Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1458: good fortune

The complex and ancient characters, after spinning and dancing in the sky for a while, fell like snow, one by one, sinking into the girl's body.

The girl opened her eyes again, and there was a divine light in her eyes!

Yan Lao sighed faintly, "This seal talisman is very old and constitutes a complete cultivation technique, but the aura on it is not tyrannical. It should be a low-level technique in the ancient times. "

"Is it the practice of ancient times?"

Leng Tong heard the words of the ancient times, the blood all over his body was boiling, and he didn't care about the five words "low-level art" in the second half of the sentence.

In her consciousness, most monks awakened to the ancient bloodlines are mostly the souls of various beasts, and a small part of the awakening is a magical secret technique, and that secret technique must have been practiced to the extreme by its ancestors. , Return to the origin, refining to the blood.

Among these people, only a very few people can awaken a cultivation technique, because cultivation technique is the most difficult to pass on in the blood, and most of the cultivation techniques are difficult to pass on completely.

For example, if a complete cultivation technique is refined into the bloodline and passed down to future generations if the most important words are missing, then the whole technique may be completely useless.

Therefore, the blood awakening of the practice exercises is extremely rare. Yan Lao and Leng Tong have seen blood awakening of many people. This is the first time that they have seen the awakening of the exercises.

"It is indeed a practice exercise from the ancient times. If I read it correctly, it should be the Purple Demon Qi Jue commonly circulated in the ancient times."

Yan Lao introduced it unhurriedly.

"The Purple Demon's qi training is definitely to absorb the ancient purple devil's vitality from the void, temper the spiritual power in the body, and make the spiritual power more pure and powerful."

Old Yan frowned slightly, "It's just a pity. Although the Zimo Qijue practice is powerful, it is only a Lingxi realm. If the cultivation reaches the Linghe realm, this qigong practice is nothing. Used, it can only be used as a transitional method for the cultivation of younger generations."

Leng Tong nodded in agreement. If Lingxi realm's exercises were placed outside the small sect, it might still be taken seriously, but for monks of their level, it really didn't make much sense.

In the next time, a few more monks awakened from the spiritualized state, but they all only broadened the spiritual veins in the body, and did not awaken any bloodline power, but it made them even more disappointed.

I began to worry that it might be difficult to produce any good products later!

The expressions of the two gradually became serious.

After another stick of incense, a middle-aged monk who looked forty or fifty years old opened his eyes violently, and the door of invisible space in the void opened again!


This monk is very different!

At this moment, both Leng Tong and Yan Lao had their eyes full of hope!

This middle-aged monk is a monk in the first stage of Linghe, and he is also the only Linghe strong who has awakened from a spiritualized state so far, so both of them are very curious about what good fortune he has got?

After seeing the dazzling purple mist electric lights slowly gathered into the middle-aged monk's body, his body shook suddenly, as if he had broken through some shackles, and...then, nothing happened.

There is no silver aura rushing out, no purple smoke after blood awakening, or even the phantom of the river rushing after the spiritual pulse is widened?

The middle-aged monk was calm and the waves were calm around him, as if... as if the spiritualized state was of no use at all!

This is actually the result?

Leng Tong and Yan Lao looked at each other, and they were almost stupid.

After this middle-aged monk entered the state of spiritualization, he didn't even get the most basic fortunes of broadening spiritual veins...In other words, he was completely in vain, and there was no benefit at all! !

Leng Tong and Yan always met this ending for the first time.

"How could this happen, is there something wrong?"

A cold sweat appeared on Leng Tong Qingli's face. This newcomer is too unlucky, or does he have no potential at all?

The middle-aged monk was also very depressed, with a distressed face, gritted his teeth, and an expression of wanting to die.

He obviously couldn't accept this result himself. Among the newcomers, the worst of others was also because of the broadening of spiritual veins, and he had nothing to gain.

Before, as a strong Linghe, he still had a lot of face in a group of newcomers. In order to win everyone, he kept saying that I will cover you with the blood eagle. Now that the spiritualization fails, it is really too embarrassing.

The disappointment in Yan Lao's eyes is also hard to hide.

"Such a situation is normal. This monk should have taken some genius treasures that can stimulate people's potential when he was young, and he has consumed his potential and heritage prematurely. In other words, his potential has been lost. The development has reached the end, so the spiritualization state this time will be invalid for him."

When the middle-aged monk heard this, his face was almost black, his own way of cultivation sounded hopeless, and several newcomers would approach him, alas!

On the other hand, Leng Tong has heard of this kind of thing for the first time, but it makes sense to think about it.

The potential of human beings cannot be developed without limit. Some people have only one chance to develop their potential.

If you run out too early when you are young, you will inevitably miss this opportunity in the future.

However, if it wasn't for the early opening of his potential when he was a teenager, it would be difficult to say whether this middle-aged cultivator can cultivate to the beginning of Linghe.

Opportunity is really a complicated thing!

"Old man, maybe we are too optimistic about this batch of newcomers. The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment."

Leng Tong shook his head and sighed.

"Don't draw conclusions prematurely. It's not too late to continue to look at it. After all, those with the most potential have not yet awakened."

Yan Lao was much calmer than Leng Tong, his eyes turned to the last remaining monks.

Leng Tong nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ and looked towards the final spiritual stage together.

At this time, there are only six light clusters in the void still shrouded in purple mist, and they are also the six with the greatest potential in this group of monks!

If... nothing happens.

The amount of good fortune they got, I am afraid it represents the highest level of this batch of newcomers.

Six clusters of bright purple light hovered high in the sky, and rows of dazzling purple electric snakes rolled endlessly on it, like six huge light cocoons.

Yan Lao and Leng Tong are both upset and expectant.

Their mood at this time is very complicated. They hope that these light cocoons will break out earlier, and they are afraid that the last hope will be shattered one by one as these light cocoons break open.

The two waited quietly, and time passed quickly with the ocean current below!

Finally, an abnormal shape appeared in the void, and only one of the six light cocoons broke! ! ! (To be continued.)

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