Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1473: Longjiaoya

"Lingshi, I want to ask you a question, I want to take Booming Stream Pill to break through the realm now, where is the most suitable place on the island?" Chu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and straightforward.

"You have only reached the level of Lingxi level one now. Do you want to use Blast Creek Pill now?"

The voice of Yuying Machinery contains a wave of fluctuations.

"New member 314, you should know, this kind of breakthrough pill is best used in the late Lingxi realm. Because the more difficult it is to break through in the late Lingxi realm. Some people even get stuck in the late Lingxi realm. It's been impossible to break through the first level for decades. You used it at the first level in Lingxi, it's too wasteful."

This jade eagle unexpectedly thought so deeply for Chu Chen, which surprised Chu Chen, but he smiled slightly.

"It doesn't matter at all. I am also a pharmacist. I want to use this to analyze the detailed composition of this Explosive Stream Pill. As long as it is analyzed, you will get this Explosive Stream Pill, although a monk can only take it once in his life It, but with its pill, I can naturally get a lot of good things, so it’s not a pity to use it now."

Yuying suddenly became quiet.

It took a long time for it to speak again, "New member 314, the pill of Explosive Stream Pill, I am afraid that with your ability, it cannot be analyzed yet."

Chu Chen looked indifferent, "Can you analyze it? You'll know in a moment. First tell me the best place to break through the realm on the island."

"Longjiao Cliff is the most suitable place to break through."

Jade Eagle sprayed out the map of Jiaodao, and then showed the specific location.

Chu Chen nodded, immediately flew up and swept towards the target location.

Longjiao Cliff is a high cliff located in the east of Yanwu Field. It can be regarded as one of the highest cliffs in the entire island.

When Chu Chen came here according to Yuying's instructions, he was taken aback.

On this thousand-zhang high cliff, dragon horns can be seen everywhere.

The big one is tens of feet long, like a century-old giant tree lying on the ground.

Small is not the size of a palm. Large and small dragon horns lined up on high cliffs, looking extremely spectacular.

It is said that the giant old dragon carrying the entire island has given birth to many descendants of dragons in this sea area.

After those flood dragons evolve to a certain level, they will climb up the highest cliff to transform.

Over the years, the dragon horns dropped by the flood dragons gathered together to form the dragon horn cliff.

A faint coercion pervades the entire high cliff, which is a special aura formed by the long years of accumulation, warming, and evolution of the rich dragon aura. There was even a trace of dragon power in that aura.

It is precisely because of the existence of this silk dragon that the entire high cliff is extremely quiet, there are no insects, fish, birds or beasts, and no fierce beasts or spirit beasts dare to survive here.

At this moment, Chu Chen finally understood why this place was the most suitable place to break through!

Under the strong dragon aura, the ordinary beasts dare not survive, making this place extremely quiet. On the other hand, the aura containing Longwei also helps to stabilize the mind, get rid of demons, and purify the soul.

It can be said that this Longjiao Cliff is definitely a treasure.

Stepping on the Longjiao Cliff, the higher you go, the larger the fading dragon horns you will see along the way, and the stronger the dragon's might in the air.

When approaching the place near the top of the cliff, the originally spacious road changed drastically, forming a narrow passage that only allowed one person to pass.

At the edge of the passage, an old man in black sat cross-legged, and it seemed that he was the guardian of this dragon's corner cliff.

"What, you also got the Explosion Stream Pill, intending to enter Longjiaoya to break through?"

When Chu Chen expressed his intentions to the old man, the old man appeared very surprised. He gave Chu Chen a blank look, and suddenly he smiled.

"It's really scary for the younger generation. This time, only two new recruits recruited by the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation team got the Blast Creek Pill, but they didn't expect that both of them would have to take it the first time to increase their cultivation base!"

Did Shi Yuyan also come?

Chu Chen didn't expect that this demon girl would be so synchronized with herself, except that one was Lingxi Level One and the other was Linghe Peak!

The direction of the two breakthroughs is also different!

"Young man, I think you only have a first-level cultivation base in Lingxi, right?"

The old man in black still confirmed Chu Chen's realm cultivation with some doubts.


Chu Chen nodded without denying.

"The newcomer who has just cultivated to the first level of Lingxi directly took the Explosive Stream Pill. This is really the first time I have met. This pill is extraordinary, and it will be gone after you take it. Don't think about it, wait until your cultivation level improves. Will it be used in the late Lingxi?"

The old man in black kindly persuades.

"The disciples have their own plans."

Chu Chen smiled faintly, and the old man didn't say much. He glanced at him and waved his hand: "Then you go in."

Walking into the narrow passage, the horizon suddenly widened.

This is already the top of Longjiao Cliff.

At this time, the dragon's horns on the ground were also exceptionally thick and strong.

Moreover, there are some dragon horns that are not as gray as a rock like ordinary dragon horns, but instead show red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple colors, which look extraordinarily gorgeous.

When Chu Chen came to the top of the cliff, he found that there was already a person on the top of the cliff at this time, but it was Shi Yuyan who won the first place in this trial with strong cultivation.

I saw Shi Yuyan wearing white clothes Shengxue, standing on the thickest white dragon horn, fluttering like a fairy, trying to fly away like a fairy.

Where is she a demon, this fairy's temperament is so extraordinary!

She seemed to be silently adjusting her luck.

To be honest, at this moment, Chu Chen was really surprised by this Shi Yuyan. During the previous trials, Shi Yuyan's cultivation level had already shown to the highest level of the Linghe realm, and he could break through with just one kick. Half a step Tianhe.

It's just that this blasting stream pill is, after all, the elixir of the Lingxi realm, and it has an improving effect on the cultivators of the first-level Linghe realm, and its effect has been greatly weakened for the cultivators of the top Linghe realm.

If you want to break through to Tianhe half a step with this pill, the success rate is probably less than one in ten thousand~www.ltnovel.com~ Is Shi Yuyan so simply planning to use this precious pill?

You know, if Shi Yuyan took this medicine to exchange with other monks, she might be able to exchange for many precious treasures and greatly enhance her combat power.

She was able to let go of this temptation and work hard to achieve a success rate of less than one in ten thousand. This woman's courage is beyond the reach of everyone...

I have to say that when Shi Yuyan calmed down, she was really a stunning woman who was all over the country.

Her face contained a hint of charm in its purity, and a hint of tenderness in its coldness.

The body is crystal clear, dust-free, and immortal spirit lingers around the body.

When she stood there quietly with her eyes closed, the whole world seemed to turn into a beautiful picture, which made people hard to even bother, for fear of ruining the layout of the painting.

If Lan Xuan was by the side at this time, he would definitely think, would you like to take the opportunity to touch your butt? (To be continued.)

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