Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1469: Ultimate Way

Although Chu Chen was still advancing in a step-by-step rhythm, under his feet, the earth seemed to shrink, and every step he took seemed to be larger than before.

Around his body, the void couldn't help roaring, and a pale golden whirlpool stream hung above his head, as if a golden ring of gods stirred the space around him.

Under the action of this rotating **** ring, he seemed to be invincible, no matter how great the pressure in the void was, he could not stop him at all.

He step by step, every time he takes a step, the earth will immediately crack, and there will be countless cracks, which will break the earth!

With a calm face, he was like a god, his eyes were firm, and he moved forward unstoppably. Soon, he went hand in hand with Zhou Xingyu!

Seeing that Chu Chen had caught up, Zhou Xingyu wandered around the purple light dragon and suddenly found a dazzling light, causing him to fly by, waving the human emperor dragon blade to cut through the void, trying to throw Chu Chen away.

It's just that Chu Chen strode the meteor and stepped through the universe, so he couldn't get rid of it at all!

The two have entered a state of stalemate!

Two people seem to be evenly matched, and it seems difficult to surpass each other immediately.

Shi Yuyan, who was dressed like an immortal in white, took the lead to enter the last 100 meters, and Chu Chen and Zhou Xingyu also rushed in shortly thereafter.

The surrounding space suddenly went dark, and those thunder and lightning, flames, profound ice, rocks, heavy water, thorns, headwinds, etc. all became active, turning into giants tens of thousands of feet, and killing them!

Thunder giants, flame giants, rock giants, giants composed of various elements, one after another are murderous!

At the same time, the three of them could clearly feel the huge pressure radiating from the sky, making them feel as if they were covering several mountains above their heads!

"Drive me!"

At this moment, Shi Yuyan suddenly reprimanded her, and the white light around her body rose up like a huge bright moon.

The lightning giant and the profound ice giant who rushed towards her were directly refined by the moonlight, and poured into her body into a mighty wave of essence.

Supplemented by this essence, Bai Xiaolin's body was shocked, and the light of the bright moon was even brighter!

Let the dozens of giants around her body, illuminated by the moonlight, turned into mist and escaped into her body!

But at this time, her breath did not become stronger anymore, instead it turned weaker? !

The old man who watched the battle from a distance immediately understood that the essence of her body has reached the limit. No matter how strong she is, after all, the strength of the physical body has not reached the Tianhe realm. The energy that can be stored for half a step of the Tianhe is already against the sky. Go on, she can only be blown up!

Sure enough, the huge bright moon behind Shi Yuyan dissipated, her slender fingers glowed with silver light, five fingers were bent, and five solitary silver awns that tear the space immediately appeared in front of her, and the space and the three thorn giants were torn together!

hiss! hiss! hiss!

The breath on her body has been declining, but the elemental giants approaching her have been torn apart. She is a little closer to the end of the final road!

Zhou Xingyu and Chu Chen behind her were not having a good time, they were surrounded by a dozen elemental giants.

The human dragon blade in Zhou Xingyu's hand uttered a fierce roar, and the purple mad dragon rushed out in anger, crushing the three thunder and lightning giants in front of him.

But behind him, there was a mysterious ice giant and a thorn giant attacking at the same time. He flew up and escaped the blow of the thorn giant, but his right foot was violently dragged by the big hand of the blue mysterious ice giant, Zilong He quickly turned around and strangled, strangling the Xuanbing Giant and the Thorns Giant at the same time.

However, affected by this, his figure stagnates!

Chu Chen took advantage of the situation and overtook him with a big stride, and Chu Chen roared with spiritual power around his body, and a golden red spiritual power transformed three rounds of radiant sun around his body.

He did not directly release these three rounds of the sun, but instead surrounded him. The billowing heat directly evaporates a rock giant that is thrown on him!

At the same time, Shi Yuyan, who tore through the world like a fairy, rushed out of the end of the road and entered a black jade safe area, taking the lead in taking the first burst of the stream.

There is only one place left!

Either Chu Chen or Zhou Xingyu! !

Chu Chen was moving fast, and the earth seemed to have shrunk. Within a few steps, he had already rushed to the edge of the end. The elemental giants couldn't stop him at all, and they were burned into thick mist by his bodyguard. !


In an emergency, Zhou Xingyu, who flew to chase Chu Chen, waved his right hand, and the Human Emperor Dragon Blade in his hand made a huge dragon chant! And it turned into a bright purple sword light, breaking through the world, and the pen went directly to Chu Chen!

At this moment, the earth and the earth were darkened, and only the purple blade light that made the heaven and the earth invisible was left blasting towards the young man's back.

Zhou Xingyu wants to force Chu Chen to dodge to the sides, lest he leave the ultimate way by himself!

Unexpectedly, Chu Chen didn't even have the slightest sense of avoiding, and that he would take the last step to move forward!

The purple blade light has already arrived, and it will be cut on his back in no time! ?

Get away!

Zhou Xingyu was dumbfounded. He did not expect that Chu Chen would not even want his life for this last step?

You should know that he didn't mean to keep his hands in this record of the Emperor of Humanity. He had at least nine levels of strength. Not to mention the little Lingxi monk in Chu Chen, even the consummate monk in Linghe would be injured!

Leng Tong and Yan Lao's expressions also changed drastically. With such a domineering blow, Chu Chen didn't hide? !

For a burst stream pill, is he going to catch his life! ?

This kid is full of potential, and he will be hot-headed for a while to do such a thing at all costs.

Old Yan's heart was cold, and he even regretted that he had given Booming Pill as a reward, making Chu Chen go crazy!


Everyone heard a strange sound of gold and iron clashing. After hitting Chu Chen's bead, the purple sword light turned into a cold human dragon blade and fell to the ground? !

The clothing on Chu Chen's back has completely disappeared. There is a white knife mark on his waistcoat, and there are countless cracks on his back. Chu Chen's back has been cut and torn apart? !

However, instead of leaving a drop of blood, a purple metallic glow emerged from the crack? !

This...this is not right, is he a body of flesh and blood?

His body became metal?

In an instant, those cracks were all closed, and Chu Chen's back recovered as it was before!

Only then did Yan Lao realize that Chu Chen, who had crossed the finish line, had a small black iron pimple in his hand!

He suddenly understood that between the human emperor's dragon blade and Chu Chen, he launched the "Secret Technique of Protecting the Body of the Giant Mountain Furnace" to merge his body with the mysterious little medicine furnace.

On the surface, the Emperor Dragon Blade was slashed on Chu Chen's body, but in fact it was slashed on the small medicine furnace, so everyone would see the effect of a metal crack on the back!

This kind of body protection secret technique can be regarded as a taboo technique. First of all, Chu Chen himself must connect with the soul of the medicine furnace, and then the medicine furnace itself must be extremely strong, and finally this secret technique is activated once, and it must be cooled for at least three months!

Yan always understood the mystery ~www.ltnovel.com~ but the other monks, including Leng Tong and Zhou Xingyu, opened their mouths wide, looking at Chu Chen who had reached the end.

Is this guy a monster born from a rock?

He is not human, right?

Does this world really have a pervert who can walk freely after being slashed by the dragon blade?

Is he really someone who entered the Little Fairy World from outside? Maybe he is a person in the little fairy world at all!

The monks are almost going crazy!

No one thought that Chu Chen would have broken the limit they could accept against the sky!

"I got the Bakuxi Dan, right?"

Chu Chen, who entered the black safe area, asked faintly.

And Leng Tong was so shocked that he had lost the ability to speak! ! ! (To be continued.)

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