Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1467: Freak

After the road of flames is a road of ice, the road is full of violent freezing, and the entire road is covered by a thick layer of profound ice.

When walking this path of profound ice, the speed of the purple-clothed monk with the strongest cultivation base was most obviously affected.

Although he tried his best to mobilize the spiritual power, but the speed could not be improved.

Instead, the following monks followed Lan Xuan's method and condensed into a thick layer of ice on the soles of their feet, and then started skiing with the help of the ice on the soles of their feet. Instead, the speed increased and soon surpassed the monks in purple clothes.

"Huh? Why did his speed slow down when he walked on the path of Xuanbing?"

Leng Tong is monitoring everything on the dock. Looking at the purple-clothed monk with surprise, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

Strictly speaking, the path of Xuanbing would be much easier than the path of flame.

Because just like Lan Xuan, after mastering the knack, a layer of ice can condense on the soles of the feet, and then walk quickly in a ski-like state.

Although the body will be eroded by the severe cold, as long as you master the knack of sliding, not only will the speed not drop, but it will increase a lot.

"Xuanbing represents the cold winter, and all things are dead. The unicorn represents auspiciousness and the vitality of all things. Therefore, this path of the profound ice and the bloodline of the unicorn that restrain him. Under such an environment, his strength will be somewhat suppressed. At this time, he did not have a thorough grasp of the Qilin bloodline, and he was still very vigorous. Therefore, it is normal that he can't adjust it for a while.

Yan Lao nodded slightly to explain after hearing the words.

The mystery of the trial road lies here.

The Xuanbing Road was also only ten miles away, and at this time the cultivators also discovered the essence of this trial road.

That is to change the environment every ten miles away.

Every environment will have different obstacles, try every means to weaken the strength of various trials. ,

After the ten-mile path of profound ice was finished, the purple-clothed monk who was originally ranked second was surpassed by a dozen people and fell into the middle.

In fact, Xuanbing Road is not so exaggerated to restrain the Qilin bloodline. The most critical problem is that the purple-clothed monk hasn’t really controlled the Qilin bloodline. He just mastered the fur, so he didn’t know how to deal with a little restraint. , Which led to the speed being reduced so much.

Behind the Xuanbing Road, there is a stone staircase. The staircase looks very ordinary, just like the most common stone staircase.

However, after experiencing the double baptism of ice and fire, all the monks did not dare to neglect.

Zhou Xingyu's flying in the air, the way it seemed to him, who was far ahead, didn't make much difference.

He was alone in the first camp, but the cultivators in the second camp began to hesitate.

A courageous monk Lingxi stepped on it, but nothing happened, and he was immediately happy. However, when his foot stepped on the other ladder, his whole body slammed into the air, and he planted with an unsightly plop.

This stone step... is actually an illusion!

At this time, other monks also saw that the doorway was coming. The 10,000-story stone steps were not all stone steps. There were some phantoms mixed in these stone steps. If you step on it without paying attention, It will fall down all of a sudden, and the ground will be sucked directly, making it impossible to get up.

What is even more troublesome is that these phantoms of the stone steps are not static, but change all the time.

On some stone steps, it was fine before a monk stepped on it, but the next monk stepped on it, it would be empty.

However, the phantom stone steps that are obviously explored by others will occasionally become entities.

In this way, the illusion and reality are fluctuating, and it makes these people suffer.

On this indeterminate stone steps, besides Zhou Xingyu, who is always floating in the air, Lan Xuan, who has a magical body technique, is the one who is most like a fish.

This guy simply used the essence of Piaoxu's body technique to the extreme. Sometimes he seemed to step on the phantom of the stone steps, but he still didn't fall down. He floated straight past. The degree of subtlety of the body technique is really true. It is enviable.

However, Chu Chen soon discovered that what was tested on the surface was the reaction of the cultivators, but the real test was spiritual consciousness!

Spirit sense catches the changes of the stone steps, anticipates the enemy's chance, and is not afraid of any changes.

Some monks noticed that Chu Chen, who was at the back of the team, moved forward steadily. They also discovered the mystery, so fewer people fell down.

But after this road, the first two became Zhou Xingyu and Lan Xuan.

Lan Xuan became a true black horse.

Halfway through in a blink of an eye, Baoxi Dan seemed to be not far from starting.

The cultivators have walked forty to fifty miles together, and this trial road has also been half through.

In all the journeys, the only person whose speed has not changed at all, no matter what the journey, is Chu Chen! !

Once discovered this, Yan Lao couldn't help but feel shocked!

You must know that this trial road was created by the blood eagle breaking the formation team. Every ten miles is a different journey, which is to cause different difficulties for people and test the overall quality of the monks in all aspects.

When halfway through, even Zhou Xingyu, who has been flying in the sky, will be affected.

The speed of all the other cultivators is more obviously affected, only Chu Chen, and only Chu Chen's speed has not changed!

From the bluestone road at the beginning, to the flame road, the mysterious ice road, the stone steps road and then to the blade road.

Chu Chen walked steadily, step by step, not rushing at all, and his speed did not decrease a little.

His speed is the same as before, not changing at all.

Even the distance between step and step is extremely precise, without the slightest error. Every step ~www.ltnovel.com~ is exactly the same as the distance stepped in the previous step, no difference!

He seems to have entered a strange state, letting the external environment change, he stands still.

The expression on his face was very calm. At first glance, it seemed like an old farmer in the secular world who was going to the market.

Everything is under control!

So when most people couldn't help lowering their speed because of the changes in the environment, Chu Chen actually walked to the middle position by relying on the speed that he had never changed, with more than half of the monks!

Is this guy hiding himself, waiting for the final outbreak? ?

Old Yan's brows frowned slightly, and he had to say that he was really curious about Chu Chen at this moment.

To be honest, the road of trial has been opened for so long, and there has never been a person like him, the speed has not changed from beginning to end! Neither increase nor decrease!

He is such a freak! (To be continued.)

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