Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1460: The 4 strongest light cocoons

Before long, there was another change in the void, and an invisible giant door opened impressively. The eyes of all monks converged in an instant. Among the last four light cocoons, the middle-aged man in purple clothes with the highest cultivation level finally finally He opened his eyes.

After the door of the void opened, there was a sacred aura permeating out?

Among all the cultivators, it seems that the purple-clothed cultivator has the highest cultivation base, reaching the peak of the Linghe realm, so everyone is very concerned about his spiritual effect.

The mighty purple wolf smoke pierced through the world, and among the dazzling purple light, a bright silver light burst out suddenly, transforming into a hundred-meter silver unicorn above the sky, roaring up to the sky, without anger.

A sacred, majestic breath radiates the world!

At this moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to suddenly become much brighter. I don't know where a breeze blew by, and even the light and shadow of golden lotus appeared in the void, which was extremely beautiful and magical.

Since ancient times, the unicorn has been auspicious!

It is one of the most powerful sacred beasts in the world, capable of competing with the strongest sacred beasts such as true dragons and phoenixes!

Therefore, when the purple-clothed monk awakened from the blood of a silver ancient unicorn, all the monks were completely shocked!

Kylin! One of the most powerful beasts in the world, this is the beast of the sacred, the beast of auspiciousness, and the beast of fortune!

There is no need for anyone to explain, no need for anyone to explain, the power of the unicorn is recognized.

And against the light and shadow of that bright silver sacred unicorn, the aura on the purple-clothed monk's body rose steadily on its own, and his strength seemed to have improved in an instant!

Just awakening the ancient bloodline, this purple-clothed monk has obtained such a huge benefit, and his cultivation has been directly improved!

You must know that he is already at the pinnacle of Linghe, and this improvement makes him one step closer to Half-Step Tianhe!

The power of this bloodline is too terrifying, if there is no accident, normal cultivation, I am afraid that after ten years of hard cultivation, it may not be possible to break through this small level!

"Just awakening the blood of the ancient unicorn beast can improve the cultivation base, it's really abnormal..."

"His bloodline power is probably the best of all, right?"

At this moment, every monk looked at the purple-clothed monk with intense envy.

What a perverted Fukuzawa and chance this is, actually able to awaken the blood of the unicorn!

How far will this purple-clothed monk go in the future?

unimaginable! !

Since even this purple-clothed monk can awaken the Qilin bloodline, are the three remaining ones with more potential?

After a while of envy, everyone began to speculate about the last three people who were still in a spiritualized state!

Compared to everyone's madness, Leng Tong and Yan Lao didn't have too much admiration. Awakening the Qilin bloodline is certainly a great blessing.

However, the Qilin bloodline and the Qilin descendants are still different.

The bloodline only allows the monk to initially possess certain abilities of the ancient divine beasts, such as the speed of cultivation and the reduction of obstacles encountered in the process of cultivation, but this does not mean that they will enjoy the blessing forever.

The two of them followed the gazes of all the monks, and both looked at the last remaining three clusters of purple light cocoons.

The purple electric lights flowed around, making people feel that there seemed to be something incredible in the light cocoon to be bred.

After another hour or so, the sky suddenly darkened.

Among the three light cocoons, Shi Yuyan, who was like a fairy, fluctuated, and the sky quickly darkened!

In everyone's bewildered sight, the originally good weather instantly became extremely gloomy.


With the naked eye, you can see the depths of the sky, with dazzling electric lights flowing back and forth, as if dragons lay across the sky, giving people a strong sense of pressure.

Thunder and lightning dance like a dragon, as if the end is coming?

"This is, Tianxin feels that the lowering of the vision seems to be something terribly awakening!"

Old Yan was shocked, but he knew clearly that the weather above this sea area had always been very stable.

After all, this is the sea of ​​spirits, not comparable to ordinary seas.

In addition, there is a profound crystal trapping magic formation on the seabed to suppress it, and generally speaking, there will be absolutely no violent weather anomalies for no reason.

If it wasn't the weather, it would be terrible.

Just awakening a certain ancient bloodline, it actually caused Tianxin to sympathize with each other and produced such a vision. How terrible is this bloodline?

Yan Lao's eyes sank, and his heart was in a mess.

All the monks looked towards the sky and felt that this situation was not good!

"The innate body of peerless charming technique, really should not be underestimated..."

"This girl, what will awaken?"

Yan Lao remained silent, and Leng Tong became uneasy upon seeing this.

The invisible giant door in the void has been opened impressively, but Shi Yuyan, who is in white clothes, is closing her eyes tightly? !

The purple mist around her rolled violently, and was quickly gathered into her body.

The next moment, a dazzling purple light beam burst out of her body, piercing through the world.

The purple light beam is so vast and magnificent, it seems that there is an extra purple pillar between heaven and earth!

All the monks looked at the purple air column with wide eyes, to see what kind of vision this blood awakening that caused the sympathy between heaven and earth would manifest.

However, something that everyone can't believe has emerged!

As Shi Yuyan suddenly opened her eyes, she saw a dazzling aura exploded fiercely within the purple beam of light. Before everyone could see the content of the aura manifesting, the strong aura disappeared, there was nothing!

The whole sky is clear and bright.

The apocalyptic weather instantly returned to normal.

what happened? How could she not even have any visions?

How is this possible?

Everyone looked at the empty sky dumbfounded, completely at a loss!

Even Leng Tong opened his mouth slightly, looking at Yan Lao incredulously.

"Old Yan, it's impossible, what the **** happened? With Shi Yuyan's potential, there is such a big movement in the bloodline awakening, and the vision should not be hidden. Why suddenly everything is gone? "

Old Yan's brows were twisted into the shape of "Chuan", and he stared at Shi Yuyan in the void for a while, and he looked completely in the mist.

The two have a relatively silent sense of error.

"Strange? There has never been such a situation. It is obvious that her spiritual state has been activated, she has also seen a vision, and she has also begun to manifest ~www.ltnovel.com~ Why at the last moment, everything went to nothing ?"

Facing Leng Tong’s incomprehension, Yan Lao began to ponder that Shi Yuyan’s situation and the failure of direct spiritualization are two different things. It is clear that various visions show that she has succeeded, and it is a terrible bloodline power, but at the most critical moment, suddenly Disappeared again.

Shi Yuyan was greatly expected by the two of them. Leng Tong was obviously very disappointed. She gently shook her head and sighed. She couldn't think of what the problem was.

Why did it appear on Shi Yuyan?

"There are two possibilities." Yan Lao thought for a moment before trying to explain.

"The first is that Shi Yuyan cultivates the innate charm technique. The way of the charm technique emphasizes the beauty of the heaven and the earth, which attracts all spirits of the heaven and the earth. The ultimate state of cultivation can almost be transformed into the Tao. This kind of Taoism is the most taboo. It was a **** slaughter. It must not be the first time that she slaughtered in the wind tunnel, so the accumulated blood was naturally at odds with the glamour of her body. Under such a mistake, she caused a big problem in her cultivation. It will eventually fail to spiritualize."

Yan said the old way, and with a wry smile, he denied his inference, "However, this possibility is extremely low. The blood originated from ancient Fuze. It is very likely that it is the second type..."

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