Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1465: Top 3

Bang bang bang...

Amid the dull sound, clusters of colorful dazzling spiritual light rose up.

At this moment, all the monks did not dare to neglect in their hearts, and they urged their spiritual power to the extreme.

The dazzling light of spiritual power is like a blazing flame rolling up, shining bright light clusters one after another in the world.

Illuminated this dimly huge pier.

When the real spiritual power began to move forward, the cultivators in the team gradually opened up their distance, and everyone could see it at a glance.

The purple-clothed monk in the back of Linghe walked at the front of the team.

He originally had the strongest cultivation base, but later awakened the Qilin bloodline.

When walking, the purple flames are steaming around the body, like a **** of war in the purple flames, steadily moving forward, the speed is almost comparable to the speed of ordinary people trotting.

Under such terrifying majesty, there is such a speed that makes the monks amazed.

Walking in the second place in the team is the peerless demon Shi Yuyan, who has practiced the innate charm technique with all her strength, changed the dusty air of the fairy in white before, her figure and posture swayed, walking like a charming peony Walking in the wind, there is a temperament that inverts all beings.

She seems to be in the fairy and witch mode, in order to fight, she had to give up her fairy posture and forcibly enter the witch mode to stimulate the highest combat power.

Shi Yuyan’s charm is very different from the charm of ordinary witches. The average witch monk walks, if he talks about the fascination, he is nothing more than twisting his waist and hips, using her body’s innate advantages to sway a seductive curve. Spiritual power assists to charm sentient beings.

However, for the resistant monks, it will not have much impact.

Although Shi Yuyan's walking is also charming, but this charming directly invades the deepest part of people's hearts.

The average male monk watched her move forward, and his gaze would definitely not just focus on her beautiful buttocks and waist.

In fact, everyone's eyes didn't seem to know where to focus. Every place on her body seemed to exude amazing charm. This charm is a whole. It does not need to be highlighted by the hips and waist. It already makes people feel swaying and can't hold themselves.

The monks didn't even dare to stop their eyes on her for too long, and if they didn't move their eyes away for more than three breaths, the whole body would immediately become extremely hot, and the blood would be tumbling.

Shi Yuyan, with full spiritual power, gives people the feeling that it is enough to confuse the world.

Not far from the demon girl, the person who rushed to the last of the top three surprised everyone. It turned out to be Lan Xuan, whose cultivation base was not very tyrannical.

At this time, his feet seemed to dance into a ball of phantoms, and the whole person seemed to become a flexible swimming fish, moving flexibly through the crowd.

It actually reached the third place! ?

There is always a faint smile on his face, it seems that he is not playing against others at this time, but walking around in the idle courtyard.

Obviously, at this kind of moment, the phantom body method he cultivated has a strong advantage.

The essence of Piaoxu's body method is to "leverage force", so that the whole person turns into a touch of soft catkins, walking with the help of all the surrounding wind, resistance and other external forces.

What's even more defying is that the Phantom Xu Shen Fa can not only borrow external forces, but also various pressures.

At this moment, the strong pressure in the void and the strong adsorption on the ground have become the assistance that Lan Xuan can use.

As his body swayed to the left and right, constantly pushing, carrying, and transferring the pressure and adsorption force, making him walk more easily than others.

No one thought that he would hope to compete with the only Bakuxi Dan!

The top three took the lead, and the fourth in the team was the old monk who had awakened Gu Feng Qiwu.

He was wearing a black robe, and although his face was old, his lion-like body was very vigorous, and his spirit power was burning like a stove.

Like a fierce beast, he walks very steadily, step by step is exceptionally solid, sturdy and powerful!

Around him, the phantom of the ancient phoenix roosting sacred tree was looming, seeming to bring him a special power.

The ancient sacred tree is rooted on the earth, so the suction power of the earth is the most experienced in dealing with it.

When each sacred tree grows to its heyday, its body is extremely huge.

For example, the legendary world tree can even drag up a large world.

The pressure that such a huge tree has to bear is unparalleled.

Therefore, it can be said that every sacred tree grew up under tremendous pressure from an early age. Therefore, how to deal with this pressure from the earth has almost become an instinct.

Behind the leading four, there are some other cultivators in the Lingxi realm.

They either tried their best, sweated, or with the help of some kind of secret treasure, they were finally able to barely support their bodies.

It's just that their performance is very ordinary, and there is nothing to look forward to.

What is surprising is that the two most favored people, the little monk who is descended from the ancient star emperor, and Chu Chen, who finally awakened from the spiritual state, did not start walking immediately.

The two of them closed their eyes and silently felt the pressure in the void and the adsorption force of the earth on the ground, as if they were carefully calculating something.

Until most of the people had walked more than a hundred feet away, the two men looked at each other and nodded slightly, and began to move forward.

The aura of the two is as if the monks in front are like floating clouds, the only two who can really compete for the Explosion Stream Pill!

As soon as they set off, they immediately revealed their completely different styles.

I saw that little monk exploded a dazzling starburst around his body!

The strong starlight is mighty, enveloping his body, causing it to directly transform into a dazzling comet and rise up, breaking through the space, and rushing forward!

This guy... this guy actually flies in the air? ?

This time ~www.ltnovel.com~ all the monks were completely stunned.

How much pressure and adsorption power on this island are, all monks can see and feel it!

Even the purple-clothed monks at the lower level of Linghe can only walk step by step, and the general super powers of the Lingxi realm have difficulty even moving. Can this guy still fly in the air? ?

How abnormal is he? It's incredible! !

On this mysterious bluestone road, especially in the air, the pressure on the monks increases by multiples every time they leave the ground. Obviously, since this is a place for trials, the blood eagles are also sufficient to break the formation. Consider this.

It can be said that from the beginning of the design of this trial road, it has never been thought that people can fly across it!

Are you kidding me?

The little monk used flying? (To be continued.)

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