Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1468: The trump card of the witch's awakening

The road of trials is unpredictable, and every ten miles has a variable that makes the new members of the blood eagle startled and worried as they walked, even Zhou Xingyu was no exception.

After the blade road, there was a stormy road. The monks who had been under the pressure from both ends of the sky and the earth would have to go against the wind. The degree of difficulty can be imagined.

Among all the people most affected, Zhou Xingyu, who was flying in the air, suddenly became a flat boat in the stormy sea. Without a point of support, he seemed to capsize at any time.

The speed of the whole person dropped rapidly, but he was obviously a weird person, and he moved forward calmly against the wind, and the monks from behind were quickly approaching him.

Lao Yan and Leng Tong looked at each other at the same time, and they both discovered that this man named Zhou Xingyu was actually enjoying the trial!

In such a difficult trial, in addition to Chu Chen, a rock-solid freak step by step, there was also a freak Zhou Xingyu who struggled while enjoying the trial.

This little monk didn't know in what environment he grew up, he was so special.

After the storm road is a thorny road densely covered with purple thorns.

These purple thorns with a faint aura, about three feet high, staggered like horned dragons, slowed Zhou Xingyu down, and let him in the air join the ranks of thorns-cutting monks.

If everyone wants to walk along this road, they must chop off the purple thorns along the way and make a way out abruptly.

Moreover, the purple thorns were formed by a formation method, so once someone chopped off the thorns blocking the way and opened up a path, in the blink of an eye, the thorns behind would grow back again.

The cultivators entered into the sea of ​​Bauhinia, slowing their hands, they just cut off the Bauhinia in front, and before they crossed over, it emerged again.

Suddenly, the cultivators complained endlessly. After all, these bauhinia were hard and jingle, even if they sacrificed magic weapons, they would be extremely difficult to cut off.

Along the way, half of the people could not keep up with the team, and another half of them were trapped on this road to Bauhinia.

The clothes hung by Bauhinia were in tatters, their hair was messy and bloodstained.

Several female monks cried directly.

Although Zhou Xingyu was in the air, the human emperor dragon's blade in his hands was sharp and sharp. Before jumping high, vertical and low, like a wolf, he could still move forward normally.

But what he chose was undoubtedly the difficulty of hell. Chu Chen maintained his speed as usual. There was a bauhinia in front of him. He blasted out a round of golden blazing sun and shattered a cluster of bauhinia. Will burn to ashes.

Just like that, he continued to move forward, unknowingly, he was shortening the distance with Zhou Xingyu bit by bit.

After the road of thorns, there is a light blue waterway, and then a road of thunder and lightning.

These paths have more and more obvious effects on Zhou Xingyu who is in the air, so when he reaches the final trial path, everyone's position has changed!

Zhou Xingyu was still in the first place, Shi Yuyan, who was in white clothes, came behind him. Three or four cultivators in purple clothes staggered forward with Lan Xuan, and Chu Chen followed them unhurriedly.

The first legion composed of these five people has already left everyone else far away.

The final road is a strange road!

Because in the last ten miles, storm, heavy water, thorns, thunder and lightning have everything.

This is the real road to hell!

Fusion of the first nine sections of roads into a new ultimate road!

Except for Chu Chen, the four cut into the Ultimate Dao with the fastest speed. Zhou Xingyu finally landed on both feet. With such a complicated and harsh Ultimate Dao, he finally decided to go all out and win a Blast Creek Pill.

The four people turned into four streams and rushed into the ultimate way, facing the obstacles of storm, heavy water, thorns, thunder and lightning, and maintaining the momentum of speeding forward.

Not long after the five entered this road, the domineering purple-clothed monk was sprayed by a sudden explosion of freezing air, and the whole person was frozen into a piece of profound ice, and the speed completely stopped.

His purple unicorn bloodline was originally restrained by Xuan Bing, but now it is frozen in the ice, and it is completely ruined, and he is no longer able to fight for the position of the last double honor!

Soon, Lan Xuan was also entangled by a bunch of golden thorns and five flowers, unable to move at all, and lost the opportunity to compete for the double honor.

This last part of the journey, as Zhou Xingyu and Shi Yuyan deepened, lightning, thorns, heavy water, and profound ice became denser at the same time, the spiritual pressure between heaven and earth increased by ten times!

The figures of the two rushing forward couldn't help but stop a lot.

At this time, Shi Yuyan, who had been moving forward gracefully like a fairy in white, completely turned around.

I saw that the dust was like a fairy around her body, and she was rippling with layers of soft white light ripples spreading around!

Under the protection of the white aura, once profound ice, fire, lightning, etc. hit her, it will naturally transform into a pure essence that sinks into her body, not only does not hinder her speed, but helps her continuously Improve your speed!

Leng Tong dumbfounded?

What happened? How could this be!

She felt as if those cold air, flames, lightning and other things not only did not hinder Shi Yuyan, but were swallowed and refined by her! !

This demon, her Dayan Swallowing Technique has actually evolved to this level!

Not only can the essence of the monk's body be swallowed for his own use, but also the essence of the surrounding heaven and earth can be swallowed for his own use!

Wherever she went, those spaces seemed to dry up, and it took a long time before they returned to their original state! !

All the monks who saw this scene were completely crazy!

Including Yan Lao and Leng Tong, as well as Chu Chen, who is in the third place without hesitation, Chu Chen never expected that Shi Yuyan's technique of swallowing the sky had reached the current level.

Now she can swallow the heaven and earth essence in one space and turn it into her own use.

If you just evolve like this, if you really cultivate to the extreme, you might really be able to swallow the entire world!

Dayan Swallowing Heaven Technique! Dayan swallows the sky! !

The awakening of this demon girl's spiritual veins ~www.ltnovel.com~ turned out to be the evolution of her Heavenly Swallowing Technique. It could only temporarily absorb the energy of other monks, but now it can temporarily absorb the energy of the surrounding space, a terrible evolution!

At this time, the pressure in the void on the Ultimate Way continued to increase exponentially.

Suddenly, a dazzling purple mad dragon appeared around Zhou Xingyu, a small monk who was overtaken by the fairy Shi Yuyan.

He speeds up!

Every time you take a step forward, a golden and purple sword light bursts out, cutting through the void.

In this way, he relied on continuous slashing to abruptly split the endless pressure, and moved forward boldly.

She bit on Shi Yuyan who swallowed space as a fairy.

But Chu Chen, who was in the third place, was terribly stable. He began to shorten the distance with Zhou Xingyu step by step!

In the end, only two of Shi Yuyan, Zhou Xingyu, and Chu Chen were able to get the Blow Creek Pill, and at this moment, no one wanted to be the third one! (To be continued.)

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