how does he use it best?"

"This ancient beast soul can be regarded as a good treasure. At his age, it is no longer suitable for refining this beast soul into his body. But it can be injected into weapons. This ancient beast soul is The necessary materials to build a legendary magic weapon! This time, he has gained a lot of good luck."

Leng Tong had an educated look.

Two consecutive blood eagle newcomers have awakened a good bloodline, which makes the two of them feel good.

The potential of this wave of newcomers is really great. At the beginning, two people have awakened the ancient blood.

Although this bloodline wasn't too bad for the sky, it was already a great luck.

You know, even if most monks are in a state of spiritualization, they don't have the chance to awaken the ancient blood!

In the last batch of newcomers, only two awakened the ancient bloodline.

In this wave of people, the few people they are most optimistic about have not moved!

Now it seems that this group of people is indeed very worth looking forward to.


The purple qi was engulfed, and the mighty purple light rose up into the sky, and countless purple electric lights flowed back endlessly, emitting a magnificent light in the void.

More than twenty people have entered a spiritual state together. This scene is so gorgeous that it is unimaginable. The void within a radius of one hundred meters is covered by layers of magnificent purple light, which is extremely beautiful and dazzling.


With a huge abnormal sound, another invisible doorway exploded in the void!

Both Leng Tong and Yan Lao looked at him.

A young monk who seemed to be about ten years old opened his eyes fiercely, and a vast silver light burst out from behind him, flying straight into the sky, imagining a wide stream of light and shadow in the void.

The young man looked depressed, obviously he also realized that he had not got the real blood awakening.

"Is it just widening the spiritual veins in the body? Didn't the ancient blood veins awaken?"

Leng Tong and Yan Lao were startled at the same time, but they almost shook their heads and laughed at the same time.

In fact, the most common result of most monks entering the spiritualized state is to broaden the spiritual veins in the body, making their accumulation more vigorous and their potential to be tapped even greater.

Awakening the ancient bloodline is a great opportunity that can be met but cannot be sought. This depends on fate.

It's just that the ten-year-old young monk's movements when he was awakened were relatively loud, and the void made a huge roar, which made the two people think that another ancient bloodline had awakened. Now that they think about it, they can only laugh.

The two found that they obviously had too much expectations for this wave of blood eagle rookies.

Next, a few scattered people awakened from the spiritualized state.

The aura bursts, the void trembles, and the door of invisible space opens one after another!

However, after the light soaked up into the sky, it still showed only a few wide streams.

Then the mood of the two fell a bit.

I thought how many miracles would happen this time, but it seemed too difficult.

The benefits that these cultivators received were just the most common broadening of the spiritual veins in the body, without other good luck.

The two were relatively speechless and could only watch the changes.

When a girl monk wearing a blue and white dress awakened from entering concentration ~www.ltnovel.com~ Abnormal changes in the sky again?

After the invisible door of the void was opened, an extremely ancient breath was revealed?

She seems to be different from everyone else!

The eyes of Yan Lao and Leng Tong flashed again.

What rushed out of the girl was not the regular silver aura, but a mighty purple wolf smoke.

It rises from the top of the young monk's head and rushes straight into the void to a height of hundreds of feet.

From a distance, it seemed that a purple air column suddenly appeared in the void, which was extremely magnificent.

This movement is really not small!

Under the gazes of Yan Lao and Leng Tong’s hope, the magnificent purple wolf smoke slowly disappeared, and thousands of ancient seal characters were transformed into the void, one by one made of metal, shining with strange brilliance. , Floating in the sky one by one? ! (To be continued.)

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