Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1466: All show their magic

An unbelievable scene, the way of trial flight! ?

But the little monk in front of him actually did it. He really rose into the air. Although the height of the sky was not high, it was only one foot high, and quickly flew over the heads of the monks. ([[

This is amazing!

Both Leng Tong and Yan Lao looked at each other.

From the beginning of the establishment of the Blood Eagle Breaking Array, this guy is the first to be able to fly on this road! !

"That guy, it seems that he didn't just fly by relying on his own cultivation base, but with some kind of secret weapon!"

Leng Tong watched the little monk for a moment, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"What a powerful magic weapon, if I remember correctly, his name is Zhou Xingyu, what is his origin? With the blood of the ancient star emperor, and with such a secret weapon nearby, I am afraid it will be a holy land in the outside world. If you are in control, how can you fall into the little fairy world?"

"He must have come in from behind the crack in the fairy world, the secret weapon is the human dragon blade!"

Seeing the little man flying easily, Yan Lao's eyes flickered slightly.

Yan Lao has a secret technique of spying. It can be seen that the little monk is surrounded by a lavender dragon shadow continuously spinning around him.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a dragon shadow that the little monk can get rid of the strong adsorption force of the earth and cross the void.

"Everyone in the world has rumoured that Human Emperor Dragon Blade is not available to the descendants of ancient people. As a descendant of Star Queen, Zhou Xingyu can make Human Emperor Dragon Blade not surprising. But now that he looks like this, he seems to be the same as Human Emperor Dragon Blade. Together, if you can truly unlock the secret of the human dragon blade... it is really incredible! A generation of Tianjiao, this one should be a generation of Tianjiao!"

"The Great Secret of Human Emperor Dragon Blade?"

This sentence is the first time that even Leng Tong has heard, "Isn't the Human Emperor Dragon Blade a more powerful legendary soldier? Is there any secret?"

"Heh... these secrets are too frightening to the world. Anyone who knows will get a big cause and effect, so I can't tell you casually."

Yan Lao smiled and shook his head, seemingly reluctant to say more.

The two of them looked towards the field again, and at this moment, Zhou Xingyu, who was driving the human dragon blade, had passed everyone, and he deservedly rushed to the first place.

He was floating in the void one foot high above the ground, and his expression was cold and arrogant, and he was quite arrogant.

In contrast, Chu Chen, who was leaving at the same time with Zhou Xingyu, seemed too ordinary.

He walked slowly step by step, and a faint golden red light of spiritual power radiated from his body. At first glance, he was no different from other monks in the Lingxi realm.

If he insists on making any difference, it is that he does not appear to be any hard, there is no sweat on his forehead, and his face is not flushed.

Moreover, his advancement degree is not so outstanding, as far as the entire cultivator team is concerned, his degree can only occupy the middle.

Coupled with the fact that he was a hundred feet away from others at the beginning, he was still at the end at this time, and he was the bottom of the team.

In this way, the team slowly moved forward under the lead of Zhou Xingyu.

However, the journey to the place of trial is not a single map.

After walking a distance of about ten miles, the flat bluestone ground suddenly changed and turned into a bumpy road.

The path is red all over, covered with sharp rocks of various sizes, and occasionally there is a pit, and the pit is filled with steaming dark red liquid.

If you look closely, the dark red liquid in the puddle is actually lava!

This is a magma road!

The stones of various sizes on the road were all excavated from the inside of the lava of the volcano, so they were hot. Step on the soles of your feet, and you can hear a harsh smoke immediately.

The hot road surface is extremely hot, making the whole road a high-temperature hell!

At this time, if the monk walks on this road, he must also use his spiritual power to protect his shoes.

Otherwise, if the shoes are burned out, they can only walk barefoot on this path of flames.

Although it is said that the strong body of the Lingxi realm is tyrannical, even if it is directly dropped into the magma, it will not be burned to death, but the magma on this path is extraordinary.

Even the burning stones are extremely hot!

Stepping on it, the pain is inevitable.

When several monks accidentally screamed after their shoes were burned, everyone's spirits became seriously guarded.

At this time, the most relaxing thing is probably Zhou Xingyu who is suspended in the void. The scorching heat of the flame road has no effect on his body, and his feet have never fallen on the ground from beginning to end.

However, his speed was still affected by the scorching space and slowed down.

Except for him, the other monks were even more affected.

The most influential is Shi Yuyan, the stunning demon girl. She walked a little anxiously at the beginning. When she first stepped on the path of flames, she did not have time to urge her spiritual power to protect her shoes, so the snow-white soft boots were directly burned out. After more than half of it, revealing a piece of soft and creamy skin.

This made Shi Yuyan very embarrassed. As a last resort, she took a new pair of socks from the storage ring and put on them, but she didn't prepare an extra pair of shoes.

Therefore, the strong spiritual power must be activated to protect the socks to prevent happy happiness.

This one foot wearing shoes and one foot only wearing socks~www.ltnovel.com~ not only does not make people feel ridiculous, but it also seems to be a temptation. The disheveled witch has an indescribable style.

Several male monks were even more heartbeat for this.

However, after experiencing such a small setback, Shi Yuyan's speed slowed down a little unconsciously, and was chased up by a few people behind.

But those monks whose shoes were also burnt out slowed down involuntarily, because the intense pain on the feet of the flames made them unable to get up.

The flame road is ten miles long. After walking through the ten miles of flame road, Chu Chen has passed those monks whose shoes were burned out, and finally is no longer the bottom.

In fact, if you look closely, you can see that his pace is steady, and his degree has hardly changed.

As long as others walk on the path of flames, they will inevitably slow down their own degrees.

Chu Chen wanted to walk on a bluestone slab, which made Leng Tong, who was monitoring the trial, feel that this young man was a little scary!

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