Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1459: ice King

A dazzling purple light burst out of the light cocoon in the void, surging forward to the sky!

Amidst the magnificent air column, Lan Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes suddenly, and an invisible giant door opened in the void!

Above his head, the halo changed, and the vast purple light faintly transformed an ancient huge iceberg, like a prison, as if it had come across time and space from ancient times, bringing a burst of chill to the bones.

The whole space is starting to freeze!

"What is this, why did an iceberg come out?"

"Strange, I've heard that there have been plants, insects, fish, birds and beasts in Blood Vessel Awakening, and I have never heard of a mountain directly appearing!"

"what is happening?"

The new monks around were very puzzled, staring at the phantom of the iceberg above Lan Xuan and talking endlessly.

At this moment, even Leng Tong was very surprised. She turned her head and glanced at Lan Xuan, then looked at Yan Lao again.

"Old Yan, what is going on, what ancient bloodline awakening vision is this?"

"This is an extremely powerful blood awakening!"

Old Yan nodded, and for the first time a touch of shock appeared in his eyes, he said slowly.

"This is the awakening of the bloodline of the ancient Ice Clan in the legend. This bloodline has long been annihilated in the long river of history. I didn't expect that there would be people with this bloodline. If he could deduct the power of this bloodline to the extreme, It may even be inherited from the legendary ancient ice emperor! You know, the ancient ice emperor is a prestigious overlord!"

"Ice Emperor is also one of the human emperors, this Lan Xuan is not a descendant of human emperors, but has awakened the blood of the ancient human emperors?"

At this moment, all the cultivators were shocked, and most of them looked at Lan Xuan with deep envy and jealousy.

The blood of the emperor!

Although it may not be comparable to the direct descendants of the Emperor, but the power of this blood will be gradually developed in the future, it is hard to say which is strong and weak!

Any elder emperor possesses the great merits of inaugurating the humanity chapter. With this bloodline, he can greatly avoid being troubled by the heart demon on the path of practice. This is the blessing and favor of the elder emperor to the descendants, which is great. Chance! !

"See, this is the greatest charm of Xiaoxianjie!"

At this time, Old Yan suddenly turned his gaze to everyone, his voice unconsciously raised a lot.

"Who can have such a chance in the outside world to awaken the Emperor's bloodline under completely impossible circumstances? To tell you the truth, for the entire Little Immortal Realm's Fuze, the Spiritual Marrow Sea is not a big deal, but Just here, someone can get such a great opportunity. What about other fairyland opportunities? Can you imagine!"

"Infinite possibilities, endless opportunities, endless Fuze, in this little fairy world, in this world, on the next journey, if you can survive, you will encounter many things that you will never encounter in your lifetime. ."

What Yan Lao said was not so inciting, but it unknowingly made all the monks' emotions rise.

He was right! A sea of ​​spiritual marrow can give birth to something that is against the sky, such as the blood of the ancient emperor, what about other blessings?

Although there were many crises in the little fairy world, at this moment, the eyes of all the monks began to become a little hot.

Half an hour later, another purple cocoon came loose and peeled off!

The oldest silver-haired lion-like old monk in the team also opened his eyes.

In the void, an invisible giant door opened again!

The old monk had gray hair and looked as if he was sixty or seventy years old, but his face was like an angry master, giving people an endless sense of oppression.

He is also a rare powerhouse in the late Linghe stage in the team. In terms of cultivation, he is almost second only to the purple-clothed monk at the peak of Linghe.

There are also mysterious little monks.

Beside the old man, amidst the mighty purple smoke, a faint green light soared into the sky, transforming into a huge ancient sycamore tree in the high void.

This sycamore withered wood is huge, its trunk is faintly green, but its leaves are red, and there is a faint flame burning in it, and the breath that exudes is extremely vast and vast.

The cultivators' eyes touched it, and there was a feeling of one flower, one tree and one world!

"Great fortune, great fortune, it is an extremely rare ancient phoenix roosting, this kind of ancient sacred tree with red leaves and faint green branches has both the attributes of fire and wood. It is the favorite of the phoenix to inhabit and build nests. Sacred tree!"

Yan Lao's excited expression was beyond words.

"He has awakened such an ancient bloodline, and in the future it is equivalent to possessing the ancient fire-wood dual attribute plant spirit at the same time!"

Yan Lao said while rubbing his hands, obviously he was tempted by this spiritual tree himself.

"Is this tree strong? How powerful is it?" Leng Tongmei stared wide, looking at the somewhat gaffeful Yan Lao incredulously.

"How powerful is it? Ha ha, this tree can't only be described as'excellent'!"

Yan Lao let out a light sigh, his tone was full of sighs, and his eyes lit up.

"Fengqi Wumu, the appearance of great virtue! This is a vision that the legendary ancient gods and saints can have. In ancient times, Fengxiwu was as famous as the ancient devil tree, the building tree of the sky, the world tree, etc The ancient sacred tree is only slightly lower than the three three sacred trees. But if anyone is lucky enough to refine a such sacred tree, his cultivation will be smooth sailing in the future!"

"So powerful?"

All the monks are stupid, just a tree, there are so many doorways?

"Hehe, this era is different now. There are not many monks who use plants to fight. In the ancient times, there used to be a group of people who practiced planting spirits. They could compete with the most powerful Dao!"

"Are these legendary old trees very powerful?"

Lan Xuan on the side asked with a bewildered expression.

"Of course, for example, the Tongtian Jianmu, which is said to inhabit the Primordial Golden Crow, is only now impossible to see. There is also the World Tree. Now there are only some impure impurity trees in certain heavens and earths, which are truly pure. The world tree planted can hold up a large world, and it is no longer visible."

With a long sigh, Yan Lao shook his head.

"As for the ancient demon tree... the legendary Demon Dao Holy Land Demon Sect in the outside world seems to have alive~www.ltnovel.com~ However, because of the lack of nourishment by the demon spring for many years, the roots have long since died and rotted. It's just an empty shell. As time goes by, these ancient sacred trees are invisible after all. Now that someone's blood awakening can awaken such a sacred tree, it is really amazing."

"But what he awakens is only the plant spirit in the blood. Gu Feng Qitong can't reappear, right?"

Lan Xuan asked.

"Of course, he can plant this ancient sacred tree by injecting this plant spirit into any healthy tree species and using the ancient method I taught!"

The monks once again felt a deep shock upon hearing this.

To be honest, if there is no insider like Yan Lao to explain, I am afraid that no one would think how powerful a plane tree can be.

Now that he heard what he said, everyone was really surprised and envious when they looked at the old man.

Owning such an ancient phoenix tree, second only to the ancient tree of the devil, would have more vitality in the fairy world! (To be continued.)

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