Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1464: Hard to move

Lingxi realm directly adds a Lingxi, and there is 30% hope that Linghe realm can directly add a Linghe.

Even the monks at the peak of Linghe have hope to advance to the realm of Tianhe!

There is such a tyrannical **** pill in this world?

Little Immortal Realm really is another world, and such a pill simply cannot exist in the outside world.

This kind of pill is the biggest reason why the cultivators enter the Little Immortal Realm!

No more regrets to get it!

At this moment, the eyes of all the monks became enthusiastic.

Blow Creek Dan!

For any super power in the realm of Lingxi, adding a Lingxi out of thin air means that it can reduce years or even decades of hard cultivation!

This is not to mention the Linghe realm, this kind of pill can be called terrifying for the improvement of the monk's cultivation!

And if the cultivators heard it right, Leng Tong said that the road is only a hundred miles long?

A hundred miles!

For these monks with the lowest cultivation base and Lingxi realm, this distance is not a distance that can be passed in minutes, it is not too easy!

However, no cultivator would feel that there is no difficulty in this trial, but many cultivators were eager to try, and they just waited for Leng Tong's order to kill them directly.

It was the strongest monks in the team, but their eyes became deeper.

A hundred li straight, the blood eagle breaking formation group will have such a low-level trial question?

Just offer two Baoxi Dans?

Among the monks, Chu Chen's eyes flickered, and his spiritual sense rushed to the surroundings like a tide. He began to quickly scan the soft light radiating from around Leng Tong's body.

In his perception, Leng Tong's thin layer of light was like a shield, constantly dispelling the mysterious and weird spiritual force around him.

If it were not covered by this layer of light, I am afraid that the invisible spiritual force would directly hit all the monks!

This feeling is that everyone's position is under a deep ocean, and they are all protected by Leng Tong's spiritual power cover, and everyone does not have to face sea pressure.

It should be said that this kind of "coercion" is much more terrifying than "sea pressure". To be precise, this next kind of pressure comes from the sky and from both ends of the ground. All the creatures in it were crushed to pieces.

And the underground power is heavier than the sky! ?

Sure enough, a cold and faint reminder sounded gently.

"Remind everyone, now within three feet of my body, you are all protected by my spiritual power. Once you leave my spiritual power mask, then you will directly face the prohibition and oppression on this island! !"

In fact, all the monks were aware of this, so they didn't take it seriously.

"Haha, no matter how strong is the prohibition of oppression? It's only a hundred miles away, even if we disperse all our cultivation base, it will be able to run for one hundred miles only by relying on the physical body of a super strong person in the Lingxi realm. Very relaxed! Look at me!!!"

A sturdy and tall blue-clothed young monk seemed dissatisfied with Leng Tong's words. At the moment, he swished with a bow and shot directly like a sharp arrow.

He was as fast as flowing light within the range of Leng Tong's body. Once he left the protection of the soft light, the flowing light returned to his true colors.

The whole person was first set in the air, and then dropped directly to the ground with a "plop".

Looking at it suddenly, it seemed as if someone was stepping on the ground with his head directly...

"Uh... ah ah ah ah!!!"

The sturdy young monk who pressed his hands on the ground raised his head up to the sky and roared, his muscles bulged, his face flushed.

The whole body was flashed with spiritual power, and it took a few breaths to get up from the ground with difficulty.

But he didn't even stand upright, his slightly arched back seemed to be carrying a mountain. Everyone could feel from his bulging muscles and bloodshot eyes that he had exploded all. power.

One step, two steps, three steps.

After only three steps, the young monk was already drenched with sweat. The next moment, halfway through the fourth step, he fell to the ground again, his limbs pressed tightly to the ground. Above, like a dead dog, he can't move.

Only the eyes wide open, showing endless unwillingness.

"This is... the gravity on this island is much greater than in other places!"

"There is a Reiatsu even more terrifying than the deep sea."

"Everyone, don't rush out, be cautious..."

The cultivators began to become nervous one by one, and Lan Xuan's eyes flashed slightly at the end, thoughtful.

He had his own judgment. Judging from the posture that the young monk fell, it seemed that the pressure in the void was only part of it.

On the other hand, the attraction of this earth to people seems even more terrifying, and this terrifying absorption power is the most important reason for the young monk to fall.

"Master Leng Tong, does this pressure come from heaven and earth?" Lan Xuan asked.


Leng Tong nodded and glanced at Lan Xuan appreciatively.

"This island is carried by a prehistoric giant floodwater. The body of that giant floodwater is huge. Under normal conditions, the blood circulation in the body will automatically generate a terrifying attraction. This attraction is pervasive. The whole island is a natural restriction. In the face of this kind of adsorption, you must fully urge your spiritual power to counterbalance before you can walk normally."

Looking around again, Leng Tong looked slightly cold.

"And this is the reason why we released this trial. Although this place is only a hundred miles away from the trial field, it has become a natural trial path because of its horrible absorption power. If you're humble, don't say you have to walk a hundred miles, I'm afraid it will be difficult to move here!"

Having said this, Leng Tong glanced at the young monk who fell to the ground again. At this time, the boy was really embarrassed and flushed. He wanted to take the lead, but he became a negative teaching material. If there is a hole in the underground, he would rather get in immediately instead of being embarrassed.

As Leng Lengtong's palm fell slightly ~www.ltnovel.com~ the soft yellow halo around her body slowly gathered, and quickly shrank from about three feet to a few feet away.

This time, even if the cultivators didn't move, it wouldn't work.

Therefore, everyone urged the strongest spiritual power in the body, and began to bear the heavy pressure in the void and the strong adsorption force from the ground.

Although seeing the performance of the young monk earlier, everyone was mentally prepared for the pressure outside.

But when Leng Tong's protection was withdrawn and he faced the invisible pressure alone, many monks still changed their faces.

At the moment when the soft yellow halo disappeared, all the monks felt that a mountain range suddenly descended from the sky, oppressing everyone's heads.

At the same time, in the depths of the earth, there seemed to be an invisible giant who was constantly pulling everyone's bodies and pulling them underground.

Under the action of these two levels of pressure, many monks stunned their bodies for the first time, and they seemed to almost couldn't bear being overwhelmed to the ground! ! (To be continued.)

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